Today I helped a friend repoint a 4 foot antenna towards 61.5 and these were his readings. I was surprised to see so little difference between my 8 footer and his 4 footer. I gues we can now use a 30" inch antenna here in PR for this sat. Still missing TP 19, anybody knows if they changed this to the new Echostar 15 or if they are having problems? Also notice only we in PR are reciving signal from TP 26, What's with this?
Receiver: ViP 222K
Area: Gurabo, PR
Weather: Clear
Dish: 4 footer
Time/Date: 12:30 am ET / August 8, 2010
TP 2: 62
TP 4: 76
TP 8: 77
TP 10: 64
TP 14: 75
TP 17: 65
TP 18: 59
TP 19: 0
TP 20: 64
TP 21: 74
TP 22: 62
TP 25: 61
TP 26: 57
TP 27: 56
TP 28: 61
TP 29: 68
TP 30: 57
TP 31: 59
TP 32: 63