There was a time when satelite was much more expensive than others (cable).
Only people who could not get cable paid the higher price for satelite.
Then, as satelite subscriber base grew price dropped and compete with others (cable).
Now streaming is the new deal.
Low entry pricing to entice.
As people move to streaming, streaming prices rise above the market entry level.
As urban people leave satelite service,
The subscriber base moves back to rural people who cannot access streaming or cable and have no other option but pay the higher satelie price.
There was a time when satelite was much more expensive than others (cable).
Only people who could not get cable paid the higher price for satelite.
Then, as satelite subscriber base grew price dropped and compete with others (cable).
Now streaming is the new deal.
Low entry pricing to entice.
As people move to streaming, streaming prices rise above the market entry level.
As urban people leave satelite service,
The subscriber base moves back to rural people who cannot access streaming or cable and have no other option but pay the higher satelie price.