Again that's great for the 1 room customer.I'm both a customer that has the Flex Pack and spends greater than $90.
The Flex Pack can be and is, a great alternative. I get all the channels in the 'basic' sub that I will watch for less than what I was paying for them and a slew of channels I won't ever watch. And that lets me get HBO/SHO/MAX/Movie Pack and keep the final bill under $100/month and have a package that fits me well.
Others might see it that way too.
You of course, are allowed to spend more if you like...
Sent from my samus using Tapatalk
So the only way to save money is have 1 TV and call Dish and ask for a retention only package that isn't advertised.
Sorry I'll take the Top 120 pack before I call and Ask Dish for charity.
Plus I'm fairly sure most customers Under a price lock would lose all their credits.
Right now
My Bill is as Follows
Top 250 $ 74.99
Additional Hopper $12
4 additional rooms $21
HBO ,Showtime, Starz, Cinemax, Movie pack.$35
+ 6% sales tax
Total $157
This includes my $27 price lock credit.
Must maintain Top 120+
So with your Flex pack.
Flex $44.99
DVR fee $12
Additional Hopper $12
4 rooms $28
$35 For Premiums
$139.50 with tax.
With Hopper 3
DVR fee would be $15 +3
Replaced Hopper 2 with Joey $7 -5
Difference of
$20 savings.
No thanks
I'll just drop down to Top 200 save $10, drop Starz, save another $10
And then I'll still have way more channels than anyone with the Flex pack for the same price.
And wait until Charlie adds that 1 room fee on all your Hopper 3 accounts.
I know he's dying to fill that open slot on the bill.
Not sure why you would even need a Hopper 3 with that Flex pack?
Do you even have 16 channels.

Now back on topic, I bet the 281,000 hardly includes the full effect of NFL or Tribune disputes.
I'm waiting on 3rd quarter.

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