DISH -VS- VOOM - A Settlement has been reached!

Now if the guide would just show anything past the 7pm walking dead repeat...No manual timers on the hopper and I can't seem to force a guide download by doing a point dish/check switch like I used to do either... :(I guess some of us are NEVER happy! LOL!
On my ViP receivers, you can force a guide update by soft rebooting, then navigating to the channel in question (131) on the guide. When you advance the guide into the "info unavailable" realm, the receiver will ask if you want to update the guide data. This may take up to 10 minutes. Then you'll have about a 9-day guide. I don't know how other systems work, however. This worked for me as usual.
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I wonder how much this actually cost dish after all this. The settlement cost and whatever incentives/roku was. BUT how much did they not end up paying on the Voom contract itself?

Probably around $2.4 Billion. That's why Voom sued for that much. The math works out. Voom was around $40/year per sub. DIsh claimed around 40% of its subs were HD, and the contract required 90% of those to have Voom. That's around 5 million customers. Thus, about $200M per year, or $2.4B over the remaining 12 years of the agreement. And that includes no subscriber growth, no Voom cost escalator (which there was). But then again, I'm not sure Dish would have so many subs if the forced us all to buy Voom.

Seems to me Dish paid what they would have (or maybe even less) that what they would have paid if they got to skip out on the contract 9 years early rather than 12.

Probably fair. 3 more years of watching the same episodes of Flipper and UFO, and there would have been such subscriber backlash, Rainbow would have been forced to renegotiate 10 channels away.
& the satellite drama wheel continues to turn. Imo it's an overall good day for dish & dish customers.
The two main points of the settlement were exactly what I thought they would be:
-The $700M was smack in the middle of the range... 500M-1B.
-AMC package returning. (Fuse is a bonus.)

There are some interesting questions remaining:
-How long is the carriage contract? (I have a feeling it's longer than standard.)
-Will any be in HD, other than AMC? (I certainly hope so, or they will remain unwatched in my household.)
-Which packages will include them. (I have a feeling it may open up to lower packs to increase viewership.)
-Will the "replacement" channels remain in AT packs, or go back to BB@H?
In the poll (did you get a free roku offer) the last count was 195 yes.The thread has been dead for over a month and there have been more satguy members to get one later.No way to be certain.A new poll might give a better indication.
This is probably a stupid question, but, what is the point of the 20% Interest in Voom reverting to Cablevision? Isn't Voom (including the international versions) defunct?
Congrats to Dish and Cablevision for getting this deal done and to us customers who suffered through this :)
HDRoberts said:
Probably around $2.4 Billion. That's why Voom sued for that much. The math works out. Voom was around $40/year per sub. DIsh claimed around 40% of its subs were HD, and the contract required 90% of those to have Voom. That's around 5 million customers. Thus, about $200M per year, or $2.4B over the remaining 12 years of the agreement. And that includes no subscriber growth, no Voom cost escalator (which there was). But then again, I'm not sure Dish would have so many subs if the forced us all to buy Voom.

Seems to me Dish paid what they would have (or maybe even less) that what they would have paid if they got to skip out on the contract 9 years early rather than 12.

Probably fair. 3 more years of watching the same episodes of Flipper and UFO, and there would have been such subscriber backlash, Rainbow would have been forced to renegotiate 10 channels away.

Reasonable estimate. Then dish came out a little better than I thought they did and much better than it could have been.
This is probably a stupid question, but, what is the point of the 20% Interest in Voom reverting to Cablevision? Isn't Voom (including the international versions) defunct?
Paper trade to Voom. Cash to Cablevision.
Ha. I'm watching last weeks episode of WD dead right... in the end this whole ordeal has cost me $.84 to Amazon for last weeks episode which I saw most of via their Anti-Dish stream. Season timer set... I'm glad this is all over and can be put to bed.
joecap1946 said:
I know everyone is getting AMC as a freebie. But I can't recall what package the channel was in. Can you help.


AT200 and above, Dish Latino Dos and above, and Welcome Pack (SD only) prior to the dispute
It's quite entertaining reading some of the Facebook posts on the dish site, many think this is a one nite "freeview" and AMC will be for only one night....way to funny
MikeD-C05 said:
And now the price hikes cometh.......

You seem to be trying to set yourself up to be able to say "see I told you so" It's already been pointed out of course there is going to be a price increase hasn't been one on the packages for two years. Seems silly to then try and make a case that it wouldn't have gone up as much etc etc... You can say it did I can say it didn't where's the proof going to come from? I'm not saying some of an increase may not be related. But that's the case with many things any company encounters. But now that we see the settlement Dish isn't out that much given they have not had to pay the last years of the Voom contract. I really don't see much more fall out from all this and that includes any real additional increases more than there is going to be.

Hopper and USB Hub???

Upgrade to 2nd Hopper questions
