EchoStar/Dish raises doubts about 'ability to continue as a going concern'

But the point you keep missing. Is they must defeat the middle man before they can go all in with price hikes. Because where you going to go then? Ive never said it will happen overnight, give it 5 years, then watch out. Greed will be the driver of any and all programming.
I do not care about in 5 years, I care about now.

But even if Pay Live TV services survive each of those next five years, the price will go up, for some services, maybe twice a year (Comcast, Charter and DirecTV had two increases in 2023)

Will streaming go up also in each of those 5 years, duh, but the gap between steaming/Cable and Satellite, will remain about the same.
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I do not care about in 5 years, I care about now.

But even if Pay Live TV services survive each of those next five years, the price will go up, for some services, maybe twice a year (Comcast, Charter and DirecTV had two increases in 2023)

Will streaming go up also in each of those 5 years, duh, but the gap between steaming/Cable and Satellite, will remain about the same.
You keep missing the point......Its to eliminate any and all competition! Its pure collusion is what they are doing. Its just like outsourcing or flooding a market with cheap products. Have no competition, control all the content, then they control everything.

Just admit thats what the plan is?
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I could be wrong,I have been once or twice in my life lol.....but at some point greed is going to kill the entertainment business period.At some point people will decide I can go sit in a chair and read a book much cheaper than watch the crap that's on tv.Perhaps even go touch grass lol...

There is such a disconnect between the entertainment business and viewers,the charge more for less quality has to eventually catch up.I mean look at tv ratings these days,they are bleeding numbers every year.One would think someone in Hollywood would be like hey wait a second...but nope.
You keep missing the point......Its to eliminate any and all competition! Its pure collusion is what they are doing. Its just like outsourcing or flooding a market with cheap products. Have no competition, control all the content, then they control everything.

Just admit thats what the plan is?
Quit trying to put political points in your posts outside the pit, if you want to discuss those with me, I will do so in that part of this site, but injecting them outside of there, will result in getting a thread shut down by a mod.

But I already answered the question on pricing, will Pay Live TV go up every year, yes, will streaming go up every year, yes.

But as long as there are both, the gap will be there, if Paid Live TV ends, will streaming continue to go up every year, again, a big duh.
Quit trying to put political points in your posts outside the pit, if you want to discuss those with me, I will do so in that part of this site, but injecting them outside of there, will result in getting a thread shut down by a mod.

But I already answered the question on pricing, will Pay Live TV go up every year, yes, will streaming go up every year, yes.

But as long as there are both, the gap will be there, if Paid Live TV ends, will streaming continue to go up every year, again, a big duh.
I truly dont understand your political point? Its big business doing what the do, just keep grabbing more money from everyone. Its classic collusion. Because if it wasnt, those companies could and would be profitable nearly overnight. If they charged what they did to ALL PROVIDERS the prices would be very close. and the duh thing really?
I truly dont understand your political point? Its big business doing what the do, just keep grabbing more money from everyone. Its classic collusion. Because if it wasnt, those companies could and would be profitable nearly overnight. If they charged what they did to ALL PROVIDERS the prices would be very close. and the duh thing really?
Nope, not political at all. :rolleyes:
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At the end of the day..streaming will just be as expensive as cable...somehow someway the whole idea of keeping a service for a couple months..then dumping it..will be dealt with
Maybe they could "deal with it" like DiSH, DTV and some of the cables did, by paying people to switch to them on a 2-year contract.
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Nope, not political at all. :rolleyes:
Greed is as old as mankind and included in the "deadly sins". To say that "greed is good," as per one famous movie line from the 80s, reduces it to simple profit motivation that drives capitalist economies, when in reality it's more complex- it's ultimately corrosive to commerce and usually detrimental to the greedy themselves in the longer term. Our political forum is intended for discussing partisan politics; all human interaction could be called politics at some level, but this is where we have drawn the line, afaik.
There is such a disconnect between the entertainment business and viewers,the charge more for less quality has to eventually catch up.I mean look at tv ratings these days,they are bleeding numbers every year.One would think someone in Hollywood would be like hey wait a second...but nope.
People in Hollywood cost money. In general, hasn't television been on repeats since the 70s? They just keep changing the name of the show.

You have:
  • the hospital drama (St. Elsewhere -> ER -> Grey's Anatomy)
  • the dead people drama (Quincy -> Bones)
  • Self inclusive episode general premise drama (Incredible Hulk -> Highway to Heaven -> Quantum Leap -> etc...)
  • the Police/Court Drama (Heat of the Night -> LA Law -> Law and Order -> Homicide -> Law and Order spinoffs -> NCIS)
  • space (Star Trek -> BSG -> Star Trek -> B5 & More Star Trek -> BSG -> The Expanse)
New and fresh ideas are risky as well as expensive. Hence, "reality" programming. They stopped making The Expanse because of money, not because the material got weaker. People are complaining that we don't have new stuff like we used to, when what we used to have wasn't all that new to begin with.
Greed is as old as mankind and included in the "deadly sins". To say that "greed is good," as per one famous movie line from the 80s, reduces it to simple profit motivation that drives capitalist economies, when in reality it's more complex- it's ultimately corrosive to commerce and usually detrimental to the greedy themselves in the longer term. Our political forum is intended for discussing partisan politics; all human interaction could be called politics at some level, but this is where we have drawn the line, afaik.
Big Business is considered political, because of all that comes with it, profits, taxes, jobs, outsourcing, support by one party over another.

It is also quite hypocritical to criticize, since he uses big business, along with the negatives that comes with it as he describes, in his daily life, namely outsourcing.

DirecTV is owned ( currently 70%) by AT&T, definitely Big Business, where do those DirecTV boxes come from, the parts inside, or AT&T Cell Phones, the equipment used on the tower, etc, etc.
People in Hollywood cost money. In general, hasn't television been on repeats since the 70s? They just keep changing the name of the show.

