DTV Recievers will not detect triple LNB dish!

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When I installed my triple-lnb dish, I had a small tv and my D* receiver outside. Ran a RG-6 cable straight from the dish to the receiver. This will rule out the possibility of bad cables. If this does not work, maybe the integrated multi-switch or the lnb's on the dish are bad. :)
You might want to check the coax connectors. I did a similar installation (but went to superdish) with new RG-6 coax and had a problem. I made the cables and connected through a 5x8 multiswitch (powered). After hour of hair pulling I disconnected all cables from Sat to Switches and using a Ohm meter discovered a short in two of the connectors I made (single filament of shielding wrapped around center conductor -dang near invisible. New connectors solved problem.

I also have the Sammy TRS-160 and it has been a work horse for me.

Sat Chaser
Can someone tell me how this problem was resolved? I've tried to set up the triple LNB with exactly the same result! I haven't got the HD receiver yet and am attempting to get my RCA DRD430RG to recognize the triple LNB multiswitch but it keeps coming back with a "failed" message. Have the dish set to the cooridinates that the receiver indicates. Tried various adjustments to the azimuth, tilt, vertical: all to no avail. I do get some weak signal but the receiver message keeps telling me "wrong satellite found".
What you have to realize that your receiver detects a signal not dish type. For exitance if you have a 3 lnb dish but it's only picking up the 101 sat on auto detect it will see it as a round dish. You have to pick all three signals the 101,119 & 110 sat for it to be detected as a 3 lnb dish.

The coordinate is only a base starting point. You have to tune in your signal for each sat. if your not exp. in aiming a dish I would recommend hiring a local installer to aim your dish. He should not charge you that much to aim the dish. ;)
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