I want to move to somewhere where it NEVER snows, or at least cant lay for more than a few minutes.....
kissimmee florida kinda weater
And there, you can enlist the mermaids to do your lawn (ala weeki wachee)

Ah, weather.
I have to say, though, spending a good portion of my Sunday at the new house and doing spring cleaning (gutter cleaning/garage sweeping, yard pick-up etc), there's nothing like the euphoria of a really beautiful day after a long winter to make you feel alive.
Back to OT, though, is there consensus that the electric mowers' pro/con are basically:
Good--No maintenance hassles, quiet, eco-friendly. Bad--less power/performance, esp when dealing w/ wet grass and uneven surfaces.
I'm quite torn, here. I really want a durable, no hassle tool here (i.e. I want it to work for a long time to come w/out headache), and I wonder which one of the choices is really the most robust. While originally sold on the electric for our small/med size yard, the fact that parts of our back yard are a bit soggy at times (a recent unpleasant discovery) makes me think the electrics might not, ahem, cut it.
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