Sorry, but I don't feel protected from Big Media by the cable company bundle. Maybe what you posit might have been somewhat true at one point in time, but that would have been a long time ago. This is a lot like saying Facebook is protecting me from advertisers tracking my activity across the Internet.
Now, you do make a good point that less and less quality content is on linear TV. It is largely on the streaming services now. I am surprised more of it hasn't ended up back on the linear channels once it has been on the streaming services for a while. Given the excess of overly expensive content being produced these days (largely for streaming
How Long Would It Take To Watch Everything On Netflix?), I don't see a reduction in content creation being a bad thing. Companies have invested too much too fast in new content. That much is clear from their balance sheets. I believe we are soon to enter the trough of disillusionment on the streaming hype cycle. We'll see consolidation, pull-back, and sanity start to prevail over the next couple of years, and we will see who can make the business model work on the other side of it.
I can see what everyone is trying to do by including sports in their streaming services, but I am not sure it will work the way they want it to in the long run.