Maybe, just maybe after the last quarter they had in 2008, they are trying to make changes in customer service. I am new to Dish, so I know that I have a lot to learn about their customer service, but the few times I have had to call thus far have gone well with customer service. Just a few thoughts, as I switched from Direct to Dish and its gone well.....
Although the numbers are going to be bad, I don't share others "Doom and Gloom" scenarios for Dish Network. They have made some boneheaded mistakes, but are still earning a profit and, basically, stuck in stagflation. This is sad because they used to be the value, technology and HD leader...until it all went wrong. What has me completely confused about this company is they continue to make all the same mistakes that has brought them to this point:
- Yanking channels off the air, with no warming, in heated public disputes (Lifetime, VOOM, Fisher, Viacom, GolTV, etc.)
- Value leader no more; AEP used to be a value, but with prices increases higher than cable, they are the new Cable Pig.
- HD Leader no more. They used to offer both the most and best quality HD...those days are long gone since D*, FiOS TV, and U-Verse all offer more HD channels, and their HD-Lite quality speaks for itself.
- Best HD DVRs on the market. Although this is still true, D* had caught-up and, as many of us have discovered, the TivoHD does a pretty good job and Moxi HD is now an option.
- Unlike D*, E* customers pay a DVR fee for each and every DVR on their account - for the most part. I can only assume we're still paying multiple DVR fees to help pay E*'s infringement of Tivo IP.
- Customer service tanked when call centers were outsourced to the Philippines, and I don't see any improvement.
- Thanks to Charlie's admitted "stubborn" position with Tivo, there is a good chance this will cost E* another $200+ million dollars in the near future.
- E* is engaged in a billion dollar lawsuit with VOOM for allegedly illegally terminating their franchise agreement.
- E* does not offer a number of sports channels (mostly sports) that are carried by D*.