E* full of it when cancelling?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 17, 2004
Walla Walla,WA
Well, I called to cancel my account today and man did the CSR have a ton of crap to tell me. I told them that I was switching to Charter because they have more HD than them, they have a better DVR and because I am switching, I can get everything they offer HD and DVR included for 70.00 a month plus tax. Well the first thing the lady tells me is that Charter doesnt offer HD, that thier HD channels are only upconverted 480i and wont look as good as E*'s!?!?!?! Where did they get this one? Then, its the "we are the HD leader and have more HD channels than Charter". No, not really I tell her. Charter has everything you have plus Cinemax and StarzHD, UniversalHD by the end of summer and locals late summer. Next she tells me that they are going to have more HD soon. I said yes but I dont want to buy a new reciever and with Charter, I am futureproofed since they will replace the STB free of charge when things change. She then states that E* has 100% digital and Charter doesnt. I said well yeah but whats the point of all digital when they are all overcompressed ass looking channels. She then gives up and keeps reminding me that if I come back I will be charged $25.00. I tell her I will not ever come back and that I plan on selling my reciever on ebay. Well, after about 25 mintues the account is scheduled to cancel on y anniversery date and Charter is scheduled to be installed with the Moxi DVR. Oh I cant wait.
dude come on- 70 bucks for a dvr and a hd box and the services to feed both- you better read the fine print. Everyone around here hates charter, as they charge 56 a month for 1 digital box and dig expanded basic (no hbo etc) Does charter have a dual tuner dvr with two outputs so you can watch two recorded things on two different tv's in your area-they sure don't here. Furthere charter hd boxes (the motorolla ones here) dont have an input for ota signal, but they "promise to add locals soon"- I install 811's and 522's all the time here in wisconsin- 9 time out of 10 for ex charter customers.
I'm sure your mileage will vary, but I can't wait to get a 942, drop Charter, and go back to Dish. I loathe the Scientific Atlanta 8300HD and Charter's combination of miserable-looking analog channels and a handful of HD. I'm mising HD locals for CBS, PBS, UPN, & WB, and I actually miss my vintage-2000 Dishplayer 7200.

Good luck.
dispatcher_21 said:
Well, I called to cancel my account today and man did the CSR have a ton of crap to tell me. I told them that I was switching to Charter because they have more HD than them, they have a better DVR and because I am switching, I can get everything they offer HD and DVR included for 70.00 a month plus tax. Well the first thing the lady tells me is that Charter doesnt offer HD, that thier HD channels are only upconverted 480i and wont look as good as E*'s!?!?!?! Where did they get this one? Then, its the "we are the HD leader and have more HD channels than Charter". No, not really I tell her. Charter has everything you have plus Cinemax and StarzHD, UniversalHD by the end of summer and locals late summer. Next she tells me that they are going to have more HD soon. I said yes but I dont want to buy a new reciever and with Charter, I am futureproofed since they will replace the STB free of charge when things change. She then states that E* has 100% digital and Charter doesnt. I said well yeah but whats the point of all digital when they are all overcompressed ass looking channels. She then gives up and keeps reminding me that if I come back I will be charged $25.00. I tell her I will not ever come back and that I plan on selling my reciever on ebay. Well, after about 25 mintues the account is scheduled to cancel on y anniversery date and Charter is scheduled to be installed with the Moxi DVR. Oh I cant wait.
Tell Charter you want it all in writing before you'll sign anything. See if it keeps them honest.
jlhugh said:
All cable companies are you best friends when they are trying to sign you up. Once they got ya......well, good luck.

Same with satellite companies. Before you sign up you can get all the goodies. After you become a customer you never qualify for stuff that only new customers get and so and so.
dispatcher_21 said:
Well, I called to cancel my account today and man did the CSR have a ton of crap to tell me.

There's a VERY easy way to avoid all of this (assuming that you don't REALLY like it) is to simply tell the CSR that you are moving into an apartment that has NO view of the south. Since they now know there is NO way for you to have a dish, they'll using get you off of the phone real fast. I've done this for several clients I have switched to D* & I'm usually off of the phone in well under 10 minutes - the clients appreciate not having to go through a bunch of muck just to cancel a service they no longer want or need. ;) :D
Thanks for the advice dishrich. I may be cancelling E* and going exclusively with Cox Cable when my 811 upgrade contract is up in December. Cox in San Diego isn't cheap, but the SA8300 is dual tuner, I get all my HD locals (with 811 I constantly have to move my indoor antenna for reception), and I get 110 Padres games in HD! Yes, the analog looks like crap, but I rarely watch SD anymore.
Yes, Charter Rocks!

Actually, I've found that Charter does indeed rock in my area (Long Beach, CA)... so much so that I was happy to pay the cancellation fee to dump Dish Network and move to them.

Why am I so happy?

1. They offer 100% digital channels in Long Beach (http://www.broadband-pbimedia.com/cgi/cw/show_mag.cgi?pub=cw&mon=070504&file=meetthesystemlong.htm)

2. Their DVR records in HDTV, displays 480i, 480p, 720P and 1080i. It's called the Scientific Atlanta 8300HD. And it IS a two-tuner DVR. It has an HDMI output, AND has working firewire ports! And to top it off, it cost me nothing to get... it came with my subscription.

