Echostar 18 Launch Approx 4:15 EDT June 18 2016

Keep in mind dish has no insurance on these satellites once they are launched and into their final orbit.

Charlie decided to go the self Insure route when I believe he tried to file a claim for echo star 4.

I think the whole eastern are thing is a big waste of bandwidth, considering they got lots of markets they can't make up their mind if it's eastern or western arc such as detroit.

At one point we had locals on 110, 118.7, 129 and 61.5.

They should have just put the SD on 110 and HD on 129.

What a waste 118 was :(

Can't tell you how many times I scammed then for a 118 Dish, since the cost was $284. I used to do dish movers and go to the customers old house to get the Dish since they would automatically pay $284 for a new one.

When a dish cost is $50 like today, it's not worth going back to the old house to get the old one.

I even at one point harvested 118 dishes off burned down abandoned houses in detroit at one point.
118 was meeting an urgent need at the time. There is no doubt that today, it seems, the future for Internationals from Dish will be via the Dish World App on connected devices like a Roku. I can't see Dish spending the money to replace the bandwidth of 118 at the end of its life. That would be a waste of money. But it is what it is today. I believe Ergen said at one conference call a few years ago, "If I were building Dish [Network] today, I would not be investing in satellites." That should give us an indication of where Dish internationals will be going exclusively.
Keep in mind dish has no insurance on these satellites once they are launched and into their final orbit.

Charlie decided to go the self Insure route when I believe he tried to file a claim for echo star 4.

I think the whole eastern are thing is a big waste of bandwidth, considering they got lots of markets they can't make up their mind if it's eastern or western arc such as detroit.

At one point we had locals on 110, 118.7, 129 and 61.5.

They should have just put the SD on 110 and HD on 129.

What a waste 118 was :(

Can't tell you how many times I scammed then for a 118 Dish, since the cost was $284. I used to do dish movers and go to the customers old house to get the Dish since they would automatically pay $284 for a new one.

When a dish cost is $50 like today, it's not worth going back to the old house to get the old one.

I even at one point harvested 118 dishes off burned down abandoned houses in detroit at one point.
Also, if one has back-up sats (as is the case for Dish), it is FAR, FAR, FAR cheaper than paying insurance premiums for all those satellites when you may only make ONE claim. I'm not certain if even DirecTV--TODAY--pays for in service sat insurance for its sats, either. These are not multi-function, multi-payload satellites (radio; TV; national telcom data; all sorts of data that need the own flavor to support legacy or latest tech, etc. with their own flavor of modulation, multiple frequency bands for each service sector of business data or entertainment or backfeeds, etc.) like SES or other big-time sat operators supporting multiple business needs, require truly unique and high capability sats. They can get by with a spare, but probably really do need to collect the claim to replace a bonkers sat because they don't have nearly the number of sats that are capable of providing the various types of services they provide requiring multi-payload for multi-function at a variety of frequency bands that Dish and DirecTV do because they are in one business, using and re-using the same DBS frequencies--for the most part--for themselves and have only a few multiple payload sats. Both DBS companies know there aint no spare DBS sats from any other entity out there today to spare should they need one. It is their fleet or nothin'. But each have enough backup for any likely failures (meaning not all their sats at once) to restore service--after some headaches and reduction of service for a few days.
Are there any plans for this satellite to help with HD picture quality? I just came from Directv and am really disappointed in the picture quality of some of the HD channels.
I feel your pain. Dish HD quality used to be quite good. However, Dish HD quality across all channels has suffered since the full implementation of 8PSK. I expected PQ to improve not diminish. Some channels have actually gotten WORSE in just the last few weeks. Destination America in particular is really bad. Blacks can not be reproduced with somewhat dark areas noisy. It is AWFUL and SHOCKING how bad it is. Perhaps the shuffling of sats may improve things? Maybe not.
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good morning my friends i would like to know that us folks on the eastern arc will be getting the rest of our channels in hd with this new satelltie?i had to switch to eastern arc because i have a huge tree in my yard and at least you can your locals on eastern or western arc from chicago.


good morning my friends i would like to know that us folks on the eastern arc will be getting the rest of our channels in hd with this new satelltie?i had to switch to eastern arc because i have a huge tree in my yard and at least you can your locals on eastern or western arc from chicago.



No. There will be no more HD on Eastern Arc than there will be on Western Arc. They will add HD, 4K, etc... at the same time on both arcs. They wouldn't want to put more HD on one arc than the other.
No. There will be no more HD on Eastern Arc than there will be on Western Arc. They will add HD, 4K, etc... at the same time on both arcs. They wouldn't want to put more HD on one arc than the other.
i just was wondering what was going on :-)