Again that's great for the 1 room customer.
So the only way to save money is have 1 TV and call Dish and ask for a retention only package that isn't advertised.
Sorry I'll take the Top 120 pack before I call and Ask Dish for charity.
Plus I'm fairly sure most customers Under a price lock would lose all their credits.
Right now
My Bill is as Follows
Top 250 $ 74.99
Additional Hopper $12
4 additional rooms $21
HBO ,Showtime, Starz, Cinemax, Movie pack.$35
+ 6% sales tax
Total $157
This includes my $27 price lock credit.
Must maintain Top 120+
So with your Flex pack.
Flex $44.99
DVR fee $12
Additional Hopper $12
4 rooms $28
$35 For Premiums
$139.50 with tax.
With Hopper 3
DVR fee would be $15 +3
Replaced Hopper 2 with Joey $7 -5
Difference of
$20 savings.
No thanks
I'll just drop down to Top 200 save $10, drop Starz, save another $10
And then I'll still have way more channels than anyone with the Flex pack for the same price.
And wait until Charlie adds that 1 room fee on all your Hopper 3 accounts.
I know he's dying to fill that open slot on the bill.
Not sure why you would even need a Hopper 3 with that Flex pack?
Do you even have 16 channels.
Now back on topic, I bet the 281,000 hardly includes the full effect of NFL or Tribune disputes.
I'm waiting on 3rd quarter.
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