DTV NHL Blackouts

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Original poster
Jan 2, 2006
i've searched and searched and can't find any answers.

i basically know how the blackout thing works but i would like to know any hacks or workarounds for it. it's total BS. even if the game is not aired in my area, it's blacked out on the NHL Center Ice package. i'm missing like half of my teams games, which is why i bought the CI package to begin with.

is there a way to switch one of my cards to someone else out of state? any other possibilities?

No Hack talk. File a complaint with the ownership of your NHL franchise. It's their TV contract that allows the idstant game blackouts.
why no hack talk? this really sucks, and i've sent plenty of emails. i really don't think that's gonna help. i just wanna see the damn games, especially since i paid for the center ice package. where can i go to get some realy answers answers? i'm switching to starchoice if i can't get this to work.
...actually, it's not a hack i'm really talking about. is there a way to just switch cards with someone out of state? i'm just soooo pissed about this.
chill holmes

StarChoice doesnt have NHLCI..I should know because I have SC

What team do you qualify for at your current location? All local games are blacked out on NHLCI regardless if a local broadcaster has it televised.

You could "move" but then you'd lose your locals. You cant just swap cards...doesnt work
I wanted to watch a Dallas Stars game the other night when it was on HDNet. It was blacked out to me since the local 27 had it on, non HD of course. :(
it's for atlanta. i can't even get the non televised games. i really don't care about my local channels. maybe "moving" is the thing for me. pretty much a quarter of the season is blacked out for me with no possible way of watching any of it. all the games are offered on CI but blacked out for me. there is no NHL package on starchoice? that seems really weird.

what about just switching the hole box from out of state? would that work?
The same thing happenned to me when I had MLB on E* the other year. Even if my team weren't on locally it was still blacked out which is stupid IMO.
StarChoice doesn't carry NHLCI mainly due to transponder space…there just isn't enough room on the satellite

NHL CI is an out of market sports package. You will not see any additional games of your local team.

As an example, I am in MN so the Wild control my area. There are some games that are only available on a local affiliate in Minneapolis (my address is Duluth which is about 180 miles from Minneapolis). When Channel 45 has the games, even though in Duluth we do not have 45 on cable or satellite, I am blacked out on NHL CI
thanks for your help iceberg.

so basically my only choice is to "move" and lose my locals?

but, what about exchanging boxes with somebody out of state with NHLCI? wouldn't that work?

moving is not that bad.I moved from the Denver DMA to NYC becuase of sports blackouts in NHLCI & NFLST packages. I do have an HDTiVo though, so I did not lose my locals, well not allof them...
what he means by lose your locals is that you won't receive your local channels but the local channels of where you move to. So if you're mainly interested in primetime programming, then you'll still get it, but if it's the news you want, then it's a different story.

I say to move. It's much easier and if you caught there's no real penalty. Can someone offer him so help on moving? I think you need to find a real area with a non-existing house number. Make sure you keep your billing address the same. Just change the service address.
but you have to remember that most of the locals are on spotbeam. The exceptions are NY & LA big 4

so if he moves from Atlanta to say Nashville, he probably will lose his locals and wont be able to get Nashville locals
D TV Lying about the Facts

D TV is lying to all its customers about the black out rules. If the cable company in your area like mine is able to broadcat the games then D TV should be able to as well. The black out rules are not different for satellite as oppose to cable. This is all bull. I never had a problem until this year and my neighbor is still watching all the games on cable I lost due to "NEW BLACKOUT RULES FROM THE NHL" that do not exist. People in this forum have even written to respective teams in the NHL and received reply's that they do not know what we are talking about. No wonder why poeple must lie about where they live just to get the correct legal broadcasts they are entitled to. It is not lying if they lie first.
the rules have been in place for years....

If you subscribe to NHL CI, all local broadcasts are blacked out. Plain and simple. NHL CI is an OUT OF MARKET package :)
Iceberg follow my logic here. Either I am in market in which case I should receive MSG, Fox NY, and YES networks or I am out of market in which case I would not receive those channels but would recieve them with NHL CI. But you can not and they can not have it both ways. I can not be out of market for those local but then in market for CI. See the problem and the lie. It is one or the other and before this year that is how it worked with no problems but this year it becomes a problem which by my example above makes no sense. By the way if I am out of market then why can my local cable company offer the above channels to me? Don't they live by the same rules as satellite? Doesn't the FCC and blackout rules apply to all? This is the only major downfall of D* and if they don't correct there internal stupidity fios will be there demise. Except for this problem, I love D* but since I am an NHL fan this is a huge problem.
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