go green?!!
I'm gonna be honest - the whole going green thing grates on me the wrong way.
Don't get me wrong, I think we should take care of the earth but..
1)I do not believe carbon emissions contributes to climate changes. Sorry to say, the earths climate goes in cycles... generally caused by the sun.
2)I do not believe compact fluorescent bulbs are better for the environment then incandescent (glass and wire). (Plus, I cant see properly in a room lit up by CFL's, and they give me a headache)
3)I do not like LED Christmas lights. They are hard on the eyes and don't create the warm Christmas atmosphere that I like.
4)I do not believe recycling paper is necessary. Paper decomposes naturally plus new trees are planted to replace the ones that are cut down(Renewable resource). And recycled paper is more expensive.
Ok, I also don't litter. I throw my waste in the garbage.