Dislikes/Bugs on the 522

Mark_AR said:
Mine has still been randomly rebooting.

It did it twice yesterday with no recent interaction on my part.

Advanced tech would RA the unit, but also said that the new software update should FIX this problem in a few weeks.

If I didn't have about 20 movies already recorded, I would let them swap it out.

The techie didn't seem impressed when I told him I would swap out hard drives so I wouldn't lose my proggy's. He kept muttering something about 'buying the unit' if I opened it up..... *teehee*

Then totally ignored me when I asked about enabling the USB. It would be good to be able to copy content from old unit to new one before turning it in.(on the assumption that the old one was functioning)

Oh well. We can only wait and hope.


You are having the same problem I am with my 522.

Did the software update fix the problem>>???

:rolleyes: :shocked
I have problems where sometimes when I go to use Tuner 2, all I have is a black screen. I can pull up the guide and menus, but the satellite signal itself is gone. Tuner 1 works fine. If I do a switch test, it works fine after that. Annoying, though.

Also, if I am watching a show, and decide I want ot record it, I hit the record button on the remote, and it asks me if I want to record the remainder of the show. I select Yes, and the red light comes on. I check the list of programs recorded, and the show I was watching never shows up there, and the record light stays on until something else is recorded. If I use the guide to select the record, it works fine.
Hi, I just got Dish installed with the 522 and so far I like it (though I can confirm some of the bugs mentioned here).

My biggest annoyance is the dropping audio after pausing and playing back. Specifically, if I am watching Live TV and press Pause, and then play back it usually works fine. BUT if I am watching the TV from a recording and not live and then press Pause, there is no audio when I Play again. Also, if I am watching a show from the DVR, the same thing will happen sometimes (pressing Pause will drop the audio when you play back). The work-around is to press rewind once and then Play again and the audio is back (or just use the Skip Back button and that will work).

Is there a place where we can post bugs like this to Echostar for them to fix in software updates? How exactly do they get feedback on how these receivers are working?

mjrusso45 said:
Are you getting this audio dropout using the optical audio cable, or just the standard stereo cables?

At first I thought it was just the optical digital output because that's what I'm using on TV1. But it does the same thing on TV2 and that's just hooked up with Coax. Strange that it *only* does it with the Pause button, never when I fast-forward or rewind and play back. It's almost as if it just loses the audio stream when pausing from the recording on the HD. If I just press Pause once on Live Tv and then play back, the audio is still fine. But if I continue watching from the recorded video and pause again, then it loses the audio.
mjrusso45 said:
Hmm. I only get dropouts when I am timeshifting Dolby Digital when using the digital optical output. I am on the L161 software.

Speaking of DD, I saw a menu option to specify DD options but could not change them (I think it was just to change from DD to PCM or something like that).

I might try outputting with the RCA jacks and see if the problem is the same with those...
Well, I got my POS 522 today.

Powered on and everything just long enough for the installer to leave and it froze up on the channel it was on after 10 minutes. Called Dish and they can't help me, it keeps freezing during:

A) Aquiring Sat. Test #3.
B) Downloading the Guide.
C) After about 5-10 minutes IF I get thru all of that previous stuff.

WHAT A POS. Needless to say, I am VERY dissapointed. I had TV for 10 minutes and they won't send anyone to come replace this POS until Wed. (Today is Sunday)

Dish Network isn't making thier DHA customers very happy.
Tale of Woe

We thought we were the only ones to have 522 woes.


Late November 2003. Setup installation date for two 301's and 1 522 to run 4 TV's. Switching from direct TV to Dish to get local channels and PVR.

December 10 or so.
Installer reschedules

December 15 or so.
Installer shows up with 3 301's and 1 501. Tears out direct TV and installs Dish equipment. Realizes he can't activate because promo code calls for two 301's and 1 522. Tears out Dish installation and replaces Direct installation then quits company.

January 10 or so
Next installer shows up with a repair order but without a 522 unit. Leaves after 5 minutes

January 20 or so
Installer mails us a 522 but mails to wrong address so next installer calls but moves on to next job without installing

January 30 or so
Installer never shows for appointment

February 10 or so
Installer shows up, we have the 522. He installs 3 301's rather than 2 301's.
Installs 522 with only one wire to it from 500 dish.(Should have installed two 301's with one wire each and one 522 with two wires). Can't get a check switch completed on TV1 so changes wiring to TV 2 input. Get's a check switch and a picture but we are on TV2 using the UHF pro signals. TV1 has no inputs. He seems to think this is fine and quickly leaves the premises. This is when we notice that with remote 2 you get random info screens. I fix this by rewiring 522 unit to TV/Sat 1 and rerunning check switch myself. Works fine on TV1/Sat 1 side. No more random info screens.

Dumb Question of the day? Shouldn't a 522 be wired with two inputs in and two inputs out so you can watch different programming on two TV's or watch one thing and record another? Installation company says a software upgrade will fix this. Can this be fixed by inserting a splitter or switch in the one wire going to the 522?

Within 1/2 hour after installer leaves we notice that 522 tends to lose signal on the 110 stations. 301's are fine. I fix this by finding proper coordinates for dish and reinstalling the dish myself. Partially fixes problem

Dish technical support says that we must have a tree which is obscuring signal from 110 sat. Like any good eastern Oregon farmer I locate the only likely tree and my chainsaw. I remove the likely offender. No better.

Second dumb question of the day?When do we get PIP service out of our 522?

