Does D* brainwash it's subscribers?

If Voom succeeds and learns how to market their product, come 2007 I predict I will be posting nothing but "AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" all over the place... however if Voom dies and I have to go to D* or E* I'll be going "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA" for entirely different reasons.
Dvlos said:
If Voom succeeds and learns how to market their product, come 2007 I predict I will be posting nothing but "AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH" all over the place... however if Voom dies and I have to go to D* or E* I'll be going "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA" for entirely different reasons.

If VOOM fails we will all be going BOOHOOOBOOHOOO. We will be posting over at the D* or E* forums complaining about the bad PQ/lack of content/lack of channels and reminiscing about the good ole days with VOOM.
Ah... no way man I still think if Voom the DBS dies, Rainbow Media will take all that content and market some channels, then we'll all be like "Remember when Voom had those as 21 free channels, without commercials and that ugly Voom Guide Guy? WHY!!!! DAMN YOU DIRTY APES!!"
that thread is sad. I don't understand people defending a product or company like it's their freaking wife's honor or something. I'm with voom but if some aspects of voom suck, I'll say so. If I bought something and it doesn't perform as I expected, I'll be the first to say it. I don't try to defend it to others to convince myself I made the right choice. This attitude of "don't complain because the other guys suck too" is idiotic cause then you'll just get the (dis)service you deserve. If you keep "defining suckage down", you'll never hit bottom b/c no company is dumb enough or principled enough to give you more when you're content to make do with less.

I fixed the link to your first post. That thread was merged with a bigger thread that was discussing the same topic.
I shut a few people up over there.... but its a losing battle im afraid. Still its fun to whale on dumbasses who spout crap off. Such as D* pricing 1/2 of vooms etc.
DarrellP said:
My pj is 720p native but I can tell a difference when watching a 720p source vs a 1080i source, it seems to have more detail even though my pj can't produce any more than 720p. Must be Magic.
For the first time ever, I saw 720p on a 720p display when Fox did NFL this weekend. Needless to say, I was unimpressed with it. However, Voom's bastard version of ESPN-HD looked very sweet Sunday night.
I haven't seen FoxHD yet, but from what I've read on AVSForum, they have some tweaking to do. The MNF on ABC was spectacular, probably the first time I've seen the WOW factor from a 720p sourced program.
I don't know but FOX Sports Florida HD looks just like ESPNHD but better, because they show the Marlins :D

Why Sears is a bad rep for VoOM

Wow...wrote Voom a nasty gram, got a phone call in 25 minutes

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