Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

Please reply by conversation.
Texascowboy you bring up a good point. If consumers and companies have asked Motorola to make available a desktop box (Regardless of price) and it is known that such units do exist (Star Choice), but are being refused to be sold to the US market, and are capable of being type accepted by the FCC, then an argument can be made to the United States Department of Justice by the FCC that anti competitive behavior is taking place. Throw into the fact that Comcast aka HITS is uplinking the signals and is looking for the DOJ to blessing for its purchase of NBS universal it makes perfect sense to let every one know.
People can only try. That's what i do, even if it goes nowhere. I just feel that with all the time spent on these forums, people could pause every once in a while and write a nice, well based request to different people in government and companies to support our rights for choice and support a video delivery option that so many have invested time and money into. "No person that can or will change this will ever hear a word you say if you only scream to your neighbor about it" We have rights too, that's all i'm saying, and i for one don't feel i'm wasting my time to fight for them, its just my opinion, not trying to start any arguments, i am just trying to do my part, that's all.
Thank you for your comments, I agree, I have called the people I know, and can think of, but not nearly as many as you, can you give us the address to write to those people, I will write and email my congressmen.
Thanks again
I just got on the net and looked up my congressman and senator online. As far as the FCC, i actually looked on their website and called the number at the bottom. The guy i spoke with was real nice, as i was, and said if he hears more they could be filed as complaints in which they would start to investigate, but as of now my comments were added in as concerns and would be reviewed by higher-ups. And writing to the president is just going on to: Contact the White House | The White House, and sending a letter through their site. I have also written the governor of Texas through their website. I am soon to write to Motorola to tell them that i, along with so many others, truly enjoy their system and would like to see it continue. I am sure i will come across some more companies that maybe make sat receives and fta receivers that i will write to to see if anything can spark interest in any new receivers that could renew our aging but still popular equipment. Who knows, maybe someone who already makes receivers will say, what the hay, lets make a combo receiver, name it "4d+t.v." and see how it sells. Well as i said before, it doesn't hurt to try, and if i got time to come here and read, i got time to write a few letters to important people and let them know that its not dead yet and that people are willing to shift back to it if our options were staying open and even growing (as far as channels go). In each of my requests, i just stated that I and so many others only have satellite as an option for our television and are upset that we might soon have no choice on who we pay since the small dish people are almost the same thing(just one big happy monopoly), and this is partly because of the influence the small dish companies have over the program providers. I stated no false facts as i don't want to sound like just a pissed off consumer, i just told what i see and feel and asked for someones help to stand up for us and support our right to have a choice. Any of these people will also have addresses to write a hard copy letter too also. If people in the government hear that we are asking for a voice to stand on our side for us, they might just decide to help in some way. The FCC agreed that even though our numbers are estimated at between 22,000 to 100,000, that should not matter, even small cable companies have those numbers and besides, the signals are all there anyway, we just need a new way to receive them with subscription using the dish we have. It might only be me, but I still feel its worth a try.......not just for me but for everyone still enjoying their c-band equipment. Take care!
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Forum sponsors already offer forum members special discounts etc. If SRL or Skyvision would be willing to offer a token discount to Coop members.... Well it's just a thought....
New Information

After doing some deep investigating. It appears NPS will be shutting down there G3 channels soon. A date is not set yet. This is what they mean when you call them and they say that you will be loosing channels any day. The rest of the channels on c band are fine which are all the ones SRL/Skyvision provides.

I was talking with a CSR and she was stumbling all over her script as I came up with info she had no answers for. :eek: She actually got frustrated with me since she saw she couldn't pull the wool over my eyes and wanted to terminate the call. Guess she was looking for a sucker to sell dishnet to to get her bounty.

All in all... Bottom line is even though NPS may be closing their doors and G3. C band programming especially with SRL and Skyvision is far from dead. :)
i wish in all this that skyvison/srl would use the mail system on are 922/920/905 and
let everyone know they are still open for business, this way the one's nps is getting to go to dish
they would know they have a option other than dish
i wish in all this that skyvison/srl would use the mail system on are 922/920/905 and
let everyone know they are still open for business, this way the one's nps is getting to go to dish
they would know they have a option other than dish

I have to agree with that. Maybe Mike Kohl of Skyvision can look into that. What upsets me is NPS is helping to destroy c band by giving out false information to all there subscribers with phone calls. Using lies and scare tactics to convert good c band subs to dishnet. The ones who visit this site are informed but those who don't know any better and get called by NPS are in shock. And while there in that state they persuade them to convert.

NPS's tactics remind me of a used car salesman selling that bomb with sawdust in the transmission.
I agree, on one board there are those who say NPS kept C band alive longer then it should have been, I guess we will never know that, but now they are killing it, it would be nice if Skyvision could use the mail, I used to be with Superstars a long time ago, they pulled the same thing, told me the sky was falling and I should convert over to Dish, and I almost did, I called and ordered the equipment, and programming, then in the night I woke up thinking how stupid that is, I called them first thing in the AM and cancelled, took me three months to get my money back, and that was only because I called the credit card co. and told them about it, they put it back on my card.
Then before switching to SRL I was with NPS, now they are doing the same thing.
Seams to me like pigs all feed at the same trough.
I agree, on one board there are those who say NPS kept C band alive longer then it should have been, I guess we will never know that, but now they are killing it, it would be nice if Skyvision could use the mail, I used to be with Superstars a long time ago, they pulled the same thing, told me the sky was falling and I should convert over to Dish, and I almost did, I called and ordered the equipment, and programming, then in the night I woke up thinking how stupid that is, I called them first thing in the AM and cancelled, took me three months to get my money back, and that was only because I called the credit card co. and told them about it, they put it back on my card.
Then before switching to SRL I was with NPS, now they are doing the same thing.
Seams to me like pigs all feed at the same trough.