3. They offer more HDTV channels than Dish does.

4. There is no contract and no cancellation fee.

5. They have Showtime On Demand, which lets me watch pretty much anything playing that month on Showtime when I want to. Without having to set up a DVR for it. For free. Dish can't touch that -- at least not yet.

6. Charter's pricing is cheaper than Dish. They charge $54 a month for expanded basic, Showtime, The Movie Channel, the HDTV channels and the converter box. It's called the Big Movie Package. They then charge another $9 a month for their "DVR Fee". So my grand total is $64 a month. That is NOT a promotional rate. It's the real rate, good forever. My promotional rate is actually $44 a month instead of $64 for the next 18 months because they gave me $20 off my bill each month when I gave them an old 301 receiver! :D

Compare that to Dish Network Top 120 with locals at $42.99, tack on Showtime / Movie Channel for $11.99 a month, then add in the DVR fee of $4.99 a month and $9.99 for HDTV for a total of $69.96! Oh, almost forgot... there's also the lease fee of $5 a month for the receiver! So make that $74.96 a month! :eek:

Hmmm.... that's $10 less a month than Dish for the same programming (and $30 a month less than Dish for the next 18 months!) And I don't have to pay Dish $250 to lease a 942 if they ever decide to let me do that. :yes

Any questions?

Roughly two weeks ago I terrminated dish. I have been a loyal customer for five years. My whole house was conected. I left them simply because thier
customer service was ATROCIOUS! Anytime I had a billing issue with them it was a fight. I recently bought the 921 reciever from them that was offered as a promotion. The unit was flawed..too many bugs. When I called them about it they gave me the run around. I finally gave up and returned it. Three weeks latter they said they never recieved it.. Ok, here we go again.
Finally, after a bunch of calls and a major mix up on their side they found the unit.
Im sorry about leaving them because I truely liked their basic dvr system.
However they simply did not care about my bussiness. I was paying them 140 a month....
So, I went back to direct. Customer service was great!! Tivo outstanding.
But I miss dish..Solid quipment but horrible people.

Maybe someday I will return..not now though...
Funny when i went to the UPS store the manager showed me five dish hd recievers enroute to be returned...

Im not pushing direct..Just wish Dish would treat people better...They dont get it!
Well the DVR is a Moxi which has two tuners both capable of HD and I only have 1 tv so its not a big deal if it can feed two tvs or not. The locals here in Walla Walla arent doing HD yet but I have contacted the stations and the Charter local office and everyone says that everything is signed and ready to go when they do start, to have them on Charter. And my friend has already done this deal so I know it works. The special deal is for 18 months with no commitment and no early cancel fee or anything like that. After the 18 months, then we will see what happens, but most likely, if Charter doesnt work out, I will be going to Directv. I had Charter before and thier analog at least here in Walla Walla blows away E* all digital crap, plus Charter is making a big big push to go all digital this year. And I dont know, it seems to me that if you get movie channels, Charter is cheaper but with just regular programming E* is cheaper. With thier Biggest pack with all the movie channels and the Family digital tier, its 75.99 a month, that includes a digital box. E* Everything pack is 81.99. Charters HD pack is 6.99, E* 9.99. Again, if you dont get movie channels but just regular channels E* is cheaper by far. Anyways, I will keep you posted on how things work out.
I've been with Dish since 11/02 and got my 811 on Xmas Eve '05. Ironically, I left Cox to get a DVR (508) from E* (Cox didn't have it available in San Diego yet). Now having been trained by E* to time shift everything I watch, I wasn't really enjoying HD programming much with the 811. So I added the HD DVR receiver to Cox's limited basic service ($12), which I already had to get their exclusive local sports channel. I prefer the PQ on E*'s SD channels and the functionality of their DVRs, but I just couldn't wait until December when I would be able to lease the 942 since I'm "stuck" with this Dishin' Up deal. I'll make a decision on which way to go (Cable vs. E*) in December, but for now, I guess I'm enjoying the best of both worlds.
I've been with Dish since 8/02, and I got my 811 back in December '04 too.
However, I am sending it back as we speak.
The dish'n it up promo doesn't tie you into a year's contract with them. It only limits you to upgrading to a new receiver for a year.

You didn't sign anything to get the 811 did you? You should be on a month-to-month service now and can cancel whenever you want.
I got on some special deal where for $30, I had the 811 installed as a third receiver by my original retailer, and the switch and installation was all included. I did sign a contract which involves a fee of $250 if I cancel within the first year. I did also get the HD pack for 6 months free. If I had known this upgrade would effect my eligibility for the 942 upgrade, I would've either waited, or just gone straight to cable first. I had originally scheduled an appointment for a VOOM install, but cancelled when I heard about their shakey future.

At this point, I would cancel, like you, if I could as I don't even use the 811 anymore. Are you dropping Dish entirely or just your 811 because you plan on getting a 942?
I am just dropping the 811 and getting a 508 to replace it.
I can't justify the cost of the 942, at least not with all of the changes happening this year. I feel better just leasing.

If Voom gets their DVR out, then I will drop Dish altogether.
Cancelling Advice

Does anyone have advice on the best way to cancel the Dish Network and get your money back? It sounds like all the problems people have with their FREE equipment should enable them to get something back.
Does anyone have advice on the best way to cancel the Dish Network and get your money back?

if you are in a contract its 3 days.. it you purchased your equip you have 30 days to do a BRM

Whats the diffenence between a 522 & 625?

942 Major HD Problem

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