Don't Say Goodbye To HD DVD, Yet

Warner was the key to this battle, if they would have gone red we would have seen the same posts from Smurfs. And victory posts from Reds.
Blues would be going... Well we have the PS3 and that will save us, etc.

So it is no different either way. I am happy that I have till summer to keep purchasing HD-DVD movies. I do not have the cash to drop on a PS3 yet (it was that or a 37" Sony Bravia for $700 and with dish going DRM for HD programing I needed a new TV, My insigina doesnt support HDCP even over DVI)

I have the most problems with the way this war even started. It originated over HDi vs Java. Sony was hell bent over getting Java and MS wanted to go with its own format.

But in reality MS moved silently behind the scenes on both sides secured primary encoding in VC-1, and really played Toshiba for a fool.

I honestly believe if MS wanted HD-DVD to win it would have happened. Disable PC support for BD and its support would have died.

Now saying this I can't stand Sony's arrogance. They have been riding a superiority cloud since the PS1.

But in the end, HD-DVD will probably fade away and we will be stuck with a micromanaged HDM format. (and don't tell me that Sony doesn't micromanage, look no farther than UMDs demise for that).

Both companies are not saints is my point. BD won because Sony willed it to win period. They dumped so much money on it, and even crippled the launch of the PS3 by forcing it on everyone, but you know what it worked. *shrug*, you can never argue with results.
It originated over HDi vs Java. Sony was hell bent over getting Java and MS wanted to go with its own format.
Not really. Disney co-developped HDi and was pushing for it in BDA. BDA's own technical group recommended it over Java.
But MS faced an ultimatum: want to get HDi approved - join the BDA. And they refused.
As a result, the tech group recommendation was overruled (by 3C, i.e. PSP).
Disable PC support for BD and its support would have died.
This would be really hard to do.
And if doable, face the DOJ again? The "monopoly" screams would be deafening...

Not really. Disney co-developped HDi and was pushing for it in BDA. BDA's own technical group recommended it over Java.
But MS faced an ultimatum: want to get HDi approved - join the BDA. And they refused.
As a result, the tech group recommendation was overruled (by PSP).
This would be really hard to do.
And if doable, face the DOJ again? The "monopoly" screams would be deafening...


I am just saying that if they REALLY wanted to they could have. LOL, they didn't though.
For what it's worth, I had no dog in this fight for awhile. I perused the war zone some to keep up with what was going on because I was secretly pulling for HD-DVD. It made better sense to me - on the technical side of things. However, I was merely on the sidelines, waiting. Then I won a PS3 from Scott and Eva and suddenly I was a blu-ray supporter. I was happy to have a HD disc player, regardless of what it was. My point is, the public, by and large do not care about the specs or technical aspects of each format. They just want it to fill the need and do so easily. Do both formats do this? Yes. I, for one, was happy to hear about Warner's announcement, not because I happened to now have a BD player, but because it meant that the end of a skirmish was near. I know that the guys that bought HD-DVD's are going to strongly defend it - they spent money, after making a carefully considered decision. It's hard to say "I was wrong", especially to the wife. I understand where they are coming from. But really, the sooner this is over, the better.
you must live under a rock if you haven't heard of Tom's hardware.

Guess I liver under a rock, then. Funny, it's much more comfortable than I imagined it would be...

Why do you people get so mad when an HD DVD Supporter/user brings up good and valid points of why HD DVD is still in the game? it's kind of pathetic and a big turnoff on your behalf. you guys have to get over it, the "war" is NOT over, whether you like it or not HD DVD is NOT dead. we are not going to give up until we have to, and there are many people out there who will always think HD DVD is the better choice, so you guys need to really grow up cause what you say and what you do isn't going to change that...

Not mad, just tired of the same old arguments, as db2 says. Especially when they're from such an obviously biased source. Some of the points are valid, but glosses over any opportunity to talk about the pros of Blu-Ray and the fact that many of HD-DVD's advantages are either gone or are being chipped away at. I'm not saying they don't still have an advantage in certain areas, because they do, but this article makes absolutely no attempt to be impartial.
You smurfs (Not all Blu supporters are smurfs, just the annoying ones) are really funnny. You just expect all the HD DVD supporters to throw in the towel and go away. "Please, just make it eaiser on everyone and surrender". You mean eaiser on YOU. Has Toshiba stop making players? Have studios stop producing HD DVD discs? I have both but I lean heavier to the red side.

I think Blu will win one day, but who knows when that will be. Many of us have invested large sums of money into red and probably will continue to do so. In their current states HD DVD is better then Blu. When Blu gets the final profile done that may change.

Warner was a battle, not the war. A big battle yes, but not the war.
You smurfs (Not all Blu supporters are smurfs, just the annoying ones) are really funnny. You just expect all the HD DVD supporters to throw in the towel and go away. "Please, just make it eaiser on everyone and surrender". You mean eaiser on YOU. Has Toshiba stop making players? Have studios stop producing HD DVD discs? I have both but I lean heavier to the red side.

I think Blu will win one day, but who knows when that will be. Many of us have invested large sums of money into red and probably will continue to do so. In their current states HD DVD is better then Blu. When Blu gets the final profile done that may change.

Warner was a battle, not the war. A big battle yes, but not the war.

Dude, if I have to live my life blu, then damn, I am going to be annoying!
Paramount probably wants back bad, but I wonder how much they will be able to negotiate in BD replication and marketing $$. I would bet it is a lot harder now to get a deal out of BD being the last to jump on board.
This horse is going to get beat so many times that it will not have knees when this issue is over. HD-DVD can be around for a few years still. But, it will be up to the retailers to decide when they want that shelf space for something that will turn more dollars for them. That might not happen till 2009. Its over but this is just like that horror show where the crazy guy gets killed and everyone relaxes and celebrates only to have the lunatic come back to life before he gets killed again. I think HD-DVD still might have a life or two left.

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