This contest sure has drawn a crowd in short order!
Heck, there's enough goodies to make
several fine contests!
What would I tell someone to get them into FTA?
For anyone living outside the
top 30 DMAs, I suspect FTA is mandatory.
I'm in the #2 market, so much of the better FTA is available OTA, here.
We even had The Tube, back in the day. 
There is a rich collection of programming available, and it just gives more viewing choices.
That's true, regardless of whether you like feeds, news, dedicated programming, or non-English entertainment! - :up
My personal heritage is distantly German, but I like small doses of Japanese drama.
What got me interested?
Well, the technical group here was quite a valuable draw.
There was lots to learn, and fun things to experiment with.
I was already reading the DishNetwork forum, so it was a natural progression.