Other bugs:
1. 522 sometimes freezes up and nothing you can do beyond a hard boot or even having to unplug unit fixes it. Really annoying!
2. At random times unit will decide not to record programmed events or to stop recording in the middle of events
3. Caller ID only works intermittently. Usually works for a few hours after units have been off but eventually displays garbage and then stops working.
4. 522 displays annoying pop up message on some mornings that we don't have a phone line connected to it when there is a good phone connection hooked to it.
5. With the 62 software upgrade(received a couple days ago) we now have Dish Home but most of the choices do nothing. Dish Home works fine on the 301s.
6. Receiver turning off at 3:00AM every day for software upgrades and then rebooting to a 'Dish' screen is really annoying. Software upgrades should be transparent and in the background.
7. Ironically, 'Customer Support' is blacked out in the 522's menu system

thanks a bunch for letting me vent. Lost in Eastern Oregon
Eastern OR said:
4. 522 displays annoying pop up message on some mornings that we don't have a phone line connected to it when there is a good phone connection hooked to it.
Heh, same here.... It's surely a "known issue" at Dish then. I'm still gonna call and tell them it's happening so that when they try and charge me, there'll be a note on my account saying it's been happening when it shouldn't.
5. With the 62 software upgrade(received a couple days ago) we now have Dish Home but most of the choices do nothing. Dish Home works fine on the 301s.
Pretty pathetic, IMO. Out of the dozens of menus and sub-menus, how many work ?? Ten ??
6. Receiver turning off at 3:00AM every day for software upgrades and then rebooting to a 'Dish' screen is really annoying. Software upgrades should be transparent and in the background.
Turn the receiver *off* at night and I think you won't see this. If you just turn your TV off, when the receiver reboots, maybe it's going back to a "saved state". I rarely see what you're describing, though I have.
hey guys I have had all kinds of "interesting" things happen to me with these 522's on new installation, "Sometimes" I have found if you unplug your system for a few hours then re-power it will force a software update and cure some of the bugs, no guarantee's but it has worked for me several times, usually I leave them in a box over night and reconnect the followig day, download just to make sure and they will usually be good.( this has happened on several jobs I thought were bad receivers, next day or two came up fine)
Yeah, I ripped out my 522, it is down in the garage sitting waiting on a replacement. In the mean time, I might go ahead and activate my old 2700 system and card, but I have to go buy a $60 "Legacy" adapter to do it.
Sorry to hear abt the probs you're having with the 522. FWIW, our installers (Long Beach, CA) were very professional and waited for all software to download before they left. In fact the first 522 they installed died during the download and they swapped it out immediately. The second works fine, except for the bugs listed on this forum. Overall, I like the unit. Hope they fix the bugs soon.

morgant6911 said:
Yeah, I ripped out my 522, it is down in the garage sitting waiting on a replacement. In the mean time, I might go ahead and activate my old 2700 system and card, but I have to go buy a $60 "Legacy" adapter to do it.
I have been thinking of buying a 522 for my house, and replacing one of my DishPlayers. I see these units on Ebay all the time, and everyone I have talked to have had no problem getting them activated. Dish should just let retailers sell them.
Sapient said:
You guys are scaring me. Should I be avoiding this 522?
We really like the features on our 522 also. They will eventually get all the little software bugs and annoyances fixed. Also, in our case(eastern oregon) we have been working with installers for which the 522 is a whole new universe. They are learning along with us. Also, our installers are traveling over 200 miles to get here. Don't let my tale of woe discourage you.

By the way all-here is a new bug for the 522. When an error screen #002 pops up telling you that you have lost your signal and gives you the option of switching to another channel by pushing up or down. The bug is that with a 301 you can push up or down and get out this error screen. On the other hand, a 522 locks up and there are no buttons you can push to get unlocked other than the power down button. That is, your choices with an error screen #002 on a 522 are to either turn it off and start over or wait until it once again finds signal.

I stopped by my local installer and ordered up my 522 today. He had never heard of it. That makes me a bit nervous. He kept thinking I wanted either a 510 or a 322. He hates Dish, though. I think this is mostly because he used to know the owner, and they really did not get along.

Anyway, I should have my new system in under a week....I hope. Thus ends my days of rabbit ears.
Eastern OR said:
We really like the features on our 522 also. They will eventually get all the little software bugs and annoyances fixed. Also, in our case(eastern oregon) we have been working with installers for which the 522 is a whole new universe. They are learning along with us. Also, our installers are traveling over 200 miles to get here. Don't let my tale of woe discourage you.

By the way all-here is a new bug for the 522. When an error screen #002 pops up telling you that you have lost your signal and gives you the option of switching to another channel by pushing up or down. The bug is that with a 301 you can push up or down and get out this error screen. On the other hand, a 522 locks up and there are no buttons you can push to get unlocked other than the power down button. That is, your choices with an error screen #002 on a 522 are to either turn it off and start over or wait until it once again finds signal.


Actually, I had this same problem this morning before work. I couldn't change channels via the up/down, couldn't enter the channel number, couldn't hit guide. But I found that if I pushed the menu button, then option 1 for program guide, it still brought it up and allowed me to change the channel that way.

On an unrelated note... I am new to satellite service, but noticed this morning when it was misting and really foggy out I had almost no signal at all, but it started to get stronger as it cleared up (back up to over 100 on the signal meter in my 522), yet Monday when we got over 5 inches of snow, the signal never went out at all. Is this a known problem with Dish, or should I be calling customer service and having somone come out to look at it?

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