Don't Believe NPS about C band support ending.

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Any one have an auto dialer.

I bet if we call this number 888-210-3474 "With messages offering Direct TV Service"

500,000 to 1,000,000 times before Dec 26th

it would cost NPS at least $10,000:)
Any one have an auto dialer.

I bet if we call this number 888-210-3474 "With messages offering Direct TV Service"

500,000 to 1,000,000 times before Dec 26th

it would cost NPS at least $10,000:)

Any old voice/data/fax modem can be turned into a auto-dialer, just find some software.
Or better yet instead of selling Direct offer HITS! ROFL

Something even crazier, how about a bread offer from Wonder bread or something? you know, to go with all their toasters. I bet they could really sell a lot more toasters if they included real toast with them.
Bread, good one :D They may square up the credits with a few toasters. I wonder what will happen if you call NPS after Dec 31.Will the phone say it's been disconnected?


No Christmas bonus for Mike and his Sobongo team, so sad :what :haha

Stan got the best bonus of them all. He was let go. Perhaps he doesn't realize it yet, but that was probably the best thing that has happened to him since being with NPS. That's the best Christmas bonus one could hope for, if one works for a company that's not even loyal to it's own loyal employees, and they let you go around Christmas time. At least Stan now knows what they really thought of him. I feel bad for Stan that he's now temporarily out of a job. But I don't feel bad for him that he is no longer employed by National Piss(on our loyal employees) Service.
Stan got the best bonus of them all. He was let go. Perhaps he doesn't realize it yet, but that was probably the best thing that has happened to him since being with NPS. That's the best Christmas bonus one could hope for, if one works for a company that's not even loyal to it's own loyal employees, and they let you go around Christmas time. At least Stan now knows what they really thought of him. I feel bad for Stan that he's now temporarily out of a job. But I don't feel bad for him that he is no longer employed by National Piss(on our loyal employees) Service.

What comes around goes around. I wonder if Mr Mountford ever figured when he made the deal with the Devil (Ergan) back in February that he would have such a fight on his hands. He figured he could just hoodwink all us dumb hick c banders and get us all to sign with Dish and get that big greenmail payoff from Charlie. I'm sure he's singing a different tune now after seeing the fight we put up. I know he has to hates my guts for all I have done to help us since early this year to get the word out. So now Charlie thinks he's pulling a fast one on us by getting HBO to drop C band support. We'll that will backfire too and he will pull down HBO with him. HBO is hurting and they disallow us access to their channels. We'll with NetFlix and all the ways one can get movies who needs HBO. Soon HBO, Charlie and NPS will all be singing the blues. :D
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