Do you have the latest HD User Interface?

HDGUI on your Receivers/DVRs?

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I have it on both of my HR20-700s from the CE.

You have the new HD Guide on your HR20-700. Directv is telling me the HR20-700 does not support and can not receive the new HD-Guide.

If the HR20-700 does not support and can not receive the HD-Guide how can it be on your HR20-700? Unless, Directv is wrong and the HR20-700 can support and receive the HD-Guide.

After the rollout hits my DMA on 12-14-2011 I will do a CE. Based on what you have told me I expect i will have the HD-Guide on my HR20-700
You have the new HD Guide on your HR20-700. Directv is telling me the HR20-700 does not support and can not receive the new HD-Guide.

If the HR20-700 does not support and can not receive the HD-Guide how can it be on your HR20-700? Unless, Directv is wrong and the HR20-700 can support and receive the HD-Guide.

After the rollout hits my DMA on 12-14-2011 I will do a CE. Based on what you have told me I expect i will have the HD-Guide on my HR20-700

I was surprised to read your post that they told you that, because my two HR20-700s have been fine working fine with the HD -Guide and menus.
I was surprised to read your post that they told you that, because my two HR20-700s have been fine working fine with the HD -Guide and menus.

I feel much better about getting the new HD-Guide after reading your posts.

This is a statement I received in an email from Directv: "The new on screen guide will be available on all HD DVR and HD Receivers, model H21 and later." I was also told the same thing when I called technical support. My HR20-700 would not be able to get the HD-Guide.

I did a CE yesterday. I still have the SD Guide. But, it is much much faster than before.

When the new rollout hits my area on 12-14-2011 I will do an other CE. Hopefully, I will have the HD Guide.

Thank you for your help.
I did a CE yesterday. I still have the SD Guide. But, it is much much faster than before.

If you did the CE yesterday that explains why you don't see the HD Guide and Menu. The CE software is only in the stream during certain time and after that time is over it is switched back to the national Release. It was not in the stream yesterday. It is only in the stream during the designated hours usually Friday and Saturday night.
I did a CE yesterday. I still have the SD Guide. But, it is much much faster than before.

If you did the CE yesterday that explains why you don't see the HD Guide and Menu. The CE software is only in the stream during certain time and after that time is over it is switched back to the national Release. It was not in the stream yesterday. It is only in the stream during the designated hours usually Friday and Saturday night.

I will do a CE Friday night between 11:00 PM and 2:30 Am EST.

From the Directv website:
Will the On-Screen Guide change on every HD DVR and HD receiver? What about standard-definition receivers?

The new DIRECTV HD On-Screen Guide upgrade is a feature of our advanced receivers (HD receivers and HD DVRs). If you have both HD and SD receivers in your home, you will have the new guide on your HD receivers, but will continue to see the same guide on any SD receiver.


The web site certainly gives the impression that the HD Guide will be available on all their HD and HD DVRs

The email from DirectV says no the HD Guide will not be available on all their HD and HD DVRs. It is only available on "HD DVR and HD Receivers, model H21 and later."

dfergie posted on 11-20-2011 "I forgot to list my H20 which did get a CE Friday, but is incapable of handling the HD GUI.

A lot of conflicting information.

I will post again after I try the CE on Friday night.
I hope you are right.

Directv has told me even when my DMA gets the roll out - my HR20/700 will not get the HD -Guide. But, I was told at that time I may be able to do a free swap of my old receiver for a newer receiver that has the new HD-Guide.
Tell that person they're wrong It's the H20 that's not getting it.
I will do a CE Friday night between 11:00 PM and 2:30 Am EST.

. . . .

I will post again after I try the CE on Friday night.
Are you sure you want to try for the CE? It can very risky.

You might be able to pull the NR when it goes back into stream in the wee hours. Which looks like Dec 6th.

Anyway before you pull the current NR again, check the Firmware Site to make sure it is in the stream.
Tell that person they're wrong It's the H20 that's not getting it.

Yes, that person was wrong.

This afternoon I received a phone call from the Customer Advocate Team That is one department I feel that has the correct information. I was told unequivocally the HR20-700 will get the HD-Guide. It should take about two weeks before the rollout reaches my area
Are you sure you want to try for the CE? It can very risky.

You might be able to pull the NR when it goes back into stream in the wee hours. Which looks like Dec 6th.

Anyway before you pull the current NR again, check the Firmware Site to make sure it is in the stream.

I will take your advise. I can wait until I receive the automatic public download. And the update I got yesterday greatly increased the guide speed.; which is probably the feature I most wanted to have.
It is blue.

The information I received from Directv is "The new on screen guide will be available on all HD DVR and HD Receivers, model H21 and later."

So, it appears the HR20/700 does not get the New HD Guide; but it get a much faster old SD Guide.

The HR20 does get the new gui, but the H20 does not.
I hope you are right.

Directv has told me even when my DMA gets the roll out - my HR20/700 will not get the HD -Guide. But, I was told at that time I may be able to do a free swap of my old receiver for a newer receiver that has the new HD-Guide.

I have a HR20-700 and after doing the CE d/l I have the new gui on it.
I hope you are right.

Directv has told me even when my DMA gets the roll out - my HR20/700 will not get the HD -Guide. But, I was told at that time I may be able to do a free swap of my old receiver for a newer receiver that has the new HD-Guide.

Maybe the CSR wanted you to sign another 2 years contract with new equipment. :D
It is blue.

The information I received from Directv is "The new on screen guide will be available on all HD DVR and HD Receivers, model H21 and later."

So, it appears the HR20/700 does not get the New HD Guide; but it get a much faster old SD Guide.
Well there is currently a HDGUI in the stream for HR20-700.
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