Charlie Ergan is behind this he has caused more grief to c banders than anyone else. That guy is pure evil and needs to be stopped. He has destroyed 4 c band companies and took a big chunk of our followers with him. Someday he will run into a brick wall probably when internet tv becomes king and all his pizza dishes will be in the oven with cheese and sausage cooking on them.
Charlie Ergan is behind this he has caused more grief to c banders than anyone else. That guy is pure evil and needs to be stopped. He has destroyed 4 c band companies and took a big chunk of our followers with him. Someday he will run into a brick wall probably when internet tv becomes king and all his pizza dishes will be in the oven with cheese and sausage cooking on them.

Now it seems he'll buy the SatMex satellites from México along with MVS (their partner in Dish México), i guess he is now after the only other C Band that's alive with a lot of channels in Northamerica to fill those sats with their content.

I hope he respects the 100+ FTA channels in those sats (2 with a new one still to come in the next months plus a sat solely used for telephony).


When NPS shuts down their service, couldn't another service pick the channels up? I can see certain channels being "exclusive". However what is "exclusive" about nothing? It seems to me that when NPS shuts down, they will give up those "exclusive" rights. Kinda like a car part that was "exclusive" to the dealer. The dealer goes under and now that "dealer only" part is at all the aftermarket stores. Just a thought.
When NPS shuts down their service, couldn't another service pick the channels up? I can see certain channels being "exclusive". However what is "exclusive" about nothing? It seems to me that when NPS shuts down, they will give up those "exclusive" rights. Kinda like a car part that was "exclusive" to the dealer. The dealer goes under and now that "dealer only" part is at all the aftermarket stores. Just a thought.

NPS has no exclusive rights on any channels. They just reuplink them on G3. Anybody can do that. With enough capital you or I could start our own satellite delivery service. The problem is the regular Joe don't have the capital.

:rant:The high pricing, non choice of services, poor picture quality, and contracts are nothing but criminal acts by the pizza dish companies. For some reason people flock to them in droves. Are the American public that stupid? I guess we are lucky that we have an option with our 4dtv's and our buds. I for one will never do anything with pizza than eat it. Direct tv is no better than dish network. They just raised prices again and said this offers consumers more choice. What a crock. As long as the regular Joe keeps feeding these criminals more and more money each month they will keep going on there merry way and get away with it. We need to start a campaign here called Pull The Plug. Pull the plug from pizza and cable today!
Well I don't know what can be done, but I just fired off an e-mail to Fox News. This is a copy of that e-mail.....
I regret to inform you that me along with thousands of others will be loosing your wonderful channel at any time now. Fox News has been the best. However the thousands of viewers that I refer to are like me and use a C-band dish to subscribe to Fox News. NPS, (National Programming Service,) is at this time shutting down operations. They are forcing us to switch to Dish Network in order to receive your programing. I am afraid it is not as simple as they would like to think. The thousands of us that still use the C-band dishes are doing so out of necessity. There are many of us like me that live a 100 yards from a major highway, but have no cable because the cable companies refuse to run cable. As far as small dish goes,we simply can't afford the extremely inflated prices that the small dish companies charge so we stay with our big dishes out of economic reasons. We also can't afford to pay the small dish companies to quit their service if we don't like them. That's right. We have to sign a commitment for two years and if we are not satisfied and want to quit, we have to pay them. Even cell phone carriers are getting away from that. However the satellite carriers are embracing that type of purchase agreement. Kind of like paying protection money to the mob in my opinion. "You cancel us and it will cost you". I see no difference.
Back to my reasons for writing. Is their any way that Fox News can be opened up on other providers? SRL is an example. Skyvision is another. NPS claims exclusive rights. Well if they shut down the signal, Aren't they forfeiting their "exclusive" rights? If Fox News has a contract agreement with NPS and they cease operations, wouldn't that be a breach of contract? I sincerely hope and pray that Fox News can come up with an answer as to continuing to receive your channel. I have also written Comcast as they have the means to put your channel up on satellite. However they use a format that is not compatible to the thousands of home receivers that are out there. As a result I don't have much faith in Comcast being able to deliver.
Hopefully being the leader in media that Fox has become, you can come up with a solution to preserve the thousands of us that will be lost because of a programmer is getting out of the business. If not then I for one will be forced to decipher the news from a free service. That free service is Aljazerra. They have an english language channel that is free for the viewing on several different satellites. The FTA receiver I have will get that and I will have to take what I can get. To me that is not an answer, but I have no choice as it stands with what NPS is doing.
Thank you for your time. I hope and pray that something can be done at your end so thousands can continue to receive your channel.
I don't know if I will get an answer, but what have I got to loose? Have a great day! :)

Note.... I totally forgot to tell them to check this forum for info. Don't know if that was good or bad. Take care. ;)
E mail sent to Mike Kohl.

I just sent the following E-mail to Mike Kohl. I hope this can be addressed.

Hi Mike,

We have been talking about ways on Satguys to get the word out about
NPS and converting c band subs to you guys at SRL and Skyvision. Could
you use the 4DTV mailbox to send out a global message to all 4dtv's
telling all subscribers that if you want to continue receiving c band
programming contact you guys. We believe that it would be in the best
interest to keep subscribers that will otherwise be lost by NPS's
games to convert to dishnet. This needs to be done ASAP since NPS is
marketing their lies at an alarming rate. What do you think?

Thanks for your time,

(my name)
TvroPro (Satellite Guys.US)

Let's see what Mike says.
Please reply by conversation.

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