Disney Networks Dispute Recitifed

I'm stunned, ESPN and it's other channels are my most watched, especially on the weekends, football, baseball, Formula One, etc.

I am pissed and don't know if I'm gonna be able to stay with Dish over this.
A lot of subs aren't. Sports is the backbone of our country, like it our not. I am not a sports fan, but most of my friends are. As much as Dish likes to dig in, this was not a great move. The sub's they are losing probably will never return. Gone are the days with only Dish, Direct, or Cable. Streaming is huge and these channels are available elsewhere for most people by a click of the mouse. (No pun intended.)
The other part I am curious on is if this drags out, what does it do for Dish and their price increase? Last year they increased prices on Nov 16. Here in Illinois there is a law that we have to be notified of any price increase at least 30 days in advance, which if Dish is on the same timetable, that is coming quickly. (At least I think that law is still in effect...) If Dish is missing that many channels, I cant see the justification of a price increase.
If this goes on for a couple weeks, I am asking Dish for a discount.
A lot of subs aren't. Sports is the backbone of our country, like it our not. I am not a sports fan, but most of my friends are. As much as Dish likes to dig in, this was not a great move. The sub's they are losing probably will never return. Gone are the days with only Dish, Direct, or Cable. Streaming is huge and these channels are available elsewhere for most people by a click of the mouse. (No pun intended.)
And this is where Dish can shine and keep them or flop and loose them all depending on their reaction in fair compensation. I have a feeling the old compassionate Dish is gone, and they will continue to only offer $5 to only those that ask!
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My personal opinion is this is why the traditional satellite/cable model is slowly dying. The likes of a YouTube TV and such do go through the same carriage issues, but it's much simpler to drop on of those for another service than calling Direct or Comcast to come out and swap equipment. The networks know that they have the advantage. I'm just glad that my kids are beyond the "we need Disney Channel" phase.

I personally like keeping satellite because every winter we get hit some kind of down line that knocks out power and internet; and when that happens, we put the boiler, refrigerator, and TV on the generator. While cable is out for days to roughly a week (at max), we still get TV.
The same thing here, our internet goes out. I love streaming but it is not 100%.
It feels like the Disney+ bundle will be a good solution for most people. It costs $13.99 and I feel that is what Dish should be compensating us for. Someone earlier said they were offered $5.00. Thats not nearly enough! At $5 Dish is actually making money off the outage.

The Disney+ bundle does not include the standard ESPN channels. Only ESPN+ programming. You're also not able to watch any of the Disney/FX programming live. You could probably catch a fair amount on Hulu the day after they air.

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