don't get caught moving

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I understand waht your saying, but SV when it happens, will essentially do the same thing.


It will, but only to an extent. Here in CT we have sv channels, but only 2, 4, and 5 from NY. If I "moved" to the NY dma, I would get about 15 local channels.
It will, but only to an extent. Here in CT we have sv channels, but only 2, 4, and 5 from NY. If I "moved" to the NY dma, I would get about 15 local channels.

I see ....
It's too bad that D* can't make some sort of an agreement with the people that decide these things that.
IF you pay for your locals, you will also be able to purchase any other city as well, I know this is no longer anything they could do, seeing it's all on spot beams now, but they could have made a lot of money if they were able to offer something like this.
Make it so a sub can chose to have 1 other city as long as they have thier own. (or closest for those who still can't get any, Closest would also be a good way to make money and make alot of people happy thay cannot get any locals.

I understand advertising issues, but it you have your locals already, why not.

Am I the only one who finds it hillarious that he screwed himself over? That's what happened. He was "Sticking it to the man," and couldn't keep his story straight. If that's not good comedy, I don't know what is.
Am I the only one who finds it hillarious that he screwed himself over? That's what happened. He was "Sticking it to the man," and couldn't keep his story straight. If that's not good comedy, I don't know what is.

I was wondering when SOMEONE would pick this up as well. :D

Bottom line - if you ARE going to "move", be SMART about it.
Keep your fricken story straight when you call into a CSR & you'll be OK.
If someone is too dumb to know this, then you probably should NOT be moving anyway... :rolleyes: :p

I got caught "moving" today. I called in because I received a bill in the mail for a receiver I didn't order. After I ordered a remote 2 weeks ago (which i forgot about) I "moved" to receive local channels (which i also forgot about).

If ALL you needed was a new remote, why didn't you order it from only umpteen online sites, OR pick one up at Best Buy or Circuit City, instead of risking getting caught??? :confused:
You sound like an accident waiting to happen :confused: :eek:
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Why would they want to risk losing any major programming to all users? So you are saying based on your situation, they are wanting they billing and service address to match?

And it STILL won't stop moving - in many cases, people can just use a "friends" address to intercept any mail from D* that might show up. The billing would NOT be an issue, since D* made it an option to stop sending paper bills & let's you either pay online, or be on autopay. ;)
Forget he moved, forgot he ordered a reciever. Must of been one hell of a party !
He's the type of guy you see on "worlds dumbest criminals"
I didn't forget I moved I forgot I ordered the remote. I was making sure I wasn't adding to my already high $350 bill and wasn't paying attention when she asked me to confirm my address. It doesn't matter now as I may never go back to directv again. I may sell my directv equipment and go with dishnetwork or wait til i get my own house and then decide what to do since my dad hates that tin on the roof anyways.
I didn't forget I moved I forgot I ordered the remote. I was making sure I wasn't adding to my already high $350 bill and wasn't paying attention when she asked me to confirm my address. It doesn't matter now as I may never go back to directv again. I may sell my directv equipment and go with dishnetwork or wait til i get my own house and then decide what to do since my dad hates that tin on the roof anyways.
350 a month ? what do you do for a living that you could afford that and still not be smart enough to remember you "moved"
with that kind if monthly bill you should be able to afford an extra house just so when you moved it would actually be your house LOL
Don't even get me started with the people that have RV's who want to have their locals without filling out the correct paper work or their service when they want to get dish realigned. Their acct. is in Michigan and their in Texas Man that's retarded

looking at your post history- [<----seriously, take a look] I find this absolutely hilarious and somewhat tragic. Kind of expected, too.

Instead of being frustrated, embarassed or chagrined at your own brain blunder, you lash out at content providers who are simply trying to comply with the law- unjust or not.

Sorry 'bout your luck, chief- hope you find a way to tune in to the penguin's game.

Also, good luck removing those dishes...
First off I would like to say that moving is not against the law. No where in SHVIA or SHVERA does it say that you can not give a false address to s DBS Company. There are no criminal penalties for movers. It is ONLY a violation of your agreement with D* or E*. You agree not to use your equipment at an address other than the address of record for your account. The reason the DBS companies cut you off is because if they provide you locals and they know you are not in the DMA you say you are in THEY are the ones breaking the law.

