Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

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kind of like us hillbilly dumb c banders gets a dish network system" gawww leee paw...we can record tv shows with a vcr tape...dem sure is getting hard to find at walmarts"...that ther box has some kind of tape inside of it you ain't gotta change like our old vcr" LOL....Thanks to charlie we don't have to buy beta tapes anymore LOL
kind of like us hillbilly dumb c banders gets a dish network system" gawww leee paw...we can record tv shows with a vcr tape...dem sure is getting hard to find at walmarts"...that ther box has some kind of tape inside of it you ain't gotta change like our old vcr" LOL....Thanks to charlie we don't have to buy beta tapes anymore LOL

Walmart still sells blank VHS tapes, only in Memorex brand though in store and these online. I think Dollar General also sells some Maxell.
a couple of those are pretty funny. Especially when they screw up

Some of them sound like they're heading in to a flat out lie/con then realize they're being recorded not talking to a live customer and get back on the script. Makes me wonder what they're saying to the live customers they get a hold of.
Some of them sound like they're heading in to a flat out lie/con then realize they're being recorded not talking to a live customer and get back on the script. Makes me wonder what they're saying to the live customers they get a hold of.
You really should talk to them and let them explain all the good about the pizza dish, ask them questions and basically just string them along wasting there time. Then tell them you like 4DTV better and say goodbye.
When does NPS (No Programming Service) officially close its doors the 26th or 31st?
When does NPS (No Programming Service) officially close its doors the 26th or 31st?
They have on their web site that on the 26th at midnight they will stop C-Band programming, of course I'm sure that will not stop the phone calls.
Ya there going to call on the 26th & beyond and say you now have lost tv all together. Motorola turned off the 3.7-4.2 GHZ band and all other tv OTA, FTA etc. SRL is going out of business on the Jan 1st. You must throw everything out and install Dish Network it's the only tv left in the USA, or you need to throw your tv out too. LOL
Now they are sucking you in with the money they owe you for pre paid programming. Refund goes to get Dish Network with us or screw off!
Wow...a $100 gift card for cheap soboingo toasters! They're getting desperate. Let's hope they go under very soon! :devil::sob:
There trying to suck him in to calling so they can sell the dirty Dish system. Mountford ain't made his quota hahahahahahahahahaha...... TOO BAD!!!!
There trying to suck him in to calling so they can sell the dirty Dish system. Mountford ain't made his quota hahahahahahahahahaha...... TOO BAD!!!!
Maybe we should set a time and everyone call them and just listen to them and their line of BS and tie up the phone lines.
I received mail from direct tv and was addressed as I use on 4dtv sub. Interesting thing my dish was commanded by them today from G5 100 to W5 600 and was locked up. I finally reset it and got back on G5 and is on G5 22 to get receiver out of the stream. My sub is gone too.
Well I guess NPS did not kill C band like they wanted. Thanks to all who helped us fight this war. Taking dibs to see how long Sobongo will last.
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