Charlie finally mentioned MPEG4, he says MPEG4 is a premium today however it saves them from having to upgrade the customer down the line.
Still just financial questions, nothing interesting to report.
I hate questions, such as, looking at the APRU from the 10q, can you tell me the EBITA for the capex for the quarter. (anyones head spinning?)
6 more National HD channels? Wonder which ones will they be?
And the call is now done, this is one of the lamer earnings calls in a long long time.
It was like someone had Charlie tied down with a leash today, as he wasnt doing his normal CHarlie thing talking about the future.
it alwasy shocks me how D$ gets more subs, and more money w/o doing any advertise ??? its all on word of mouth.
They advertise, maybe not on Tv but in print because I see them.