Enjoy Starz® 4-day Free Preview September 14-17

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I have been trying to watch a bit of the Incredibles on channel 520.
i am finding it very dificult.
I have a H-10 and every 5 minutes or so, I get a blank screen that says
" Service Not Available Temperarly "

The box has not does that for quite awhile now.
Suddenly it's doing it .... It's done it 5 times in the last half an hour, so I guess I'll skip the "Incredibles".

This is a different message than it use to give.
It use to say "Service Temperarly Unavailable"

Anyone else having this trouble tonight ? I wonder if the free preview has anything to do with the message starting to pop up again, maybe the freeview activated a flaw in the encryption code....

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Can I use an HR20 without the db9?

Recording Time for the HR20

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