Another thing the trouble E* is in has NOTHING to do with movers. E* is in trouble because they provided DNS to households inside the grade A & B coverage areas of local TV stations. E* used improper verification maps for those house holds and then did nothing to fix the problem when ordered to by the court. E* failed to produce waivers and proof of grand father status to the courts. They basically screwed over all of their truly eligible DNS customers in true white areas.

So before any one jumps all over what I just posted I challenge you to find anywhere in any of the existing laws that cover DNS to post the section of law that says it is a crime for a customer to "move". You will not be able to because it is not a crime to move. It is just a violation of your service agreement with your DBS provider.
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Uh, if you use a false address, falsify records and sign to that effect; that constitutes FRAUD! And FRAUD IS against the law. Also, by LAW, your DBS provider is only allowed to retransmit locals to subs in their actual DMA, so by your FRAUD you are CON'ING your DBS provider into breaking the law by allowing you to receive signals that you are not entitled.
Uh, if you use a false address, falsify records and sign to that effect; that constitutes FRAUD! And FRAUD IS against the law. Also, by LAW, your DBS provider is only allowed to retransmit locals to subs in their actual DMA, so by your FRAUD you are CON'ING your DBS provider into breaking the law by allowing you to receive signals that you are not entitled.

When you move it is done with a phone call so nothing is signed. The DBS provider only breaks the law if they KNOW you are using your equipment to receive locals from outside you home dma and they allow you to continue to receive those locals. Once the DBS provider finds out you moved and they shut you down then they are in compliance with the law.

BTW i have yet to see a mover prosecuted for fraud by any state or federal authority. The worse thing that will happen to a mover is the loss of said DNS channels.
For now on the fraud and being charged, but you guys keep causing them headaches and it will trickle down. But if you read most EULA in this electronic age, you are agreeing that any online or phone or other electronic means carries your approval just as good as your signature. Listen if you research my past posts I am one of the biggest anti-NAB, anti-affiliate, anti-DMA system of decades past you can find, but everything within the law; speak up and get the laws changed, but don't lie and cheat and screw the rest of us while claiming you aren't doing anything. Hey I know its not murder or rape, but come on, cheating and lying is just that.
I've been submitting waivers for DNS for several years--with zero success. I live about 35 miles from my local stations transmitters, but behind a huge hill, which eliminates the possibility of any digital reception. The waivers have always been denied because the station claims that I can receive a Grade A signal from them. With that being said, I don't have ANY sympathy for a liar who can afford a $350 satellite bill & still lives with daddy. Quit whining!

BTW, I have to subscribe to cable in order to receive my locals in HD, grrrrrrrrr.
I've been submitting waivers for DNS for several years--with zero success. I live about 35 miles from my local stations transmitters, but behind a huge hill, which eliminates the possibility of any digital reception. The waivers have always been denied because the station claims that I can receive a Grade A signal from them. With that being said, I don't have ANY sympathy for a liar who can afford a $350 satellite bill & still lives with daddy. Quit whining!

BTW, I have to subscribe to cable in order to receive my locals in HD, grrrrrrrrr.

Have you requested a signal test?
If I am not mistaken, Bremerton is a suburb of Seattle. Both Dish Network and DirecTV are offering SD and HD (but only a few HD) Seattle/Tacoma locals.

Therefore, signal tests are moot.
I would like to know how movers are screwing the rest of us. They are not. Movers are receiving locals for what ever reason by deceit that is true but it is not screwing anybody but the local DMA. If a mover is caught then the satellite company must kill the locals or be in violation of the law. The law suit had nothing whatsoever to do with movers. No where in any of the court filings or in the judge's rulings does it mention movers. So I ask again how movers screwing any body. They are not. No legal action has been taken against E* or D* on movers. The only way legal action would be taken in regards to movers is if the DBS Company allows them to continue to receive the ill gotten locals after they are caught. If you are a mover and you are receiving locals from outside your DMA then your sat company does not know what you are doing. If they do then they are in serious trouble, and then the movers would be screwing some one other than the local DMA. I agree 100% that it is not honest and deceitful no question about it. But it is not illegal to the sub. It is only a crime if the DBS Company lets you get away with it after they catch you.
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