Does MeTV on 99W have issues?

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This was odd, just got home, turned TV on left Sat. on ME TV & meter showed 82% signal quality but picture frozen! Changed channels & flip back no signal quality! Changed transponder to 3723 & picked right up! Thanks for info!

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I've tried everything I know, and I just cannot get MeTV on anything. Either 99W or 101W, I cannot get MeTV to work. If I have it on frequency, it will jump in and out for just a second, and then drop back out. I cannot get any of the MeTV freqs. to work on either Sat. But I'm getting Hero's and everything else it seems, although eScapes doesn't tune in, but MeTV seems to be my nemesis as of last week or so when it quit working. I read some of the posts, and tried the 3723 as apposed to 3720 to no avail. I've got a MiniHD SE, and the latest upgraded firmware, and am perplexed as to the situation. I have MeTV on OTA here in the Ozarks, and the Fox KRBK (CH.49.2 or whatever) that rides along with the 3720 TP, and as of late, "I got nothin' "... Lyngsat I think shows 2 TP's for 97 or 99W, (not sure here) and 101W just has one TP with MeTV, and I don't see any others. It's not such a big deal since we have the OTA, but it's just not like my 8.5' BUD, and my Mini HD SE to have trouble like this. I don't think I can change anything on the MiniHD SE other than the 3720/H/8700 info. I have it set to Auto on Polarity, and made sure I had the best signal for the sat, other than that... Hmmmm!
Just FYI, I have an Android Max, and the Satellite Transponders APP from XCODIUM seems to have all the latest TP info. and seems to match Lyngsat's info, as Lyngsat seems to be the best I've found for the most accurate info, just in case someone is looking for an APP. for Android. If anyone has another route I can go, I would sure like to know if the problem is me or them.
If it's them, I'll quit trying, but if it's me, I gotta know what's up just to know how to remedy it for future reference. I hope everyone is doing great, and send our best to everyone! Thanks for being there folks!!!
(It's too bad I can't speak Spanish... My channel list would be incredible. I'd be in FTA Heaven!) I love watching the conversion commercials, and the way that product names are not interpreted as one would think. Product names are verbatum, and the voiceovers for infomercials are a hoot. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'... What a fun hobby! It's as fun to me as when a HAM is looking for SKIP to listen to or communicate with, or opening up a money envelope on a birthday! You put in the numbers, and when the signal fires up, and hitting scan, it's the anticipation of what you will get. You either get something from your cheapskate uncle, or you cash in from Uncle Trump! It's kinda cool watching stuff that is not likely being broadcast by any other means in your area, and if it is, and although it is OTA and FTA in another area, it might not otherwise be seen except for an inclusion to a pay package on cable or something. It's just the rush of FTA, after so many years of the alternative HD conversion boxes and what seemed to be the connection to the BORG. At least for us, it's easier to thumb through infomercials when I'm not paying for them anymore. Today we have so many more options for entertainment than we did when we were kids, and that was 3 or 4 channels total, and forget about anything after midnight or so. Right now, I'm working on a Wind Turbine that can power the Satellite System/TV/Etc., so it can truly put the Free in FTA. The Wind Turbine charges the batteries, the Inverter powers the system. Bazinga! Because thats what I think MacGuyver would do Lol. My wife loves it! FREE AT LAST!
Sounds like you need a we bit more signal. A judicious tune up of the dish may do it. Check the pole for tilt?? if forward a little adjustment of the elevation should do.
FWIW: with the Q meters 'flat top response' to signal, I tune to max then adjust for 5 or 10 points below max. Then "count turns" across the max to the same reading the other side of max. Then go 1/2 that count to the middle for max.

If this was received but now is a 'no show': something 'fired up' on an adjacent satellite. Maybe bumping the dish E or W a bit??
!0 ft is 2 degree compliant. 8.5 is not and is susceptible to adjacent interference. In some cases setting the F/D +/- a bit may degrade the interference just enough to get what you're after. (Keep the focal length at the same peaked distance from the dish) YMMV

Or there's extra loss in the coax/connectors. Corrosion?? Pinhole?

