Dislikes/Bugs on the 522

Bug list :)

boba said:
What have you found for bugs or dislikes on the 522 so far?
The biggest problem I have had so far is the info screen popping up on Tuner2. I have also had it lockup with a black screen and aquiring signal once on Tuner1.
I have only done 4 recordings so far but all have had extra time added by the receiver so I had to skip over parts of the previous programs, to watch the intended programming. I don't have this with my 2 TiVos.

I don't like the lack of ability to change the numerical order that other receivers have in the programming guide.
I don't like the wider size of the remote it to me is less comfortable to hold and must be very hard for women who have smaller hands.

I've posted my found bugs on the dbstalk.com forums, but haven't seen much in the way of confirmations. A couple of those things I have now confirmed by reading this thread. I'm posting/quoting all of those bugs here now (some of these also confirmed by 2 of my co-workers with 522s):

unix-guy said:
1) I start recording a 30 minute show at 9:00pm (via timer or manual). I have another show that I plan to watch (on the same channel) at 9:30pm. At 9:15, I pause for 5 minutes. I then resume playing and watch the rest of the recording. At the end of the recording, I would expect to be able to just continue on watching what has buffered on the current channel (this is the TiVO behavior, but I've also confirmed that the 508 is the same) but no - I just lost the 1st 5 minutes of that show!

2) I have a timer set to start at 9:00pm. I start watching previously recorded show at 8:45 and finish at 9:15pm. The 9:00pm timer has not fired... The show status is "recording", but the record light is not on and it never appears on the list of DVR events.


unix-guy said:
Just now found a "new" bug (haven't seen it in 2 weeks of regular use):

a) Watching live TV, press pause and there is about a 1-2 second delay before pause happens
b) Press play and play resumes but without sound.
c) Press rewind/back and play continues (without sound still) although status bar indicates rewind at 4x
d) press rewind/back again, play continues but status bar indicates 15x rewind.
e) repeat up to 300x...
f) press stop. press play play resumes as normal with sound.


unix-guy said:
Yet another new bug/glitch. After the Super Bowl, when doing my American male duty of reviewing the half-time entertainment for "wardrobe malfunctions", I had this happen:

1) Watching pre-recorded show (Super Bowl)
2) paused show
3) Went into DVR Events menu (pressed * on remote)
4) while looking at my list of events, all the color "drained" from my screen until it was completely black & white.
5) exited menu and resumed play
6) color returned in a "reverse drain"

I repeated these steps 4 or 5 times and could reproduce the problem each time... Anyone seen this before?

Here's a question: Is the stability of the 522 actually getting better? Its been out for what, 3 months now? Does it run for a week now with out a random lockup or reboot? I am thinking about going DHA and gettting a 522, but this stuff kind of scares me if they are never going to make it right.
mjrusso45 said:
Here's a question: Is the stability of the 522 actually getting better? Its been out for what, 3 months now? Does it run for a week now with out a random lockup or reboot? I am thinking about going DHA and gettting a 522, but this stuff kind of scares me if they are never going to make it right.
I haven't seen any new software, no improvement in performance still buggy.
It doesn't auto detect which tuner is not being used

I just got my 522 last night so I'm still learning it. However I found that if I set up an event to record on Tuner 1 and I want to watch something else on Tuner 1 while it is recording it will not ask me if I want to switch recording to Tuner 2.

It should auto detect which tuner is not being used and then record on that.

Apart from that everything seems to be working great.

Steve that receiver is designed as two standalone VCRs it has no inteligence to check for a tuner in use if you want that you need a TiVo. The 522 records on Tuner 1 so you have to watch Tuner 2 if it is recording on Tuner 2 you have to watch Tuner 1, it is that simple.
boba said:
Steve that receiver is designed as two standalone VCRs it has no inteligence to check for a tuner in use if you want that you need a TiVo. The 522 records on Tuner 1 so you have to watch Tuner 2 if it is recording on Tuner 2 you have to watch Tuner 1, it is that simple.

Yeah, that is a bummer however all is not lost because at least while I am recording on Tuner 1 I will be able to watch anything previously recorded on the TV connected to tuner 1. Because Ijust got my system last night I do not have a build up of recordings to view. I'm sure in time I'll have no problems.


Lost all my sound on tuner one via Optical. Went to turn on tuner 2 this am and no picture (got the guide tho, just no video). Hard reset fixed the video on tuner 2 issue. Still no sound on tuner 1. Had it lock up a few times as well last week and needed hard reset to fix.
Also crapped out on or 2 of my recordings, but others were ok. Go figure.
New Bug??

