DNS Legislation question

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 7, 2005
I'm new to this forum. I appreciate any help I can get. I am a long time D* user, and just purchased my first HDTV. I called D* a few months ago before my purchase to see if I could get CBS HD that they adverstised on the website, and they checked and said I qualified. I live in L.A. 3 months later in Dec., after I bought my HDTV, I called to get the HD receiver and asked again about the CBS HD (and now NBC HD and Fox HD), and they now tell me I don't qualify because of new legislation; something about the fact that if my area gets local channel programming, I'm ineligible. I was informed that I could go the antenna route, but I really don't want to because I don't know about the quality of the picture if I don't get a strong enough signal from the towers, which are 35 miles away.

What is this legislation, and where can I get more info about it? What does OTA mean and what does O&O mean. Forgive my ignorance. Any help would be appreciated. At this point, I'm tempted to switch to cable.
search the FCC for the SHVIA

O&O = owned & operated (as in your local affilate by the actual network)

OTA = over the air

Your best bet is to stick with satellite. the new digital areas are being created and your network HD will be one of the first 3 or 4 online.
Since LA is an O&O market for CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox, you are already eligible for all 4 major networks in HD
but there has been major talk to the fact that D* has put a hold on ANY DNS acceptance while all this get worked out. i have 3 buddies in O&O areas that were told this exactly
Eventhough the thread has DNS in the title, he's not looking for DNS, he wants HD from LA. Those are locals for him.
Call the HDTV eligibility number - 1 800 263 0028, they are the only people at directv who know what they are talking about.
You're right, I don't really care about DNS, I just want to watch some broadcasts such as football, basketball, etc. that are broadcast on CBS, Fox, and ABC. However, I do not want to get an OTA. So I asked for CBS HD, Fox HD, etc. The eligibility dept. at D* told me that those were national network broadcasts, and the new DNS legislation was such that if my area received local-in-local channel programming, D* could no longer broadcast those national network channels - I was no longer eligible. However, those D* users who were already getting them were grandfathered to the old legislation, and therefore would continue to get it. I was very disappointed, and since then, I've heard many conflicting opinions, and that's why I posted. I'm encouraged to hear that D* is expected to add local HD in major DMAs soon, but until it happens, I'm SOL.

Thank you all for your help. I will call the number that one of the posters listed and get more info, and post back to this forum.
wongloo said:
I will call the number that one of the posters listed and get more info, and post back to this forum.

Just make sure that you don't ask them for DNS, that will not get you what you want, ask for FOX HD, CBS HD, ABC HD and NBC HD.

HDTV eligibility number - 1 800 263 0028
wongloo said:
I was informed that I could go the antenna route, but I really don't want to because I don't know about the quality of the picture if I don't get a strong enough signal from the towers, which are 35 miles away.

Just for the record, a simple over the air (OTA) antenna setup in a market like yours could give you
amazing results! If you go to www.antennaweb.org and plug in your zip code you will get a ton of help selecting an antenna.
Or, since you're in LA, you could also wait for a few months (I'm guessing 6) till D* puts the HD feeds up on the sats.
I just went through the antenna process, and I have to tell you that the OTA picture quality that I'm getting is much better than what I see from the sat HD signals.

Hopefully that helps out with your options. :)
Regarding OTAs, my bigger problem is that I live in a community with a very strict homeowner's association where I need to go through an elaborate process when I do ANYTHING to the exterior of my house. I hear that the OTAs are pretty big. That won't fly with this HMA. That along with the uncertainty of the signal prevents me from going there.

BTW, I really appreciate everyone's responses. You all are great!
wongloo said:
Regarding OTAs, my bigger problem is that I live in a community with a very strict homeowner's association where I need to go through an elaborate process when I do ANYTHING to the exterior of my house. I hear that the OTAs are pretty big. That won't fly with this HMA. That along with the uncertainty of the signal prevents me from going there.

BTW, I really appreciate everyone's responses. You all are great!

You might want to check this out....FCC (branch of the US Government) overrules any City, County, or State......when it comes to having a DISH or Antenna.

FCC & Antennas and/or DISH
wongloo said:
Regarding OTAs, my bigger problem is that I live in a community with a very strict homeowner's association where I need to go through an elaborate process when I do ANYTHING to the exterior of my house. I hear that the OTAs are pretty big. That won't fly with this HMA. That along with the uncertainty of the signal prevents me from going there.

BTW, I really appreciate everyone's responses. You all are great!

I live in one of the most restrictive HOA's in Phoenix and Barney is 1000% correct, they can't do squat. Just make sure you file for all the needed pre-install paperwork. If anything gets rejected, send them a copy of your rights per the FCC and you will be golden.
One of the most restrictive? Aren't almost all of the HOA's here in Phoenix psycho?? (Thankfully - when I bought this house - I refused to be in an hoa area) But right down the street from me is HOA.

Also - have you tried setting up dual antennas to recieve both Phoenix OTA and Tucson OTA? (I've been a bit peeved that channel 5 HD has been offline for the past few days)
An HOA, even a restrictive one, is one of the greatest things to ever have. Wait till someone wants to park a junk car in front of their home for months on end. To the police as long as its not a safety issue it is 100% legal.

Wait till your color blind nextdoor neighbor paints his home 3 shades of green or fails to maintain his lawn & palm trees while it constantly blows the crap into your pool. You'll love them then! If cities would uphold their codes we wouldn't need HOAs but I VERY am glad I have one because you cant rely on some people to be responsible, respect their neighbors or use common sense.
Actually, I agree with you regarding the HOA. It's good to have. I was merely stating that I didn't want to go through the hassle of dealing with them just to get an OTA, if I can get the HDs a different way, especially given the uncertainty of the signal from the towers. I have to get HOA approval for the color of my tool shed in my backyard which is not even visible to anyone! But I'd rather have them than not have them because they've maintained the quality of the neighborhood.
I typically get great reception also - except there transmitter has been "offline" since the 5th (see there website)
Well I just got off the line with Bryce at 800-263-0028 about the network HD feeds. I am still denied for ABC and NBC. The Fox OTA is strong here as well as WB and I have a waiver for CBS.

He didn't know about the distinction between the analog signals and the digital ones. Makes a big difference if your local station is doing the minimum and making little effort to upgrade their signal.

So I am having a test done and will be happy to send the bill to the local NBC and ABC affiliates for their lack of granting waivers to anyone who doesn't live in downtown Denver. The tower here sounds like it could be on hold for another couple of years.

It bugs me to no end that I have to go through this even since D* knows the Denver dma doesn't have ABC,CBs or NBC available due to the tower situation.
colofan said:
Well I just got off the line with Bryce at 800-263-0028 about the network HD feeds. I am still denied for ABC and NBC. The Fox OTA is strong here as well as WB and I have a waiver for CBS.

Were you approved for the HD feed for FOX? Denver is an O&O station correct? Looks like both CBS and FOX are for you, so there would be no waiver. I'm just curious if you had trouble getting those two stations when you called the HD eligibility line.
No Fox waiver but my OTA is so strong I didn't care to push the issue though yes it is an O&O station so why no waiver I don't know. I already had the cbs waiver when it first became avaliable last year.
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