Dish won't actvate my Dish 625 because...


Original poster
May 19, 2009
Millville NJ
Ok about 2 years ago I bought an 512 from a friend well about a month ago I decide to hook it up. Called Dish and got a tech to come out in install the receiver, He said the receiver will work but we need a new smart card, he said it will be a week to get the card ok a week goes buy no card, so we called, they said that that receiver is old and they don't support it any more, ok understandable. So I went on there website and seen them advertising the 625 so I found a new one on ebay for $100 so I bought it. Now it gets here we hook it up and called dish to activate it. They start to activate the reviver but every time it activates it deactivates on of my other receivers (I have a 722k and 222k), Ok now after some time of this they then say I can't be done because the 625 is not HD so we then called again 2 hours later and ask why won't they activate if it still picks up the signal and displays the free channels (DIY and AMC) mad at this point we threaten to go to Direct TV so they offer to take $60 off our bill, ok still mad because we don't want money off our bill we just want to add this room on, we hung up so then I decide to chat with tech support on there website this guy told us that because we live in an area that have Mpeg4 system that they wont activate receiver that are Mpeg2. I just wanted to share my story guy.
I'm betting you have an Eastern Arc setup, which does only support MPEG-4 equipment. It's not possible for us to activate any MPEG-2 equipment on an account that shows and EA install. Will you press menu-6-1-3 (on an active receiver) and tell us what satellite number show up?

Sorry about any inconvenience.
the OP location says New Jersey so I hazard a guess that would be why. The 625 can only be activated on Western Arc
The 625 is a MPEG2 only receiver. It can ONLY be used on Western Arc (110/119/129). You probably have Eastern Arc and they cannot activate it on EA.
You are in an old setup. You should be moved to EA, 61.5, 72 & 77. That is why they won't let it activate. Sorry, but you should have done some more research before buying. This is widely discussed on this board.
All taken care of now.

To the OP, the 625 will need to be changed to a MPEG-4 receiver when you move over to EA. So you shouldn't expect to have that setup for too long.
I would like to Thank MattG, He got it to work. I should of came on here first lol, Yea I understand that I should of did more research, I just looked at dish's website and seen that they advertised 625, I was looking at getting another 722k but seen the 625 cheap so I bought that one. Thank's again to MattG
Yea I understand MattG, Our 2 year is up on 5/21/11 and we will renew and I will tell them that we need to change over to EA and what I will need to do to replace the 625 with a Mpge-4 receiver. I think I am done with buy equipment on ebay without calling dish before hand to see if I can use it.
The only strange part of this is how does activating a 625 make another receiver on the account automatically deactivate?

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Dish never informed us that there was a new Arc and that it had to be change but for some reason there system thought we were in the EA. This was the first time I have heard about the arc's and my system was always handle by Dish techs that were sent by Dish so it's not my fault that the system isn't an EA. This is were I found out about the 625 no were do they say it's a Mpeg2 and that it might not be supported on all systems, also I am wrong that the other receiver isn't a 512 it's a 510.
If the op was on 110/119 then the receiver should have activated just fine.imho if ya don't mind having extra dishes have both arcs.That way you can have mpeg-2 and mpeg-4 receivers on your account.We have to do it that way here because of older legacy receivers.
Without going into too much detail, the OP's account is supposed to be moved over to EA, so it had an "MPEG-4 only" tag on the account, which obviously prevents MPEG-2 from being activated.

Being the awesome person I am :rolleyes:, I know of a work around. I would have been able to activate the 512 along with the 625 with this workaround (and no, I will not do this for everyone).

BTW - I will be out of the office until Monday.

Dish Sling Adapter connection failure

1000.4 pointing for Buffalo, NY?

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