DishDVR Advantage

Probably if you change your programming pack to the dvr advantage pack you will lose the bundled discount for the supers. Since the locals are included in the price of the dvr advantage pack anyway. You might just drop the supers and keep only one or two of each station since they just duplicate the same programming anyway. It wouldn't be worth 5.99 a month . I only sub to the Kwgn station for $1.50 a month as the pq is better than my Houston locals. I now have the dvr advantage pack for two 622 hd dvrs I pay :

49.99 top 200
20.00 hd pack
10.00 250 bonus pack
1.50 Cw Kwgn
5.98 dvr fee
6.00 additional receiver fee
93.47 total

I am saving about $4.00 over the old 250+ locals + hd pack + Cw.
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I just tried to upgrade to HD DVR. I requested that they ship it to me for a self install. I already have access to 110, 119, 129. I am going to hook this up to a single tv for picture in picture. They would not ship it. Told me the system would not let them. I spoke to the supervisor who was very short with me and said the same thing. Why do I need to set up a service call for them to swap out a box? I just told them that they must not want my money tonight.
I currently have Top 180 (250) @ 49.99, plus 2 extra receiver fees @$10, plus extended warranty @1.99 for a total of $61.98 - I do not qualify for locals in my area. I understand Top 250 is going up to $52.99 so if I change nothing my bill will go up to $64.98 a month.

I'm thinking of "Dishing it Up" to a 622, and adding the HD pack. I'd replace at least one, and maybe 2 of my current receivers. I assume there's no credit with the DVR Advantage pack for not getting locals? So under DVR Advantage my bill would look like this?:

$49.99 DVR Advantage
$20.00 HD Pack
$10.00 Additional receiver fee ($5 if I get rid of 2 of my existing)
$1.99 extended warranty (if they don't take it away for switching one receiver to leased)
$81.98 total?

And that's for basically dropping a tier as the base package is Top 200. If I want to keep Top 250 they're also making you add a premium package, so the total would go up $20 to $101.98? Yikes!

Is my math correct or have I screwed something up?
Your hd pack will be counted as a premium channel for $20.00 . Then you can add the 250 bonus pack for just 10.00 more. For instance in my case I have two OWNED 622 dvrs and I have it and this is what you will pay:

49.99 top 200 -dvr advantage pack
20.00 hd pack
10.00 bonus 250 pack
1.99 extended warrenty
5.00 additional receiver fee

This is on Dishs website under the dvr advantage pack if you hit on the box that says add a premium or dish hd for 20.00 more it will take you to a screen that says add any two premium packs OR add Dish hd and then you can add top 250 bonus pack for 10.00 . You can also add Hbo /showtime/starz for 10.00 each too.
The locals are included with the dvr advantage pack so even if you could keep the superstations for the same price you would then pay more than the savings on the dvr advantage pack . It wouldn't make any sense to even try to upgrade to this pack then.
Your hd pack will be counted as a premium channel for $20.00 . Then you can add the 250 bonus pack for just 10.00 more. For instance in my case I have two OWNED 622 dvrs and I have it and this is what you will pay:

49.99 top 200 -dvr advantage pack
20.00 hd pack
10.00 bonus 250 pack
1.99 extended warrenty
5.00 additional receiver fee

This is on Dishs website under the dvr advantage pack if you hit on the box that says add a premium or dish hd for 20.00 more it will take you to a screen that says add any two premium packs OR add Dish hd and then you can add top 250 bonus pack for 10.00 . You can also add Hbo /showtime/starz for 10.00 each too.

Is this going in as an existing or new cust? When I try it as existing cust I get into a loop back to my account that won't let me get that far.

So with HBO/Starz an extra 20 (or is it 22) total 106.98? Is the 1.98 warranty an elective? I think that is right where I am at but each time I call Dish I get a different quote as to what my current monthly rate is. Hopefully after the weekend they will have things straightened out.

