Do I need to change the box?

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
I have a 8300 HD DVR box. About a week ago, I keep getting a horizontal line going from bottom up across the screen. It is so bad that it affects all other input lines on my HDTV. I had to disconnect the input on the 8300 box and the line dissappear from all inputs. I have tried both component and HDMI inputs without a solution. I will try tech support latter on but I will hate to lose all my programmings on Hard Disk.
Well you could test to see if your box is outputting voltage for some reason.. Use a multimeter and check the outputs. Also try plugging the box into different power outlets, or moving it away from other objects that may induce voltage onto it. Even trying to take it into another room and put it on a seperate TV. If the problem does not go away then you will need a new box..

thanks for your reponse I tried all that you mentioned. I will hate to change the box since I have so much recording on it. I haven't called them yet since I had a very busy weekend but I will have to tonight.
OK, I turned the box today because I wanted to TBS HD since it was added today. Guess what no Horizontal Line. So I am waiting to see what triggers the horizontal line. It is gone now but I hope it does not comeback.
Lines like that are usally always voltage related, either the power spot you plug the TV into is not putting out proper voltage, the box is getting induced voltage (bad shielding somewhere) or the cable is not grounded properly. The later would affect all tvs though not just the one with the box.
Well, I have spent close to two months with the problem on post #1. I had to turn on/off all electrical connections to this particular electrical outlet and found out that it was not any of the electrical wiring. The last thing I checked was the component cable and voila it was that. I changed it and no more horizontal line scrolling. I did it about an hour ago and I am hoping that it does not comeback. keeping finger cross.
I guess I spoke too soon. But after 2 hours of no problems the Horizontal line came back. I am going to try one more thing and then replace the box. I turned off the box to see if the line will go away. It did not! but when I disconnect the component cable connected to the box, the line goes away. This tells me more that there is something wrong with this box.
Well, I still beleive it to be a grounding issue, perhaps with the outter conducter of the cable, (not with the cable but either at the box or the tv) Have you tried different source to connect it to your tv? Like coax, or rca ?

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