Sorry folks for all these Q's I've been asking, but you guys are awesome helping ppl out and I'm just trying my best to make this great voom service better 
I've got another issue that I thought I ask help on if you don't mind
again its with DVI, I noticed another big prob for me, previously with the factory firmware when the unit was on off (standby) no signal was sent out at all in the DVI cable, now with the latest firmware, even though the STB is off there is still a signal being sent out trough DVI (which sucks) here is why..
My 57SWX20b Hitachi, has the component and DVI connector(s) on the same input so I can connect 2 devices to that 1 video input, let's say the STB via DVI and the DVD player via component..
here is a sample (look at INPUT1)
this is a problem because the way it works is that, DVI takes precedence over component, so if the STB is on, component will not send a signal and that's cool, BUT if you turn the STB off, normally component takes over (allowing you to watch second source in the same input, in this case my DVD player) without having to use a 2nd component input on the TV set (which I cant cause that's already filled as well)
With the old firmware, when you turned off the STB, it was off for good, no DVI signal. Now if turned off there is still a signal being sent trough DVI (there is no image, just a blank screen) but since there is signal the component cannot take over and I either have to:
1- Get behind HT gear and disconnect DVI (pain in the butt)
2- Unplug the STB (sucks cause you loose all your guide data)
Like I said, before this wasn't an issue with the factory firmware, it was rather introduced with the latest release (was this on purpose?)...
So does anyone know a workaround that totally turns the STB off without unplugging anything? I need to kill that DVI signal so I can use the DVD w/component on the same input, its really inconvenient having to unplug anything all the time.. ??

I've got another issue that I thought I ask help on if you don't mind
again its with DVI, I noticed another big prob for me, previously with the factory firmware when the unit was on off (standby) no signal was sent out at all in the DVI cable, now with the latest firmware, even though the STB is off there is still a signal being sent out trough DVI (which sucks) here is why..
My 57SWX20b Hitachi, has the component and DVI connector(s) on the same input so I can connect 2 devices to that 1 video input, let's say the STB via DVI and the DVD player via component..
here is a sample (look at INPUT1)

this is a problem because the way it works is that, DVI takes precedence over component, so if the STB is on, component will not send a signal and that's cool, BUT if you turn the STB off, normally component takes over (allowing you to watch second source in the same input, in this case my DVD player) without having to use a 2nd component input on the TV set (which I cant cause that's already filled as well)
With the old firmware, when you turned off the STB, it was off for good, no DVI signal. Now if turned off there is still a signal being sent trough DVI (there is no image, just a blank screen) but since there is signal the component cannot take over and I either have to:
1- Get behind HT gear and disconnect DVI (pain in the butt)
2- Unplug the STB (sucks cause you loose all your guide data)
Like I said, before this wasn't an issue with the factory firmware, it was rather introduced with the latest release (was this on purpose?)...
So does anyone know a workaround that totally turns the STB off without unplugging anything? I need to kill that DVI signal so I can use the DVD w/component on the same input, its really inconvenient having to unplug anything all the time.. ??