I have just locked up my second 522 in the past two weeks. No fix possible through Advanced Tech (reset, hard reset, etc). Unit powers up, does satellite acq, brings up last channel watched, and then NOTHING. Can not control with either remote, nor on front of the panel. Only thing to do is reset again. Both 522's crashed while I was doing the exact same thing: loading up on scheduling programs for the DVR. After spending 20-25 minutes, and adding 20-25 new programs, both 522's locked up, and they could not be controlled again (having to send both back for another). Any comments?
reddog40 said:
I have just locked up my second 522 in the past two weeks. No fix possible through Advanced Tech (reset, hard reset, etc). Unit powers up, does satellite acq, brings up last channel watched, and then NOTHING. Can not control with either remote, nor on front of the panel. Only thing to do is reset again. Both 522's crashed while I was doing the exact same thing: loading up on scheduling programs for the DVR. After spending 20-25 minutes, and adding 20-25 new programs, both 522's locked up, and they could not be controlled again (having to send both back for another). Any comments?

Well, I had my 522 for 2 days. We were able to do most functions (caller id bug, info bug on tv2 present). Then when I added a timer event and deleting another it locked up and "crashed".

Unit will power up, acquire satellite and then jump to the last channel for 1 second then shut down. And continue this cycle forever. I had to RA it per the tech and advanced tech line. :(

There must be a bug in the timer event if this is what you were doing when yours died too.

EXACTLY!!! Hopefully they documented yours, because they claim I was the first to have this problem, but I now have RA order for my 2nd unit.

There must be a bug in the timer event if this is what you were doing when yours died too.
reddog40 said:
EXACTLY!!! Hopefully they documented yours, because they claim I was the first to have this problem, but I now have RA order for my 2nd unit.

There must be a bug in the timer event if this is what you were doing when yours died too.

Well, both normal tech and advanced tech quickly went through their "troubleshooting script" and said "The unit has to be RA'd". The advanced tech woman told me that the new software will resolve this issue that has been reported on some of the units. The thing that makes no sense is that the new unit I'm getting won't have the software either as it isn't released yet. So, I'm planning on avoiding timer events for right now -- which kinda sucks but is better than having bunny ear television. :)

note: I also have DSL and thought that was causing some flakiness. Turns out it was just the normal caller-id bug and the bug in the "test connection" menu.
Mine has still been randomly rebooting.

It did it twice yesterday with no recent interaction on my part.

Advanced tech would RA the unit, but also said that the new software update should FIX this problem in a few weeks.

If I didn't have about 20 movies already recorded, I would let them swap it out.

The techie didn't seem impressed when I told him I would swap out hard drives so I wouldn't lose my proggy's. He kept muttering something about 'buying the unit' if I opened it up..... *teehee*

Then totally ignored me when I asked about enabling the USB. It would be good to be able to copy content from old unit to new one before turning it in.(on the assumption that the old one was functioning)

Oh well. We can only wait and hope.

My latest gripe is I have been getting a record light on tuner 2 that continues beyond the program that is supposed to be recorded, but when stopped there is nothing recorded on the hard drive. This has happened twice in the last week. Power failed yesterday in a high wind so it rebooted I'll see if the problem comtinues.
Hmm. I noticed that red light last night, it was supposed to be recording Justice league. Went upstairs and checked it 5 mins after the show was supposed to be done. I checked while it was was recording and on the timer menu the symbol on the timer was red also, which I thought meant "Currently recording" It didn't save anything. Odd.
Well my replacement 522 is installed. I haven't tried to do a timed event recording yet -- as that is the operation I was in when my first one went on the fritz. I'll probably wait until the 162 software comes out or prior to my 90 day warranty expires whichever comes first.

In 3 days its rebooted once and the Program Info popup is on tv2 randomly. Other than that, it seems to be functioning. Sometimes feels like russian roullete with this thing.
On Tuner 2 try changing the remote address to any address except #1 this stopped my info screen from popping up randomly.
boba said:
On Tuner 2 try changing the remote address to any address except #1 this stopped my info screen from popping up randomly.

For newbs, can you explain this in detail? Plus as was asked next, does anything have to be done at the remote itself?
Another bug - favorites list

Just noticed another bug:

- Set up a favorites list
- Set it as your default list for the guide for Tuner 2 (why isnt my favorites list for tuner1 available for both tuners? GRRR).
- Tuner 2 sometimes displays ALL channels (even though Favorites list is set as default and shows as such). Happens every 3-4 days or so.

BTW, We've had our 522 for abt 3 weeks - have to reboot it once a week or so (used 3-5 hours/day). Tuner2 usually goes blank, although Tuner1 locked up once.

What Channel Will Nicktoons be on?

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