I know this is nitpicky.. but it bugs me that the guy changed the name of the product and then just changed the product name in all of the "direct quotes" from supposed customers on his site. I don't know why that bothers me so much.. but it just does.. it makes me think that someone would do/say anything to sell a product, if they are willing to change peoples words in (and in a manner of speaking, lie) order to sell something.
I'm sure that was not the intent at all.. so I don't know why that bugs me.. except that I keep thinking that if I gave someone a quote to use in their advertising and they changed the quote or misrepresented my statement, I'd be completely perturbed.. I shouldn't worry though, as I'm sure nobody would mind their statement being altered (and heck, maybe they were asked)..
Okay, I'll quit whining
The concept is cool though. I've always thought it would be nice to be able to create a "go-between" translator to receive a given set of ir commands and then convert them into another set of commands stored in a "mini" database or something.. that way I could make my replaytv control just about anything I wanted without having to hack codes into it.