You have:
  • the hospital drama (St. Elsewhere -> ER -> Grey's Anatomy)
  • the dead people drama (Quincy -> Bones)
  • Self inclusive episode general premise drama (Incredible Hulk -> Highway to Heaven -> Quantum Leap -> etc...)
  • the Police/Court Drama (Heat of the Night -> LA Law -> Law and Order -> Homicide -> Law and Order spinoffs -> NCIS)
  • space (Star Trek -> BSG -> Star Trek -> B5 & More Star Trek -> BSG -> The Expanse)
New and fresh ideas are risky as well as expensive. Hence, "reality" programming. They stopped making The Expanse because of money, not because the material got weaker. People are complaining that we don't have new stuff like we used to, when what we used to have wasn't all that new to begin with.
Don't know if I've mentioned it before, but what I see is a tsunami of crap. It's basically that or sports, which is a crapstorm all of its own. Forget Newton Minow, the "vast wasteland" is more applicable today than ever. I'd ask here what's good to check out, but much or most of what gets discussed I would consider to be part of the crap. I tend more toward edifying content, even if it's like true crime where you can learn some things.
People in Hollywood cost money. In general, hasn't television been on repeats since the 70s? They just keep changing the name of the show.

You have:
  • the hospital drama (St. Elsewhere -> ER -> Grey's Anatomy)
  • the dead people drama (Quincy -> Bones)
  • Self inclusive episode general premise drama (Incredible Hulk -> Highway to Heaven -> Quantum Leap -> etc...)
  • the Police/Court Drama (Heat of the Night -> LA Law -> Law and Order -> Homicide -> Law and Order spinoffs -> NCIS)
  • space (Star Trek -> BSG -> Star Trek -> B5 & More Star Trek -> BSG -> The Expanse)
New and fresh ideas are risky as well as expensive. Hence, "reality" programming. They stopped making The Expanse because of money, not because the material got weaker. People are complaining that we don't have new stuff like we used to, when what we used to have wasn't all that new to begin with.
I"m not complaining about lack of new stuff....I'm complaining about lack of (Quality).Hey lets have more news,more cheap reality shows,and more advertising.Meanwhile viewers turn the tv off.
I guess at this point there's no chance this thread will ever get back on topic which is the financial viability of Dish as a going concern. Some of you guys need to take your bickering to the pit. :rolleyes:
I don't think Dish will survive the year.Charlie can say what he wants,but it would take a mini miracle to avoid bankruptcy.
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I"m not complaining about lack of new stuff
I did, hence why I left paid Live TV, when the ABC Prime Time Schedule came out for next Fall, where it showed only 5.5 hours (out of 21 hours) of new scripted content, that means it is officially over, fat lady is screaming, streaming has won, just have a few more years until it is all over of Traditional Pay TV.

..I'm complaining about lack of (Quality).Hey lets have more news,more cheap reality shows,and more advertising.Meanwhile viewers turn the tv off.
But, while you are complaining, you are still paying for it.
I"m not complaining about lack of new stuff....I'm complaining about lack of (Quality).Hey lets have more news,more cheap reality shows,and more advertising.Meanwhile viewers turn the tv off.
Geeks, Veronica Mars, Homicide: Life on the Street, Firefly, some of the best TV ever, only one of those shows made it to the end. And none of them were wildly successful ratings wise. Television success is a double edged sword because people want something new they've seen before. And with costs increasing and ad revenue dropping, programming is suffering.
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I personally think we're focusing FAR too much on the things that these 'focus groups' that Charlie is paying money for, that will apparently "improve the customer experience".

An example:

Me: *answers phone*
Customer: I just need to pay my bill..

Me: *pulls up account, and loads the customer app, flows, hits the 'recommendations, etc*
Then goes into a full 2 minute intro, using all the buzzwords that are required, thanks them for how long they've been with us, uses their name the required 3 times, 'paraphrases' back to them what they're asking for...blah blah blah..

(Customer grows impatient)
Them: Yeah, I just need to pay my bill....

Me: *shoves the required Boost Infinite down their throat several times(or my job is at risk)*

Them: Yeah.. my bill? Can I just pay it?

Me: Absolutely! *goes into the required empathy statement * Let's do this!
*pulls up the Flow and goes thru the whole ridiculous thing... about 7 steps. Offers to email customer info about Boost infinite again. Finally processes payment*

Customer: Yeah... okay. Are we done?

Me: *Again offers the 'featured promo of the day, Showtime, Starz, etc..*

*can actually hear the customer rolling their eyes at this point*

Them: No, no.. I'm good. Okay then bye...

Me: *goes into a good 3 minute refresh of the entire conversation. Reminds them that they can go online to pay bill, use their name again as required...pushes promos one more time*

*customer is losing the will to live at this point, pondering just hanging up now*

Me: Alright! Before I let you go, do you have any more....

*customer dies of old age*

Obviously, this is exaggerated just a bit. But ONLY a little bit at this point. Customers don't want to hear all this crap. If they're calling in to pay a bill, I mean yeah...mention any specials we have, as they might actually be interested... but how about...I dunno... just let them pay the bill and move on??

Basic things like this shouldn't be a freaking 10 minute call.

People want things to be short, simple, and to the point. They don't want you to spend half the call shoving crap down their throats. They ALL know about "", especially if they've been with us for over 10 years or more. They don't care if you use their name 3 times, they just want to call in and get their stuff done, and get off the phone quickly.

We should just be focusing on what they ACTUALLY called in for. Let's lose the dang fluff that's just irritating.

This is exactly what it's like calling Dish. Excellent summary. Lol

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