DISH -VS- VOOM - A Settlement has been reached!

I sure hope from now on the judge does not complain if there is any delay of a day or two because Dish's attorney did some incredibly evil thing that needed special investigation.

Double deleting data is not something a Judge slaps you on the wrist and sends you to bed without any dinner for doing. There should be consequences for the act and if Crying Carolyn Crawford can't handle being dressed down in front of the court for doing so, then she can leave her ball and go home.

If you are bitter because you migrated to VOOM and Dish removed it later, I presume you also remember by that time you had watched the same VOOM shows the 100th time.

Why is having an opinion that differs from yours being bitter? I have not complained about Voom or its channels have I? And to be honest with you, I don't much remember any of the shows that were on any of the Voom channels.

Look when VOOM refused to make the service work better for its partner, because they thought they could stick it to Dish because Dish signed a bad contract, then they cannot now complain Dish refuses to pay for some of their AMC channels.

So far, everything that has come out in the lawsuit debunks your theory.

As far as who is to be tought a lesson, I am sure Charlie had learned many things from the past, and will continue to do so. It is his money to play, whatever he sees fit. I am not going to feel the least bit bad if he losses a couple of billions. The guy had lost his shirts several times in the past, without him there would not be so much real life courtroom entertainment.

Your personal bitterness pales, I mean seriously, pales in comparison.

This is a Dish v. Voom thing, not a You v. Me thing, as much as you'd like to make it a You v. Me thing. I have an interest in the case, and like it or not, the case affects me as it does any Dish subscriber. I am not pro Dish or pro Voom. For me, its Right v. Wrong. If that is something you can't understand, then how about we agree to disagree and you ignore my posts?
PTVC said:
So far, everything that has come out in the lawsuit debunks your theory.

That was not a theory, but facts.

It is a fact at the end of VOOM on Dish, there was hardly anything to watch, and there is proof that hardly anyone was watching.

It is a fact VOOM tried to sell the POS VOOM service to other companies, in a format more favorable than they offered Dish, there was still no taker.

It is a fact Dish offered to carry a modified VOOM package similar to what VOOM offered to DirecTV, but was rejected.

One must presume in a mutually agreed partnership, specially when you deal with some risky startup venture, the parties should seek to make adjustments according to the market reaction, in order to promote the success of the venture.

It was clear there was nothing much on, and no one was watching, the service was doomed if no adjustment was made. Yet VOOM refused to show flexibility. It was not interested in the success of the service, their only interest was they could screw the partner.

So what if they had met the minimum requirement, the fact is there was nothing on and no one was watching, I remember full well the complaints all over here and other forums people's disappointment at that time.

One must ask, why the "the service" term was added to the agreement, along with the minimum $100M? Is it not reasonable to understand that the purpose of such requirement was, at the very minimum, to prevent exactly what happened to VOOM on Dish, when there was nothing to watch and no one was watching? Was that requirement met?

If you are faced with such a partner, you would likely have done worse just to get rid of it. So please, we don't need you to educate us what is right, what is wrong.

At least Mr4069 does not come here to claim moral superiority, just to participate in a contest of varying habits.
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The channel that had 12 people watching at most times of the day if I remember correctly was HDNews.


News of a possible settlement is being reported...

Light at the end of the tunnel perhaps [fingers crossed]?

Isn't it possible that they could hold a joint press conference to announce it? Or would they have to present it to the judge first?

Nothing stops them from filing a motion to withdraw the case, if they so wish.

They'd still be notifying the Judge of the agreement.

That was not a theory, but facts.

It was not interested in the success of the service, their only interest was they could screw the partner.

That is your theory, not a fact.

One must ask, why the "the service" term was added to the agreement

Wasn't it a service?

Is it not reasonable to understand that the purpose of such requirement was, at the very minimum, to prevent exactly what happened to VOOM on Dish, when there was nothing to watch and no one was watching? Was that requirement met?

Did Dish cover its ass by 1.) detailing what overhead expenditures where permissible under the agreement, 2.) how much of the $100 million could be spent on overhead and, 3.) what improvements had to be made? Dish made a sh*t deal, knew it, and wanted out and the fact laden court record proves that. Do I think Voom is innocent? No. But there was an agreement. Dish had a change of heart and breached the contract and now its going to cost them. Complaining that its the Dolans fault because they wouldn't negotiate, or that the content sucked, does not change the fact that there was a contrat and Dish breached it. You complain that it was a sh*t deal, yet you don't blame Dish for agreeing to such a sh*t deal.

You keep calling Charlie a risk taker. Looks like you're right. He took a risk and its costing Dish.

If you are faced with such a partner, you would likely have done worse just to get rid of it.

I would have made sure everything was detailed in the agreement and if I didn't like the deal, I would have said no. In the long run, that agreement didn't benefit Dish. Unfortunately, Dish didn't see the forest for the trees and by the time they blinked and cleared their eyes, it was too late... they had already hit a tree.

Hopefully they come to an amicable agreement that doesn't screw the subscriber down the road.
The point is, this is a jury trial, there is no guarantee of winning or losing. If it can be proven that by the end of VOOM on Dish, there was no new programming, and no one was watching, one cannot argue with a straight face he had fulfilled the requirement, which was clearly established to ensure there would be new and meaningful programming to watch, and enough eyeballs to be on them.

Sometimes when faced with mountain of evidence, the easiest answer may be just right in front of you. Each party must assess their chances in multiple scenarios without relying solely on a black and white interpretation of the real world, or right and wrong out of a fairy tale, and decide what is the best way moving forward.
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Juries are made up of real people. To assume they will see through the facts thus far and rule in favor of Dish is wishful thinking. The question before the jury is not the content, but the contract.
PTVC said:
Juries are made up of real people. To assume they will see through the facts thus far and rule in favor of Dish is wishful thinking. The question before the jury is not the content, but the contract.

It is equally dangerous to assume the real people will not apply their own experiences in the real world, rather with such a clear focus, looking at the language and language alone, but ignore the end results.
What are the chances that we could get some of the Voom channels also when AMC comes back?

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

Not sure, but im hoping/dreaming it could happen?
Take the locks off the Voom studios turn on the lights
and hit play!
MonstersHD(Back from the dead) Rave, Kung Foo,
Equator and Voom Movies.
The Voom production studio assets were sold. However, they do have a lot of content that could make its way somewhere.

You can buy a lot of stuff with $2.4 billion dollars...

Just sayin'...

I don't expect to see Voom back, BUT, it would be absolutely AWESOME, if one of Charlies "mea culpa's" (to the Dish subs that are still pissed off about it) is that he allows the old Voom content back on Dish as part of a new agreement with AMC networks.
I highly doubt the old Voom wants to 'raise from the dead'.

It would be VERY nice to see a "Monsters" or "Fung Fu" marathon on IFC every so often though... IMO, it would be a perfect fit.

IF IFC went back to "no commercials". That channel really got hurt badly, when they started the commercials in the last year..

I want VOOM content (especially MONSTERSHD) stuff back if at all possible, but with too many commercials that cut in and out at the wrong times, that would be horrible.
Good point.

I'll amend my previous comment to "Commercial Free Monsters and Kung Fu marathons".

Don't get me wrong, I'd love a resurrection. There was an enchanting type quality to the old Voom suite, even if it was mostly repeats towards the end.
If they do settle I bet we see every AMC channel appear on Dish. Probably MSG too to keep the Dolands happy. Probably even an agreement to carry future channels.
I want flipper in HD back.

Whats the settlement going to be guess's?

Hopper and USB Hub???

Upgrade to 2nd Hopper questions

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