I wonder if there is any chance with the confusion over existing subs going to the DishDVR Advantage that somewhere along the line they will loose track of prior 18 months commitments for the 622 lease deals for those who used the autopay option?
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Frightening - I have now been given different information each time i have contacted them to go ahead and upgrade.

I currently have 1*311 and 2*211 and Dish HD Gold/AT250. I want to switch to DVR Advantage and swap out 1*311 and 1*211 for a 622. Easy huh ?

Tech one ...

told me $149 upfront - less $50 instant rebate less 10*$10 credits (I am already claiming the 10*$10 credits so i didn't even go into packages with this guy as he was wrong from the start.)

Tech Two

Told me $149 upfront ... no credits or rebates at all. Again i passed and moved on.

Tech Three

$149 less the $50 credit but no monthly credits as i was already claiming those (this one sounds most likely) They also told me that i would only have an increase of around $1 on my bill as i would lose two of the current receiver fee's (the 211 and the 311 that i am sending back = $11) and would then have to add i receiver fee and a dvr fee ( 11.98)

This guy sounded liked he knew what he was doing ... but by now i was so confused that i decided to send a quick email to ceo just to check which one was closest to reality before i went ahead and pulled the trigger.

Ceo came back with ... (fourth price)

Thanks for the email. I would like to apologize for the miss information that was given to you. I have reviewed your account and found that you can upgrade to a vip622 HD DVR for the upfront cost of $149.00. You do qualify for a one time $50.00 mail in rebate. However, you no longer qualify for the HD Bonus credits of $10 for 10 months. You already have them applied to your account from the last time that you upgraded. Here are the monthly charges to your bill if you add a 622 per month:

- Americas Top250 with locals $57.99
- DISH HD programming $20.00
- Lease fee for two HD receivers at $6.00
- DVR fee $5.98
- $5.00 phone line fee (unless the 622 is connected to a phone line)

Total monthly rate before taxes would be $95.97 + $5.00 without a phone line attached to the 622. The programming packages have changed from the HD Gold to the Top250 with DISH HD.

Ok - so he was saying $50 credit is mail-in rebate (not instant) and he did not go the DVR Advantage route.... So i called back tonight to try and make sure that my own calculations for the DVR Advantage plan was correct and to go ahead and upgrade ....


My Calculations ....

DVR Advantage ... 49.99
Add HD .... 20.00
Add top 250 .. 10.00
plus 211 fee .. 6.00
total = 85.99 per month. (+ Tax)

Upfront fee of $149 - less mail-in rebate of $50.


I was all ready to go ahead as long as those were confirmed tonight - and the guy i spoke with said - 1st - "the DVR Advantage plan isn't in the system yet so i would have to go away and research that more - but I do know that the HD upgrade is $26 not $20 .. they have got to change that on the website."


Five different people ... Five different prices I have been given.

If THEY have not got the slightest idea how the pricing structure works - how the hell are WE supposed to be able to figure it out ?

In the end - I gave up. Its not worth my time and/or effort.
Will wait till the end of my current contract - jump ship for 6 months to cable then come back as new customer in a few months.

Come on Dish - get your act together - this is NOT acceptable.
^^^ And Jokes mess is why I havent upgraded yet. I cant get a straight answer on what I am supposed to get.

Currently have:
625 DVR
A.T. 180
HD Pack (Old package)
622 DVR
625 DVR
DVR Advantage
A.T. 250

Can someone tell me what it is supposed to cost? By the way, I have never upgraded, just wanted to throw that in cause I have seen where you may not get a discount because you have upgraded before.

Thanks for the time!
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Frightening - I have now been given different information each time i have contacted them to go ahead and upgrade.

I currently have 1*311 and 2*211 and Dish HD Gold/AT250. I want to switch to DVR Advantage and swap out 1*311 and 1*211 for a 622. Easy huh ?

