HE'S A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your tattoo is gone!
HE'S A FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your tattoo is gone!
That was for Pauls benefit. I aint goin nowhere. You goin down duderun all you want my pretties! can't hide though
run all you want my pretties! can't hide though
Hey, no one twisted your arm, or your clone's arm either.im in trouble guys. gonna have to sell the house to get all those 922's
I don't see no pretties round these parts, that's fer sure!
Wait, here I am. Sorry, I was standing behind Pauls clone:up
im in trouble guys. gonna have to sell the house to get all those 922's
Shhhhhhhhh, Paul's clone has a headache, he's been watching HIFI"s avatar.