Enigma2 beta released


SatelliteGuys Pro
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Pub Member / Supporter
Jan 1, 2010
Correction: This is a test version, not a beta. I can't edit title of thread. Iceberg if you read this thread, please correct the title thank you.

I haven't tried it and have opinions on whether it works, doesn't work or possibly kill your box. If you are thinking of trying it, I'd suggest reading a lot in advance.
Its not fully functional but does allow you to navigate and some media player functionality.

Satpimps - View Single Post - Enigma 2 by The_ripper - TEST -
I'm in the process of trying it on the ultra, will report back shortly. Hopefully I don't kill my box. :eek:
Initial attempt resulted in a black screen :confused:

Fortunately the utility included did work as described and 5020 reinstalled OK. :up

Since it appears I can recover from BlackSOD, I will probalby try installing one more time.
I tried again and was able to see a few spinning gears as if it was going to start but eventually ended up in a black screen. My guess is that the Ultra (and maybe the Premium+ ?) are not supported in this test version. Hopefully someone with a Premium+ will give the test version a try. Recovery is pretty easy with the included utility, provided you know your IP address. Back to 5020.
One last note for anyone interested in trying it, I was only able to see video (start-up spinning gears) via composite output, HDMI was black.
im pretty sure e2 and any e3 work with the azbox is still alpha at best. but i did see a youtube vid showing a working tuner. too bad all the good s$#t is european.

crackt out,.
pro 96, thanks for the azbox. im pretty sure i bot it from you. i second your reply about not trying any enigma code until its more proven unless your an advanced user. these units are seriously powerful but the software is seriously lacking. it will be nice to see an opensource attempt running on our hardware but i dont want to see bricked units becuz newbs dont know how to harness the power yet. best to stick to openbox releases for now. although they have become few and far between. youtube is best to watch the enigma progress for now.

crackt out,.
crackt, I think thats excellent advice. having followed (at least by reading) the dev of E2 for the Azbox I will say that it does appear that the new utility does work in restoring factory firmware so the chances of bricking a box are much lower, although I'd agree still not zero. this "test" version is a crippled alpha and should not be loaded with any expectation of functionality and definitely not by someone without experience in getting themselves out of trouble.
i think the current hurdle is not so much porting the kernel but including the relevant modules in the os. as far as im concerned if i cant tune tv with my azbox it aint much more than a useless pc... and lord knows i have a pile of those. the signifigance of enigma on the azbox is all in the potential of the hardware. i think the azbox os is crippled as well. itll be nice when its wide open to us legitimate hackers. my plate is full at the moment but i would really like to get in touch with these people from the european union (alotsa brains) and force a north american software release or atleast public source. my life at present is like a bicycle tire. round and round history goes. silly dick shot himself in the foot. so much fta hardware. not to much of it works well. haha. im concentrating on an epg for fta at present and will probly go mia this winter developing it. its totally doable on the az and i cant see why it hasnt happened yet. i sure hope lynx compiles and runs on 5020(hint and hint).

crackt out,.

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