DVI problem (revisited) :p


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 30, 2004
Sorry folks for all these Q's I've been asking, but you guys are awesome helping ppl out and I'm just trying my best to make this great voom service better :)

I've got another issue that I thought I ask help on if you don't mind

again its with DVI, I noticed another big prob for me, previously with the factory firmware when the unit was on off (standby) no signal was sent out at all in the DVI cable, now with the latest firmware, even though the STB is off there is still a signal being sent out trough DVI (which sucks) here is why..

My 57SWX20b Hitachi, has the component and DVI connector(s) on the same input so I can connect 2 devices to that 1 video input, let's say the STB via DVI and the DVD player via component..

here is a sample (look at INPUT1)


this is a problem because the way it works is that, DVI takes precedence over component, so if the STB is on, component will not send a signal and that's cool, BUT if you turn the STB off, normally component takes over (allowing you to watch second source in the same input, in this case my DVD player) without having to use a 2nd component input on the TV set (which I cant cause that's already filled as well)

With the old firmware, when you turned off the STB, it was off for good, no DVI signal. Now if turned off there is still a signal being sent trough DVI (there is no image, just a blank screen) but since there is signal the component cannot take over and I either have to:

1- Get behind HT gear and disconnect DVI (pain in the butt)
2- Unplug the STB (sucks cause you loose all your guide data)

Like I said, before this wasn't an issue with the factory firmware, it was rather introduced with the latest release (was this on purpose?)...

So does anyone know a workaround that totally turns the STB off without unplugging anything? I need to kill that DVI signal so I can use the DVD w/component on the same input, its really inconvenient having to unplug anything all the time.. ??

I'll make the assumption that INPUT 2 is already occupied....since it's so obvious that if it wasn't you'd use that input. :)

As far as I know, there is know way to turn off the DVI on the V* STB...and probably the same for your TV DVI input. The only $$$$ solution I can see is for you to purchase a DVI switch. It may not be that bad of a long term investment anyhow since I would imagine in the future you'll probably add other devices which will have DVI/HDMI outputs.
DRAKO said:
Sorry folks for all these Q's I've been asking, but you guys are awesome helping ppl out and I'm just trying my best to make this great voom service better :)

I've got another issue that I thought I ask help on if you don't mind

again its with DVI, I noticed another big prob for me, previously with the factory firmware when the unit was on off (standby) no signal was sent out at all in the DVI cable, now with the latest firmware, even though the STB is off there is still a signal being sent out trough DVI (which sucks) here is why..

My 57SWX20b Hitachi, has the component and DVI connector(s) on the same input so I can connect 2 devices to that 1 video input, let's say the STB via DVI and the DVD player via component..

here is a sample (look at INPUT1)


this is a problem because the way it works is that, DVI takes precedence over component, so if the STB is on, component will not send a signal and that's cool, BUT if you turn the STB off, normally component takes over (allowing you to watch second source in the same input, in this case my DVD player) without having to use a 2nd component input on the TV set (which I cant cause that's already filled as well)

With the old firmware, when you turned off the STB, it was off for good, no DVI signal. Now if turned off there is still a signal being sent trough DVI (there is no image, just a blank screen) but since there is signal the component cannot take over and I either have to:

1- Get behind HT gear and disconnect DVI (pain in the butt)
2- Unplug the STB (sucks cause you loose all your guide data)

Like I said, before this wasn't an issue with the factory firmware, it was rather introduced with the latest release (was this on purpose?)...

So does anyone know a workaround that totally turns the STB off without unplugging anything? I need to kill that DVI signal so I can use the DVD w/component on the same input, its really inconvenient having to unplug anything all the time.. ??

