DP44 Switch ?


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 16, 2003
Do you really think we will see this switch in mass production this year?

I bought a new 721 and would really like to use it. I only have one line coming in from Sat.
DP 44's started shipping in small quantities, however it appears they might have a problem over heating so it appears shipping has been temporarly halted.

Besides the receivers which could really use the DP+44 switch couldnt use them yet as they did not have the necessary software for the switch (ie the Dish 921)
Is this at all surprising? The DP+44 should have been available last November when they introduced the 522. DISH is still getting the cart before the horse instead of an organized plan.
If the past is any indicator, there should soon be rumors soon about the new DP88 switch. It'll be the replacement for the DP44, and lease only. :)
AJF said:
If the past is any indicator, there should soon be rumors soon about the new DP88 switch. It'll be the replacement for the DP44, and lease only. :)
It'll be needed for LiL because Congress will say that the one-dish solution meant one-dish-per-channel. :D
rsebolt said:
So when they hook up my 721, how will they run the lines?
What switches will be used?
I'm avoiding a totally sarcastic answer here.

If you're upgrading:
How many receivers do you have?
What is your current setup? Dish types, LNBFs, switches?
Without ALL of that information, it's not possible to give you a reasonable answer.

If it's a virgin install, it could be any of 3-4 different configurations - installer's choice.
2 recvrs (721 and 7200)
Dish 500, dual lnbf and I think 2 sw21 switches (how can I verify?)
SW-21's are little boxes that look like splitters. They say SW-21 on them.

Because you have a 7200 (not DishPro compatible), and now need 3 feeds (7200 plus the 2 for the 721), there's 2 easy ways to go. Legacy Quad LNB is simplest. If they don't have one, a DishPro Quad with a Legacy Adapter for the 7200 will work. It can also be done with things like SW-34 or DP-34, but that's more work. I'd only do it if it looked like a 3rd bird was going to become part of your system sometime soon.
People who need DP44 switches are those who get programming via SuperDISH and a wing dish. Or two SuperDISH'es. The DP44 switch allows you to combine 4 satellite feeds (105, 110, 119, and 61.5 or 105, 110, 119, and 121 or any other configuration requiring 4 feeds).
4 dish install

There's a question in here, but I wanted to vent a little first...

Ok, so locals were just announced for my area a little over 2 weeks ago. I called Dish, and after talking with the CSR a little bit, I told her that I had 61.5 programming along with the upcoming-to-be-installed SuperDish, so I thought I would need a DP-44 switch. She said OK. She set up the appointment for a few days later.

The day arrived, and the installer called 1/2 hour before the install and said "I don't have that switch, you'll have to reschedule". Nice. Good thing I hadn't left work yet! I called the home office for the installer and they rescheduled me for a week later. I asked if they had the switch. They said "yes".

The week later comes, I take the afternoon off for the install, and the installer doesn't show up. I find out at 9 PM that he had made it through 2 of his x (6 I think) installs. So I get rescheduled for the next day. I take the morning off because he is supposed to show up between 8 and 10 AM. He shows up at 11:45 (I am the first job on the list, by the way). Now, I take the afternoon off. We get the pole in the ground and cemented. The dish is on the pole, the cables are run to the house (luckily above ground) and are nicely zip-tied to the pole. We go to his truck to get the switch. Guess what he pulls out? A SW-44. DOH! He starts getting out more stuff, and I say "you know, I think this is the wrong switch. See, the outputs are for odd/even polarity. Isn't the DishPro stacked?" He looks at it and says "you're right". We look at his order from Dish Network, and what does it show? A SW-44. Great.

Now he is hot because we've wasted almost a day, and I am hotter (but calm), so he decides to call Dish Network. He also calls two installer buddies. No one has an answer about what to do. No other install method will work, they all say. That's fine, I thought from reading newgroups that the DP-44 was the best option anyway, with the least number of switches/connections/etc. to deal with. The DP-44 is being sent to limited retailers, but not service technicians, he is told by the Dish guy. I would think that the guy at Dish Network on the technical side could call his boss, or someone, and get a DP-44 sent out to the installer's company. No. I am told by the installer that his company is sending emails and calling, and when they get one I will be notified. He takes the SuperDish off the pole, and he takes all the wire that was run and neatly zip-tied up. He leaves. I have a pole cemented in the ground and nothing else to show for a day and a half of vacation time. I am ready to email ceo@echostar.com, because this is nuts, but I decide to wait and see what happens.

