Ok, TimeTrax gone... any alternative software out there?


Original poster
Apr 3, 2005
Is there software alternatives out there that can record from line in? i.e. direct feed the XMPCR to the in line on the p.c. with slice and dice capability (seperates intoMP3 files per song/segment)? I bought something like this about 2 years ago but lost my archives as TimeTrax was working fine for me. :confused:
Uhmm... Has Time Trax stopped working for you?

Mine is still running. A bit buggy - but nothing has changed since their disappearance.
jhand_us said:
Is there software alternatives out there that can record from line in? i.e. direct feed the XMPCR to the in line on the p.c. with slice and dice capability (seperates intoMP3 files per song/segment)? I bought something like this about 2 years ago but lost my archives as TimeTrax was working fine for me. :confused:

Total Recorder


I posted this a long while back even before or just during TT startup. I have used it from the get go with flawless results. And THIS is the only extra part I needed because I didn't already have one. $2

Total Recorder records streaming audio, Mic input, Line-in input as well as CDs and DVDs. The resulting files are saved on your computer's hard-drive in the format and bitrate of your choice. The system also allows users to schedule recordings!

Total Recorder Standard Edition costs just $17.95 (USD).

Features: http://www.highcriteria.com/main_productfr_tr_overview.htm
Last edited:
Total Recorder, that's it! I purchased a copy of this a bit back, looked at it briefly and moved on with timetrax. Thanks. I'll see if I can find my license to download again.

re: "Uhmm... Has Time Trax stopped working for you?"
No. However given the web site and business melted into a black hole, I need a backup plan. It would be nice if the company had sent out an eMail to it's paying customers telling us what happened. Also, I don't like the dependency on the software 'talking' to the mothership server to work, they could go bye, bye any day. I'm preparing my contingency plan now, like a good soldier.

ManCow goes off the air in Chicago and now TimeTrax is in jeopardy - not a good week. :mad:
If you see the other posts, the MotherShip conversations are not that big a deal and if you read further into things, you can even get the older versions that do not talk back to the mothership to work - that is - if you kept them or have someone here to e-mail you/link you to a copy. I am not sure who has anything and what they have at all.

I am not going to get into your ManCow issue...To each his own.
I have the total recorder and love using it. Its great for recording. GREAT software. You, before buying it, should know, however, that it doesnt split songs, doesnt ahve a grab/kill list, etc. The timer will basically record the block you set it to record... and itll do so well. You can even record various things at one time... one winmed stream, one auxilary input (xm radio) stream, one winamp stream, and one stream playing through internmet explorer... so theoretically, you could record at least 4 streams at once... as long as they dont use the same program to play. Again, its a phenomenal piece of software, but its not the same (functionally) as timetrax as it doesnt split up songs or grab/kill.

You can easily split and rename your own tacks; AND at one $18 charge it WORKS, and continues to work. The most important differences between the two. IMHO.
Agreed there... I think Total recorder is BY FAR the best software Ive gotten in years.

HIGHLY recommended.
freddyf said:
Sorry I'm new around here but is it me or TT does not let you record anymore from XMPCR?

Time Trax Recast 1.8 records from the XM PCR.

Here is what I have found so far.

Sometimes, the older version 3.2 (which is/was most stable for me) dies and not doesn't change channels and gets stuck...

TT Recast, works, when its not crashing - It crashes after running 1-3 days straight.

These are my tests and may not represent your findings or experience.

As far as I know, you cannot change XM Radios, you cannot buy a new version now to work with a new radio.

Maybe someone can test that.

EDIT : I own the PCR and its records for me just fine. Release notes when they released TimeTraxRecast 1.8 fixed something that XM changed in the data stream.

Does anyone ahve a version of recast + registration if needed that I could get. I have not been able to find anything online that I can use that splits the songs up. Can anyone help??
still holding on

seeing as how the timetrax guys arent available...and buying a new registration key is out of the question, and that I am a broken radio away from losing my recording ability... I tried out some new stuff today.

I installed ConRec by MBro, and ExtremePCR. XtremePCR turns the XMdirect on... and lets you choose channels. You can use the timetrax box or a serial cable you can make.
ConRec records (for up to three hours)... and makes one large MP3 out of whatever you record. The nice thing about conrec is that while it is recording, it logs what you are getting... so you get one big MP3, and a log with the name and artist, and where each song starts (i.e. 0:00 Jay Z - Big Pimpin 03:45 Justin Timberlake - Some Lousy Song.... etc....)
You can open up the file and copy the parts you like into new MP3s. Not as eay as timetrax, but the programs are free, and dont digitally sign your songs with your radio ID.
A guy on another board told me his friend is working on a timetrax-like recorder... hopefully it will come to fruition and we can all go about our lives recording music the way it should be....for free. (ok - for $14 a month.... but think about how many songs you can record in a month)
XtreMe PCR was such an incredibly nice piece of software. It's a real shame that they went running when XM sent the Cease and Desist letter (like just about everyone else making software for the XMPCR). I really looked forward to seeing where that one was going to go.
the nice thing about most of the software for XM - other than time trax - is that despite C&D orders, the apps live on in cyberspace.... once something is released, its like the common cold. it just spreads around forever. Kazaa Lite K++, XtrememPCR, DVDShrink, DVD Decrypter..... despite everything they still circulate. Find the right group and say "hey I need that!" and most likely someone will send it to you.
Which is why the timetrax a-holes should have freed theirs..... imagine a software group, knowing they are about to be shut down, sued, whatever, releasing a "Cracked" version on P2P! Blame the hackers and whine about "i can't believe they cracked us".
bah humbug.

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