It's been an interesting 4 or 5 years with FTA but I think I'm done for a while. The parts are getting hard too find in my opinion. Seems like no one stocks that much anymore. I can't blame them in this economy. Last month I'd spent far too much in shipping just getting spare parts from multiple places. I prefer not to deal with Ebay do to lack of support after the sale. The quality of most off shore products are not that well made. The exception is the Micro Hd. Anyone thats been in this for a while can tell you that realistically there's less to watch than there used to be too. That's due to a variety of things I know. I seriously thought how I've sunk more $$$ in this one hobby than any hobby I've ever had. The number of receivers I've owned is probably 10...the number of motors almost as high. Some lasted a year some less. Had a few D.O.A. too. Its true I guess we spend more time tinkering than watching. I can't count the hours spent in the freezing cold fixing something. I remember the heyday of the big dish too. Putting up ten footers in a cornfield in zero degree temps..brrr...Guess I'm getting older and less patient too. I'll keep the equipment going for as long as I can with what parts I have and then that's it. Thanks to all for their help over the years and hopefully I've helped someone along the way too. So for a while I'm gonna sit back on the sidelines and watch I guess. Thanks to all....Blind AKA Jeff