Tech one ...

told me $149 upfront - less $50 instant rebate less 10*$10 credits (I am already claiming the 10*$10 credits so i didn't even go into packages with this guy as he was wrong from the start.)

Tech Two

Told me $149 upfront ... no credits or rebates at all. Again i passed and moved on.

Tech Three

$149 less the $50 credit but no monthly credits as i was already claiming those (this one sounds most likely) They also told me that i would only have an increase of around $1 on my bill as i would lose two of the current receiver fee's (the 211 and the 311 that i am sending back = $11) and would then have to add i receiver fee and a dvr fee ( 11.98)

This guy sounded liked he knew what he was doing ... but by now i was so confused that i decided to send a quick email to ceo just to check which one was closest to reality before i went ahead and pulled the trigger.

Ceo came back with ... (fourth price)

Thanks for the email. I would like to apologize for the miss information that was given to you. I have reviewed your account and found that you can upgrade to a vip622 HD DVR for the upfront cost of $149.00. You do qualify for a one time $50.00 mail in rebate. However, you no longer qualify for the HD Bonus credits of $10 for 10 months. You already have them applied to your account from the last time that you upgraded. Here are the monthly charges to your bill if you add a 622 per month:

- Americas Top250 with locals $57.99
- DISH HD programming $20.00
- Lease fee for two HD receivers at $6.00
- DVR fee $5.98
- $5.00 phone line fee (unless the 622 is connected to a phone line)

Total monthly rate before taxes would be $95.97 + $5.00 without a phone line attached to the 622. The programming packages have changed from the HD Gold to the Top250 with DISH HD.

Ok - so he was saying $50 credit is mail-in rebate (not instant) and he did not go the DVR Advantage route.... So i called back tonight to try and make sure that my own calculations for the DVR Advantage plan was correct and to go ahead and upgrade ....


My Calculations ....

DVR Advantage ... 49.99
Add HD .... 20.00
Add top 250 .. 10.00
plus 211 fee .. 6.00
total = 85.99 per month. (+ Tax)

Upfront fee of $149 - less mail-in rebate of $50.


I was all ready to go ahead as long as those were confirmed tonight - and the guy i spoke with said - 1st - "the DVR Advantage plan isn't in the system yet so i would have to go away and research that more - but I do know that the HD upgrade is $26 not $20 .. they have got to change that on the website."


Five different people ... Five different prices I have been given.

If THEY have not got the slightest idea how the pricing structure works - how the hell are WE supposed to be able to figure it out ?

In the end - I gave up. Its not worth my time and/or effort.
Will wait till the end of my current contract - jump ship for 6 months to cable then come back as new customer in a few months.

Come on Dish - get your act together - this is NOT acceptable.

Your calculations on the dvr advantage plan look right to me. You even have them in the same order for it to work. You can start with the top 200 for 49.99 and add hd as your premium pack for 20.00 and then add the upgrade to top 250 bonus pack for 10.00 and then add the extra hd receiver for 6.00 . The dvr fee and the locals are included in the dvr advantage pack. So you are right. The key is to go over all this with the csr to make sure you are on the same page. If not back to the ceo with another email.
^^^ And Jokes mess is why I havent upgraded yet. I cant get a straight answer on what I am supposed to get.

Currently have:
625 DVR
A.T. 180
HD Pack (Old package)
622 DVR
625 DVR
DVR Advantage
A.T. 250

Can someone tell me what it is supposed to cost? By the way, I have never upgraded, just wanted to throw that in cause I have seen where you may not get a discount because you have upgraded before.

Thanks for the time!