I have the same problem, that really pissed me off when I got voom. I have a Component DVD on input 2, Component Direct TV on input 1, and Voom DVI on 1, I figured when Voom was off, directv Component would work.. NOPE.. Voom overides it. I have a 51S500 (I think thats model, not in front of tv) and I even called Hitachi to see if there is a way around it and they said only If I bought a Component video switcher. Eff that.. If anything I'll get a new Reciever that supports Component connections ( I have a year 2000 Onkyo right before the Component connects came out). But as I was saying, I have Hughes D* on Input 1 (compnent) and I TRIED the sony HD300 SAT with DVI on 1, when sony was off Hughes worked, I figured Voom would be the same nope..... You follow all that?
yeah I had the Samsung T160 or something HD receiver for DTV and it worked.. even this voom receiver worked with the fatory firmware, but now with the latest it does not...

they should allow you to choose whether the DVI stays on or off when the STB is off, it would be as simple as a togle switch in the menu i think

for now I've installed a powersurge protector thats accessible and im doing "2- Unplug the STB (sucks cause you loose all your guide data)" so im loosing all my guide info (yeah sucks) but its the only option that means i dont have to get behind my HT

also for the person that aske, yes the other inputs are full, and my receiver with component inputs is full as well...

UPDATE: Wilt emailed me back about this issue, here is what he had to say:

I'll check into it. I don't know the answers myself.


Awesome, thanks Wilt :)
nope, the HIT doesnt have it, the STB should be the one to have it :)
The problem ive seen with my HDCP compliant DVI connection on MY RPTV is that it only works if the TV is turned on before the reciever is turned on. Otherwise I get a blackscreen HDCP message. Anyway, I have found the color saturation on 1080i RPTV to be superior with component cables. The colors just dont seem as vibrant with DVI to me and the increased resolution of DVI , well I just dont see it, maybe minor but not worth the color degredation.
it depends how your TV is calibrated, the colors might be different from component to DVI and I think thats what you are seeing
The Dish 6000 has a signal present at all times as well. It screwed me for using the auto record feature of my JVC DVHS deck.
I have one HDMI connection which I am using a DVI/HDMI cable for Voom. I then have 2 Component connections on my TV. However, I just use my reciever which has 5 component connections and then run one component to my TV from the reciever. Later though I'll probably have to get either a DVI or HDMI switcher if I get more devices that use them as my reciever doesn't support those interfaces.
DRAKO said:
it depends how your TV is calibrated, the colors might be different from component to DVI and I think thats what you are seeing
I really dont think so. Just ask eschu on here. He had his set calibrated for DVI and went back to component cables. If someone could convince me that I could get the same color intensity Id give DVI a go, after the snow issue is worked out.
Vreesar said:
I have one HDMI connection which I am using a DVI/HDMI cable for Voom. I then have 2 Component connections on my TV. However, I just use my reciever which has 5 component connections and then run one component to my TV from the reciever. Later though I'll probably have to get either a DVI or HDMI switcher if I get more devices that use them as my reciever doesn't support those interfaces.
5 component inputs? man Id just like to find a reasonably priced reciever with 3 component inputs
vurbano said:
5 component inputs? man Id just like to find a reasonably priced reciever with 3 component inputs
How about a 4 component A/V switcher for around $150?
I posted this awhile ago so lets see if I can give it a shot at converting you Vurbano :p

In and of itself DVI and Component cables are NOT better or worse. Now, having said that. In most cases a DVI connections from a satellite should be better but not always. Here is the reason.

Information on todays downlink satellites is sent by digital streams and not analog. The STB then has to convert the digital to analog to put it on the component cable, then your TV (if its Plasma, LCD, etc) converts that analog signal back to digital. Dependent on the components in your STB and TV there could be a loss of data from those conversions. Which then leads to a loss in picture quality.

With a DVI connection the STB and TV does NOT have to convert from digital to analog because the DVI cable is a digital connection.

So....if your STB/TV is VERY good at the conversion from analog to digital and there is no interference that may cause problems on the component you very likely won't see a difference in picture quality.

The same works the other way, if your CRT is not good at converting a DVI signal to analog then picture quality will not be as good as say component.
vurbano said:
I really dont think so. Just ask eschu on here. He had his set calibrated for DVI and went back to component cables. If someone could convince me that I could get the same color intensity Id give DVI a go, after the snow issue is worked out.
True V-After isf calib, noticed that component looked sharper, colors more vibrant, not washed out. Go figure-prob. a stb issue I suspect.
You can get a Sony 5.1 audio/video receiver that does have component inputs with the one output for $199 at either best buy or circuit city.

Setting Up Vcr With Voom Questions

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