DISH we lost our OK CBS but give us the OTA programming guide info!!

Your assessment only describes the simplest thinking possible, excusing that there are Dish employees on here, that are high ranking officials. The names in red are the Dish's internet Support Team(DIRT) and are employees.

Thanks i am a simple man. Give me a break...CHARLIE is not going to be here. I do believe there are some Dish employee's not in RED posting to keep down NEGATIVE talk about DISH. IMO and that's not worth much.

The DIRT people on here from what i see do a good job of helping customers. With that said i don't see them posting many comments.
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Charlie is will do what it takes to make money, but it doesn't make sense to higher anonymous posters to post in benefit of the company. The gained support would not equal the amount paid to the employees. It would be a wash at best. And that doesn't serve the interest of the company. Not to mention I don't think Scott would even allow that kind of shenanigans. There is quite a bit of transperancy on this site.
Which fee covers the "airwave" or frequency rights ? None of those listed are obviously for this. Not sure that it's simply the "license" one.

This is what you want

Commercial Digital Stations: Regulatory Fee Payment Type Code
Markets 1-10 $60,675
Markets 11-25 $45,675
Markets 26-50 $30,525
Markets 51-100 $15,200
Remaining Markets $5,000
Construction Permit for New VHF Station $5,000
Broadcast Auxiliary Station No Fee


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I do believe there are some Dish employee's not in RED posting to keep down NEGATIVE talk about DISH. IMO and that's not worth much.

So, anyone who disagrees with you is a DISH shill and is here to keep negative talk down? How about................they just disagree with you?
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Charlie is will do what it takes to make money, but it doesn't make sense to higher anonymous posters to post in benefit of the company. The gained support would not equal the amount paid to the employees. It would be a wash at best. And that doesn't serve the interest of the company. Not to mention I don't think Scott would even allow that kind of shenanigans. There is quite a bit of transperancy on this site.

Higher or Hire?

I know Charlie. Met and visited with him at CES, and team summits. Dish will have ppl monitor this site and maybe it just the DIRT ppl. IMO their are other brown noise's who will monitor and post hoping to get a gold star next to their name. I came from a retailer web site where this happen. I am sure Scott can verify this.
So, anyone who disagrees with you is a DISH shill and is here to keep negative talk down? How about................they just disagree with you?

No I didnt say that .. its fair not to agree on what i say. Most of what i say is just my opinion.. Just like most of you.
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I'm sure there are people rooting for Dish for their own self interests. I know I have my own. Stock holders may also have another reason. There are a multitude of reasons that are. It they work for them.
I like Dish. They have treated me more than well in the last 14 years. So, there ya go, Bruno. And this thread this thread's tread is worn down to nothing.
And this thread this thread's tread is worn down to nothing.

KAB... it might be better worry about your OWN THREADS. You have NOT started a thread in the LAST YEAR with half the replies of this one.

This THREAD is just getting started...:yessign

PS I also like DISH just don't think they are treating their CUSTOMERS right. DISH pay a few penny's and give us the Guide for the LOCALS that are OFF.
I like Dish. They have treated me more than well in the last 14 years. So, there ya go, Bruno. And this thread this thread's tread is worn down to nothing.
You pay , they provide service.
You make it sound like its a Personal relationship.

Thats the problem.

But I'm glad someone else is attacked by the same gang of members like usual when anything remotely an outside the box opinion is brought to the table.

Now I'm just waiting for yous to throw out the "Ignore Card"
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You can't have an opinion if it doesn't follow certain Dish fan Guide lines.

THANK YOU Troch77, Scott runs a very good site, and i been gone a long time. I don't like bullies and sure seems like there is a few on this site. I have read several threads and waiting for them to post and throw down the IGNORE thing. I DON'T care we will still have a conversation without them. Maybe a better one.
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THANK YOU Troch77, Scott runs a very good site, and i been gone a long time. I don't like bullies and sure seems like there is a few on this site. I have read several threads and waiting for them to post and throw down the IGNORE thing. I DON'T care we will still have a conversation without you. Maybe a better one.
Scott is extremely fair and I agree he runs a great site.
His mods are also extremely fair.
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I am betting if locals can be dropped it will be for every package except the Welcome pack, possibly also the Smart Pack. But it's an educated guess no way to know.
I will take that bet. The price chart clearly shows the separate $10 cost for locals with Smart Pack. So, I will bet that if the locals can be removed from any other packages, they will also be able to be removed from Smart Pack. The price of that package has really gotten out of control. Remember when Smart Pack used to be $19.99 per month without locals? That was the everyday price, not just the promotional one-year discounted price that Dish later used to advertise Smart Pack at.
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I will take that bet. .

Me Too...where do we send our money? :)

Charlie makes money on everything. He doesn't usually give up income for nothing. If CHARLIE is not making MONEY like an OLD retailer then he gets rid of it.
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I have a TiVo OTA, so I would drop locals, but I also have the Welcome pack, so I would probably have to up to the Smart pack and then drop locals. I do not watch Dish locals at all.
I have a TiVo OTA, so I would drop locals, but I also have the Welcome pack, so I would probably have to up to the Smart pack and then drop locals. I do not watch Dish locals at all.

So how well do you like the Tivo OTA? Do you have the one that does not cost a monthly fee for the guide? Anyone got any comments ont eh Channel master OTA.

I am getting tired of this yearly BS and looking at my options now...

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