First of all the upgrade if allowed would be 149.99 up front and then you mail in a rebate for 50.00 and you will get it for 99.99. You would also get a 10.00 trade in for the old receiver from Dish if you mail it back in. IF you get the 622 and the 625 you would have the following on your bill for the dvr advantage plan:

49.99 dvr advantage for top 200
20.00 for Hbo and one other premium either Showtime or STarz or Playboy
10.00 for upgrade to the top 250 bonus pack
5.98 dvr fee for the 625
5.00 additional receiver fee
$90.97 before taxes

The dvr fee locals and the lease fee should be included in the price of the dvr advantage plan. If the lease deal is not in the dvr advantage plan and they are counting the 625 as your main receiver and the 622 as the lease , then your bill will go up only $1.00 for the lease fee instead of the $5.00 additional receiver fee.
Any one able to get signing up for Dish DVR ONLINE to work yet?

I keep getting this. I tried 3 different PCs.

"DishDVR Advantage Package

Due to technical difficulties, we are unable to process your request at this time. You may try again in a few moments or contact the Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-DISH (3474) for account assistance.

First of all the upgrade if allowed would be 149.99 up front and then you mail in a rebate for 50.00 and you will get it for 99.99. You would also get a 10.00 trade in for the old receiver from Dish if you mail it back in. IF you get the 622 and the 625 you would have the following on your bill for the dvr advantage plan:

49.99 dvr advantage for top 200
20.00 for Hbo and one other premium either Showtime or STarz or Playboy
10.00 for upgrade to the top 250 bonus pack
5.98 dvr fee for the 625
5.00 additional receiver fee
$90.97 before taxes

The dvr fee locals and the lease fee should be included in the price of the dvr advantage plan. If the lease deal is not in the dvr advantage plan and they are counting the 625 as your main receiver and the 622 as the lease , then your bill will go up only $1.00 for the lease fee instead of the $5.00 additional receiver fee.

Crap, I forgot to add the HD package to what I want. So that would account for my other premium service correct? Thanks MikeD!
dvr advantage 622

is the dvr advantage package only available for a free non hd receiver?
i called dish and they said i would still have to pay 200 bucks for the vip622 with the dvr advantage this corrrect?
Great, I got the error that it did not go through (see my post above),

Then hours later I got an email saying welcome to c card auto pay.

I did not get DISH DVR Advantage due to the error.
They tricked me.
Your calculations on the dvr advantage plan look right to me. The key is to go over all this with the csr to make sure you are on the same page. If not back to the ceo with another email.

Fired off a final email to Ceo this morning.

6th time lucky ?

I'm honestly past caring anymore ...

Was looking forward to getting the 622 a few days ago - now I'm not too fussed one way or the other.

Way to kill my mood E*

Crap, I forgot to add the HD package to what I want. So that would account for my other premium service correct? Thanks MikeD!

Call Dishnetwork and ask them to walk you through the dvr advantage pack . But if you want hd on top of the hbo station then your bill would be :

49.99 dvr advantage to top 200
20.00 for hd pack
10.00 upgrade to top 250 bonus pack
10.00 hbo
5.00 for additional receiver
$94.99 before taxes.

You can also add STarz or Showtime for 10.00 each as well but it would just be easier to sub to AEP if you want those too. Because the price would be 114.99 for all three premium movie packs + hd. The price for AEP +locals + hd pack is 114.99 and you get Cinemax too.
Fired off a final email to Ceo this morning.

6th time lucky ?

I'm honestly past caring anymore ...

Was looking forward to getting the 622 a few days ago - now I'm not too fussed one way or the other.

Way to kill my mood E*


I think the reason why it is so hard to get the dvr advantage pack is because the online system doesn't work well, the csrs are all befuddled by the new rules as well and aren't familiar with it yet. I had to work for a day to understand myself. When I finally got it all written down where it made sense I called and got an American csr and we worked together to get it right. I made her repeat each charge ,line by line till it jived with what I had down on paper.

The 622 is a wonderful receiver and it works better than any Dish receiver I have ever owned. YOU will LOVE it. I only hope that you can get it for the proper price and make sure you follow the directions on how to redeem the $50.00s off of the price so you can get it for only $99.99.

Good luck.:)

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