DO says not connected to Broadband, it is- but I discovered this!


Original poster
Oct 5, 2011
Hi all! I have 2 receivers, a 722 and a 622. Both are connected to my DSL (via my Apple Time Capsule). The 622 is connected through a wireless adaptor (with a signal strength of 60+) and the 722 is connected via ethernet via Apple Express. Both DVR's say connected when I do the menu troubleshooting thing. DO only shows my 622 as being connected. Fast forward- I've done all of the resets- test connection, reset connection, unplug DVR and reboot it, switch out the Apple express (I have 2- they both work), clear my cookies, my cache, log in and out 403 times, and nothing will get the 722 to show connected on DO.
However, I just noticed something. On my Dish iphone app, it shows the 722 with a yellow dot beside it. That tells me that something is trying to connect to it. I went to to look at my equipment. On the Dish page, it has my receivers switched.
On my iphone app (and this is correct, I verified it under system information), the 622 IS connected to broadband and the 722 is not. The receiver numbers are flipped on the page (pic above). Maybe this is why the receiver isn't showing to be connected on DO? Any ideas if this means anything important?? Thank you in advance for your advice.
I did try the wireless on the 722 and while the receiver itself said it was connected, DO said not connected.
This morning, I even completely swapped the 2 receivers. I took the 622 to where the 722 was, hooked it all up and vise-versa.. 722 shows connected on the DVR end, but not on Dish Online..
There seems to be a bug with the 722 (and possibly the k as well) not registering with DO.

Make sure DISH knows you're having the problem.
Well poopie. I have a sling adaptor on the way too. Stinks I may not be able to use it. I emailed Ray from the dishsupport forum and maybe he can make a note of it or even attempt to reset the receiver on his if he thinks that's what it needs..
Well... This is little help to those who insist on wireless or powerline. I was running a Patriot Box Office with the included WiFi dongle, along with a 612 on an ASUS WL-330gE. The BPO would not stream HD over wireless (I had an 802.11g network at the time) from my router in the basement. It worked great on DVD rips about half the time, and not at all the other half. (Of course I wasn't streaming anything to the 612 at the time.) I finally gave up and fished a new network cable to a new GigE unmanaged switch: problem solved permanently. Now when they update the firmware on the 612, I'll be all set. ;)
i see this issue all the time one will show online and the other not . Sling through DRA/DO will not show no matter what is done dish needs to fix this as im not getting payed for all the wifi adapters and other networking gear i install as the boxes will not phone home but will DL content through movie pass and other free programs
There seems to be a bug with the 722 (and possibly the k as well) not registering with DO.

Make sure DISH knows you're having the problem.
There is a bug in the 722 at least two or three different threads on networking problems mine has not work right for at least a week I hope the new software that has been spooling out fixes it .
I too am having issues with 722 and sling. It has worked fine for months and now it errors out saying 722 is not online. I reset broadband and it's online. Getting very frustrated with it. I use dishonline all the time...or I did

I just checked and it shows my 722 (with sling) offline, no green dot, and shows my 612 online with sling... something is REALLY wrong
I was just now playing with DRA to see if I'd gotten the new firmware on my 722. (I haven't.) But it was showing the 722 offline and ONE of my two 612's offline as well. Playing around with the browser's reload button and the DVR selection pulldown menu (with the yellow or green balls) fixed it. I'm at work so resetting the receiever is out of the question. (Though you can reboot it if it has a Sling Adapter.)
I too use my 722 with Sling adapter nearly every night from my office (in another room) and it worked fine for many months until about 2-3 weeks ago. DO and DRA both don't think my receiver is online although the receiver shows it's connected and fine. This happens EVERY single day, 99.9% of the time when I come on it says it's offline. I usually pull the Sling USB out and the network cable out and plug both back in and wait a bit and after some refreshing it works. Once working, it'll work fine all night (3 to 6 hours). The next night, I start all over again. It's becoming increasingly frustrating. I've reset everything else possible and nothing is making it work. I just found some more ideas in the forums to add a static DHCP rule and setup some port forwarding for 5101 and 5102 which I've done. I reset the DISH connection thru the menu and see my new static IP was assigned. Still no connection in DO or DRA. This afternoon I chatted with support through their web site and after a few questions she (Kimberly) gave up and said she created a ticket to have a technician try to recreate my problem and that likely it's software. Pretty generic answer and she couldn't possibly have enough information to recreate my scenario. My only hope is she knows the version of software the 722 is running and along with some of my symptoms there are other support tickets with similar setups and problems so hopefully with time this issues can be escalated and addressed in a new software update.
I've been working with Ray from He's working through all the troubleshooting steps with me. I finally received the sling adaptor, hooked it up to the 722, DO shows the Sling attached to my 722, but I still can't access anything from DO.. this is frustrating for sure. Heck, I can't even run the dish connectivity test from home either. I use a mac and neither safari nor firefox will download that thing I need to do the test. Of note, I have L721 software version on my 722. I think that may the newest release. Still nothing. Didn't do anything to make DO better.
Is a dish online issue. I noticed the same problem a couple weeks ago and talked with Dish customer service. Nice lady said Dish was aware of the problem and are working to fix it. I only have one receiver, connected over house power line and directly into router. All devices on my network see out. My receiver can refresh IP address in Broadband setup. Dish streaming works and all that. Is a Dish Online problem. BTW, cool forum. Is nice to be able to log in and see whats what in the community. Feel free to ask me stuff, have worked for dish as a TSR and a Field Install tech as well as Comcast as a field tech (Installs, Service, Internet/home networking and Digital Voice) for about three years. Don't know everything there is to know but enjoy the problem solving aspect.
I'll jump in again because this is really getting frustrating!
My 722 is online, I've reset it many times and I unplugged and replugged in my sling adapter. And my iphone dish app and any computer through DO shows my 722 offline. WTF dish, can't you get anything right? CS is a joke.
I've done nothing to my setup and it worked well for many months, just decided to quit working. AND YES THE RED LIGHT IS ON THE SLING ADAPTER
rant over...peace
Starting last night -- my unplug/plug of the Sling Adapter and network cable is no longer helping me. There's no rhyme or reason why it eventually just starts working. I'm really getting sick of this ... I research DirecTV a little last night and they don't offer anything similar to the Sling. I've been a DISH customer for the majority of 15 years, first time I've scoped out the competition.

One thing I did notice tonight, when going to it used to route me to and now I'm going to DO will recognize my DVR if I log out and back in but when I click on the DVR (even show the "name" I gave it and that it has a Sling adapter) it gives me a blue "Reconnect" button which does nothing every time I click it.

While I'm on the topic, DRA is SO NICE compared to DO ... I pray pray they don't completely shut down DRA. DO is a huge pile of garbage. It's so focused on getting you to stream other stuff ... 99% of people using it are using it to watch off their DVR. Their product managers need to realign their priorities.
It's like spam. Some nefarious individuals spam millions of others because a few imbeciles actually respond and send them money. Spammers don't care if they irritate the rest of us. Likewise, Dish doesn't care if it annoys the hell out of a few power users of Sling technology. All they care about is making a few bucks from the imbeciles who want to watch movies on their PC and pay 6X what they should for the privilege.:rolleyes:

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