It is now a week later. Still no word. My question (after all this) is: Is the DP-44 out? Who can the installer's company get one from? Will my e-mailing Charlie Ergen himself do any good? What other installation choices are there besides a DP-44? I have a 508, by the way.

Thank you for your advice, and for listening....
DP-44s are on hold due to overheating problems.

DEFINITELY email ceo@dishnetwork.com. It's not really Charlie, but it IS higher-level customer support.

Finally, why do you need 61.5? Which wing bird are you going for 105 or 121? If you have 61.5 for internationals, 121 might be the answer if that's where your locals are.
SimpleSimon said:
DP-44s are on hold due to overheating problems.

DEFINITELY email ceo@dishnetwork.com. It's not really Charlie, but it IS higher-level customer support.

Finally, why do you need 61.5? Which wing bird are you going for 105 or 121? If you have 61.5 for internationals, 121 might be the answer if that's where your locals are.
The 61.5 dish is for SkyAngel. The wing satellite is 105. When I pull up the locals on the web, it says SD 105.
Me too. Some of my locals are on 61.5 while some forgien program was on 121. I can not have both of them until DP-44 available. I talked CSR once about that, as expected, she did not even know such thing called DP-44 and tell me point blank the Dish will only get 3 satellites, period! I just give up try to educate her and continue wasting my time. I guess I just going to wait and hoping that in my life time I might see that being released........
Right after I posted message here, I decided to send ceo@dishnetwork.com an email just to vent my frustration that everything out Dish have be wait forever.... like 921, DPP-44, etc. SUrprisely, two hours later, I got a call from "Dish Executive Office". The guy on phone was nice and told me that DPP-44 IS starting shipping this month and he will personally get back to me and helping me to get one. I will wait to see if this is just typical corporate "BS", or that will be part of they call "Best services" in this industrial. Stay tuned:)
boba said:
Is this at all surprising? The DP+44 should have been available last November when they introduced the 522. DISH is still getting the cart before the horse instead of an organized plan.

What else is new, we've been promised the dp-44 for over 7 months now, and have to keep rejecting customers that want SD and internationals.

Dish always does that, they are in such a hurry to get the newest equipment out, they forget about how it will affect customers, just like DP/Legacy a year or so ago.
We are an internal contractor...and we can't even get a DP 44. :confused:
I also work for dish internally out of the Detroit office. there are whispers around the shop about 44's coming but we havent heard anything definate. I hope we get them soon because alot of people are pretty pissed up in the Flint/Lansing area over the fact that they can have sky angel or locals....but not both. ps- we had the regional vp in our office about 2 months ago and he said that all the locals coming off the 121/105 will be on the 110/119 by the end of the year and the only reason we put them on the super was to get a head start over dtv.
Teletran1 said:
ps- we had the regional vp in our office about 2 months ago and he said that all the locals coming off the 121/105 will be on the 110/119 by the end of the year and the only reason we put them on the super was to get a head start over dtv.

That would be quite a trick... Maybe by the end of 2005 with their new spot beam satellite going up to 110. About 350+ locals are on 121/105, at least 30 transponders worth. The E7/E8 only have a max of 25 spots each. 30 transponders would be assuming the spots were perfect which they would not be the case.

Echostar 10 will have the capacity for 45 spot beams. This is almost the combined capacity of E7/E8 (50 total). And is on par with D-4s/D-7s (44 spots each).

When E10 goes up they should be able to move all the "extra" locals off of the wings and move most of the 121/105 to 110. Note I say most since it is possible that congress will force the issue and make them move the wing satellites first. It depends how many markets they add to 105/121, they could overflow the new capacity.

What I see happening now is that congress forces the move of the wing split LIL to 110 (the few markets that are 148 only would not be effected unless Dish moves them voluntarily). Then priority movement of the larger markets on SuperDish to 110 until it is full, then add the remaining markets in the country to SuperDish (probably less than 3% of the population would need SuperDish then).

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