FWIW: I have it at 3718 H 8703, and it's broken up a bit because of the winds today. It isn't 'one of the easy TP's' out there. A PLL lnbf* helps for these narrower TP's (Low SR) (*one of these days)
Lyngsat seems to be the best I've found for the most accurate
I find sathint a bit better.
I've tried everything I know, and I just cannot get MeTV on anything. Either 99W or 101W, I cannot get MeTV to work. If I have it on frequency, it will jump in and out for just a second, and then drop back out. I cannot get any of the MeTV freqs. to work on either Sat. But I'm getting Hero's and everything else it seems, although eScapes doesn't tune in, but MeTV seems to be my nemesis as of last week or so when it quit working. I read some of the posts, and tried the 3723 as apposed to 3720 to no avail. I've got a MiniHD SE, and the latest upgraded firmware, and am perplexed as to the situation. I have MeTV on OTA here in the Ozarks, and the Fox KRBK (CH.49.2 or whatever) that rides along with the 3720 TP, and as of late, "I got nothin' "... Lyngsat I think shows 2 TP's for 97 or 99W, (not sure here) and 101W just has one TP with MeTV, and I don't see any others. It's not such a big deal since we have the OTA, but it's just not like my 8.5' BUD, and my Mini HD SE to have trouble like this. I don't think I can change anything on the MiniHD SE other than the 3720/H/8700 info. I have it set to Auto on Polarity, and made sure I had the best signal for the sat, other than that... Hmmmm!
Just FYI, I have an Android Max, and the Satellite Transponders APP from XCODIUM seems to have all the latest TP info. and seems to match Lyngsat's info, as Lyngsat seems to be the best I've found for the most accurate info, just in case someone is looking for an APP. for Android. If anyone has another route I can go, I would sure like to know if the problem is me or them.
If it's them, I'll quit trying, but if it's me, I gotta know what's up just to know how to remedy it for future reference. I hope everyone is doing great, and send our best to everyone! Thanks for being there folks!!!
(It's too bad I can't speak Spanish... My channel list would be incredible. I'd be in FTA Heaven!) I love watching the conversion commercials, and the way that product names are not interpreted as one would think. Product names are verbatum, and the voiceovers for infomercials are a hoot. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'... What a fun hobby! It's as fun to me as when a HAM is looking for SKIP to listen to or communicate with, or opening up a money envelope on a birthday! You put in the numbers, and when the signal fires up, and hitting scan, it's the anticipation of what you will get. You either get something from your cheapskate uncle, or you cash in from Uncle Trump! It's kinda cool watching stuff that is not likely being broadcast by any other means in your area, and if it is, and although it is OTA and FTA in another area, it might not otherwise be seen except for an inclusion to a pay package on cable or something. It's just the rush of FTA, after so many years of the alternative HD conversion boxes and what seemed to be the connection to the BORG. At least for us, it's easier to thumb through infomercials when I'm not paying for them anymore. Today we have so many more options for entertainment than we did when we were kids, and that was 3 or 4 channels total, and forget about anything after midnight or so. Right now, I'm working on a Wind Turbine that can power the Satellite System/TV/Etc., so it can truly put the Free in FTA. The Wind Turbine charges the batteries, the Inverter powers the system. Bazinga! Because thats what I think MacGuyver would do Lol. My wife loves it! FREE AT LAST!

