I guess I'm different because I think Disney blinked. With ESPN being so important this time of year I doubt they thought Dish would let the channels go offline. Dish likely put a lot of cards on the table especially about streaming and how it's hurting linear badly. With the well known industry trend of fewer linear customers a case could be made that a reduction in fee's was warranted, not an increase. Disney and all these streaming services are double dipping and not very good partners. They didn't want Dish to set a precedent where other linear providers might do the same and cause further disruptions and bad press. Disney would not come out ahead in public opinion if it was widely circulated they wanted this additional BILLION dollars from Dish. When they're peddling Disney Plus that doesn't even get you all the important channels linear provides it would not look good. I dunno folks, in the short term Dish had a lot to lose but Disney didn't need the appearance of exorbitant fees being passed on to customers in this market.