Enter to win: Sadoun Powertech DG380 HH Motor - End 2/28/09

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top 10 reasons to get a HH motor

10. saves your hairline
9 prevents frozen fingers in winter aiming dish to new satellite
8 amazes friends and neighbours
7 scares away unwanted critters
6 leaves more room on lawn for important stuff like broken farm equipment
5 any idiot can put up a 18" stationary dish
4 proves the 6 years you spent in high school wasn't a total waste
3 complements your homemade life size Lost in Space robot
2 kids can now use your extra dishes as snow saucers

and the number 1 Reason to have a HH motor
A good reason as stated is to cut down on the number of dishes.Another is that if a new sat goes up somewhere all ya gotta do is move the motor over to it.

My fave reason for having one and didn't even know it till this winter is snow.If I get snow on my dish I don't go out anymore I just give the motor a quick east/west and it shakes it off. Oh yea and there is lots of TV too! Wish I had one for all my stb's

Thanks for the contest Sadoun
HH motor is the best way to scan the arc and it takes all the "supposed fun" out of manually aimng at a new bird.
I'll go even one better. It is a Good idea to use a GOOD motor to motorize an FTA Dish. If you use a bad motor, you'll have weak channels that come and go because the motor doesn't always return to the same spot, or the wind will be able to move it out of alignment.
A good, stout HH motor, properly installed allows you to scan all the available orbital slots in your range. It allows you to just switch channels in your favorites list and automatically go to the right bird. Under manual control, you can easily locate unadvertised satellites, either new ones in testing phase or old ones that have been retired in place, but still carry occasional programming.

An HH motor is absolutely essential for those stuck in a CCR environment that only allows one dish. The motor allows you to enjoy multiple spacecraft instead of just one.

There is also a certain 'cool factor' to neighbors and visitors to see dishes magically moving around by themselves.

Besides, with the economy going in the crapper, I just got hit with a 5% pay cut. So if I don't win a motor, I won't have one for a long, long time.
We're not all as FTA tech savvy as Iceberg who can rig 8+ lnbs to one dish and receiver. The HH motors are a nice way to watch all my channels with just one lnb hooked up to the receiver.
1 dish + 1 LNB, = 1 Bird. Add the "DG380 HH Motor" to the equation, and the birds on the Clarke's belt are defenless!:D
I have one that tops all of these. I just bought a sg2100 from Sadoun 6 months ago and I have loved everthing about it. I recently decided to add some boxes to extra rooms and I some how got the motor confused, so a re set was needed. But the reset button was kind of half in and half out and I could not get it pressed to make it reset. Thats when the trouble started , I took an object that was not intented to push buttons and inserted it onto the what was now a hole. Needless to say I fried it. It was my fault. Now I am having with drawls. Winning this motor would truely be a gift from both sadoun and god. And there for the best reason to add a motor to a dish is so that MY family can watch tv again! To me that trumps them all.
The best thing of all is that FTA alwayas has something new for you. with this HH motor I will see more channels. Thanks Sadoun for this experience
I can personally reccomend getting and using an DG-380 motor for tracking the ClarkBelt. It is the best motor I have used to date.

I have been using one for almost a year now. I am swinging a pretty heavy dish with it and it is fully exposed to wind. No mechanical failures or adjustments needed.

It works very well in -35 deg Celcius weather to.

Far superior to the SG2100.
Why should I use an HH motor

I said it before and I still believe in it. It is much easier to use a HH motor to rotate your dish than to have SO go out in the weather to do it for you.. Hehe.

But again thanks to Sadoun/SatelliteGuys for having these contests. It's second best to actually reading all the threads

:hungry: - dieting
The HH motor opens up the world of FTA where you will be able to get all the feeds and channels. I have this motor and its by far the best compared to my first motor I had, If I win this motor I will use it for the FTA system I am going to setup this spring for a family member.
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took the dive...finally...getting a CS 8100

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