Metv on 101W has a low signal to begin with, I think Im around 40Q on my 10 footer.
You can tweek for just the MeTV Mux and get it in a little better. You can tune for the best signal on H&I and not get squat on MEtv. Im on the East coast so your footprint may vary.
Actually, Tonight when we got home, I thought I would check things out, and on 99W, the MeTV TP that I changed to 3723H8703 change seemed to be the answer to the problem. I still don't understand about tweeking the numbers, and the rule of thumb for that type of tuning, but it is working now, and also, it carries the FOX Channel for watching NASCAR races on the sat. I can record stuff with the nice sized USB flash drive on the MiniHD SE. I haven't tried 101W yet, but at least one MeTV is good enough if 101W is still a problem. Thanks for the info, and yes, MeTV is one of our favs as well. Lots of stuff to watch! What caused the MeTV situation by the way? Did everybody experience this? Just curious... At least it's working. FYI, just make sure you don't keep 2 sets of numbers, or it will possibly scan more sets of channels. Although the system lets you know when you have the same TP info, but if the numbers are close enough to the same TP, but not exact, it might scan that TP again if conditions are better as it were. I've made some pretty good messes in my channel and sat lists, and had to do some pretty good clean-ups to get back on track. I get myself confused sometimes remembering what Sat. I'm working with sometimes. A little word of advise... It's easier to look for stuff when you can see the dish, or watch the controller info. Lol. And apparently TP's are not always on, and there are good and bad times to try to scan stuff. If the TP's are not transmitting, then they are as good as non-existant to the RCVR. Thats for the newbies like me that are still learning the little things that can throw you a curve. By the way, my dish is an 8.5' BUD. Titanium powered with an ASC1, and a brand new C1WPLL. (93W 36N) in the heart of the Ozark Mtns. Beautiful HD in a blinding rain is just amazing to me, but if lightning gets close, don't risk cooking anything. Unhook the system to avoid taking an RF Airstrike. It can take out the LNBF and the controller even if the system is properly grounded. If you don't believe me, just ask me!
Actually, Tonight when we got home, I thought I would check things out, and on 99W, the MeTV TP that I changed to 3723H8703 change seemed to be the answer to the problem. I still don't understand about tweeking the numbers, and the rule of thumb for that type of tuning, but it is working now, and also, it carries the FOX Channel for watching NASCAR races on the sat. I can record stuff with the nice sized USB flash drive on the MiniHD SE. I haven't tried 101W yet, but at least one MeTV is good enough if 101W is still a problem. Thanks for the info, and yes, MeTV is one of our favs as well. Lots of stuff to watch! What caused the MeTV situation by the way? Did everybody experience this? Just curious... At least it's working. FYI, just make sure you don't keep 2 sets of numbers, or it will possibly scan more sets of channels. Although the system lets you know when you have the same TP info, but if the numbers are close enough to the same TP, but not exact, it might scan that TP again if conditions are better as it were. I've made some pretty good messes in my channel and sat lists, and had to do some pretty good clean-ups to get back on track. I get myself confused sometimes remembering what Sat. I'm working with sometimes. A little word of advise... It's easier to look for stuff when you can see the dish, or watch the controller info. Lol. And apparently TP's are not always on, and there are good and bad times to try to scan stuff. If the TP's are not transmitting, then they are as good as non-existant to the RCVR. Thats for the newbies like me that are still learning the little things that can throw you a curve. By the way, my dish is an 8.5' BUD. Titanium powered with an ASC1, and a brand new C1WPLL. (93W 36N) in the heart of the Ozark Mtns. Beautiful HD in a blinding rain is just amazing to me, but if lightning gets close, don't risk cooking anything. Unhook the system to avoid taking an RF Airstrike. It can take out the LNBF and the controller even if the system is properly grounded. If you don't believe me, just ask me!

I'm in SE Kansas, not too far from you (as the crow flies).

The other night, after reading this thread, I ran some tests out of curiosity. It was nothing more than to compare Q readings and TP info between my two main receivers (see attached file).

A 10' dish with a Titanium C1-PLL used. Dish moved to satellite, actuator controller tweaked E-W to verify on target and Q read from TP info screen on first receiver. First receiver shut down and then receivers were swapped, second receiver powered up and testing resumed

For this test, the transponders on the 1933 were older scans that were working fine. The transponders on the Mini were scanned that evening.


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