Does anyone know of any coupon codes for timetrax?


New Member
Original poster
Nov 27, 2005
Does anyone know of any coupon codes that work for the timetrax website? :confused:
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There are not currently any codes - but there is a very, VERY nice deal going on right now - check out that thread.

Thanks for giving me the heads-up on that great offer, David. But, unfortunately, I'm looking for a Sirius TimeTrax Package. Do you know of a way that I can get a similar great deal on that?
Not sure why the thread has been deleted (but I am not surprised).

I am not sure if the TimeTrax Portion of the sale is still going, but the XM radio unit is still 50$ with a 50$ mail in rebate (I think)

Also check out this link on the website...

according to this thread on the other section of the forum.. there are FREE ACTIVATIONS until 12/31/2005
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Still can't find Complete package for $50 deal

Thanks for the pointer, but that's a Complete package $130-marked-down-to-$80 deal; I'm still looking for the Complete package $130-marked-down-to-$50 deal that dkieffer posted. Below is what Google says that dkieffer said; I realize that TimeTrax now has a $50-off coupon like Crutchfield, but that only gets us down to $80, whereas dkieffer says it should be down to $50. I tried following dkieffer's directions, but it didn't seem to work. So, I'm still looking for the "$30.00 OFF a TimeTrax Connect XM" deal.

Thanks for your help.

From Google:

Get everything in our TimeTrax Complete package (a $129.99 value) for $49.99
We have learned that Crutchfield is offering the XM Direct Radio for FREE! Link to product on Crutchfield site (
(the same one used in our TimeTrax Complete XM ( package)
We've sweetened the deal.....
For a limited time get $30.00 OFF a TimeTrax Connect XM (
Here is what you need to do to take advantage of this great deal:
1. Visit Crutchfield and purchase an XM Direct Radio. ( As of 11/19/2005 they are in stock and include a rebate for the entire purchase price which makes it free.
2. Visit TimeTrax and purchase a TimeTrax Connect XM. ( When you add the TimeTrax Connect XM ( to your shopping cart you will see the discounted price.
Get everything in our TimeTrax Complete package (a $129.99 value) ( for the low price of $49.99.
Limited time offer.
Act now while supplies last!
That is the old promotion.

The new offering is what is available at this time.

Thus "limited time offer".


Fair enough (this wasn't clear from your post #10).
By the way, it's worth noting that the $50 rebate form says that up to "3 rebates are allowed per household". So, everyone should get three for free, and use the money they save to buy more copies of TimeTrax.
drfuchs said:
......"3 rebates are allowed per household". So, everyone should get three for free, and use the money they save to buy more copies of TimeTrax.

Lets not get crazy !

problem with activation

Is it free to upg to Recast from std TimeTrax?

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