Enter to win: Sadoun Powertech DG380 HH Motor - End 2/28/09

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Always looking to expand my horizons in this hobby.
Of course, I'd never give up my stationary dishes.
Testing with a motor would allow a whole new realm of intricacies to explore.
I am really more interested in the technology (how and why it works) than the "free" tv.
Being chosen to receive a free motor would create another dilemma though. I will need to convince my wife that I now "need" to purchase an Invacom Quad and a dish suitable for motorized mounting. Then there is the time away from the missus for writing reviews, how-to's, setting it up, running coax....

Hmmmm, maybe winning a HH motor isn't such a great idea after all! :D

Just kidding, I can always hide the receipts.:cool:
A motorized dish is easy to shoo the birds off of when it's cold outside. Just wiggle the dish a bit and away they go. Few birds on the dish = less bird crap on the dish = me being happy!
I'm new to FTA, that said I think most FTAers will soon, or wish to become bird watchers. Their is many stations availble to a single motorized dish. I started that way at the first, and purchased a lower quality motor (on buget) big mistake. I didn't know till later the difference. The HH DG380 motor is a superior design! All the issues I have with my motor would be eliminated with a HH. I wish I had known about the Satelliteguys and Sadoun before. I have learned much and the support from sadoun is great!
Sure I'd love to stick another of these P*'s I have up and motorize it, and the price is right in my budget, but I dont plan to take anything down. It will make bird surfing a lot more automated but there is nothing like dragging the FTA, & 13" tv outside and drink a few cold ones while feeding the mosquitos panning the sky on a Saturday night.
There was a stand up comic that had a line I just love. Commenting on men and remotes, "Men dont want to see what's on tv, men want to see what ELSE is on tv"
Satelliteguys website is the best source for legal FTA information on the web. A home away from home for Dxers.
a motor could really get me started since i'm new with this FTA and would love to have it! so far this site is the best! lol
I would use it on my 1.2 meter channel master dish. I have heard great things about this motor and would like to try it myself.

I just ordered a c/ku combo lnb from Sadoun and would like to motorize it with one of these motors.

Sadoun is the best.
From my perspective, the only downside to a motorized dish vs. multiple dishes is the time delay when switching satellites. If you can live with that, one good dish, with one good LNBF, riding on one good motor is the way to go.
So how do you enter to win? Easy! All you have to do to enter in the random drawing is to:
Reply to THIS message and write why in your opinion it is a GOOD idea for someone to use an HH motor on their FTA dish. Or you can write whatever you want as long as it is related to FTA, such as when did you discover FTA, How does Satelliteguys website help you with your hobby, etc.

Satelliteguys has gotten me into this hobby big time. I'm just getting started, but I'm really looking forward to the feeds and all of the "non-mainstream" channels out there that neither Dish nor DirecTV carry. I've known about FTA for a while, but I'm just now getting involved. Hopefully Sadoun will help me along by giving me this motor! :)
Thanks to the inventor of h-h motors!!! I would hate to have to manually move a dish for fta. That motor would look real good, mounted on the side of my chimney.
Its good to use HH motors cause it will clear your yard of dishes and the neighbors will be happy.
Motorized dishes can be a real hassle and I wouldn't recommend anyone purchase one or enter contests where they might--by chance--end up reluctantly owning one.
I just started getting into FTA about 3 weeks ago and SatelliteGuys is a great resource. I currently have a fixed mount setup pointed at Galaxy 18. I would love to get a HH motor and be able to hit multiple satellites.

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took the dive...finally...getting a CS 8100

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