DISH -VS- VOOM - A Settlement has been reached!

Since this is not the first time a Judge feels this way about the way Dish is presenting it's case, gotta believe it's Dish, not the Judge...
Wow,no idea what Dish and their legal team are thinking.Seems to get uglier by the day.

Don't be fooled. Dish knows EXACTLY what they are doing, it's all a strategy, and doubtless it can't hurt them any worse, as they no longer have anything to lose by trying it.

They've lost this trial, they know it, so it's to their advantage to try and force a mistrial. It opens the door for better negotiation, and like I said, it can't hurt them any worse at this point.
Either way a betting man would most likely bet on Voom/cablevision winning.It may drag on like the tivo case but eventually Dish will have to pay.Certainly a disturbing trend with Dish and these trials.Have they actually ever won a major case?
Judge Criticizes Dish During Voom Trial

Dish doesn't provide documents with appeal
By Jon Lafayette -- Broadcasting & Cable, 10/9/2012 3:26:02 PM

The judge hearing Voom's lawsuit against Dish Network criticized Dish for "incredible" behavior he said was delaying the case and could cause a mistrial.

According to Thomas Claps, an analyst for Susquehana Financial Group, Dish's lawyer appealed a ruling by Judge Richard Lowe III to turn over certain documents, but failed to provide the appellate court with a copy of the documents making it impossible for the appellate court to make an immediate decision.

Judge Lowe said the action was further evidence of Dish's ongoing, inappropriate conduct in the case, according to Claps. The judge also accused Dish of attempting to "spin its wheels" and delay the proceedings so that the current trial schedule could be jeopardized and possibly result in a mistrial, Claps said. He added the judge appeared to be "absolutely furious."
The way this judge is ruling sounds like it's what they want and need to have any kind of chance in getting a fair trial. From this thread I would tend to say that the judge seems to be prejudiced toward AMC side of the argument.
The way this judge is ruling sounds like it's what they want and need to have any kind of chance in getting a fair trial. From this thread I would tend to say that the judge seems to be prejudiced toward AMC side of the argument.
They're getting a fair trial. Just because the judge has no patience for their bullship doesn't mean he isn't being fair.
The way this judge is ruling sounds like it's what they want and need to have any kind of chance in getting a fair trial. From this thread I would tend to say that the judge seems to be prejudiced toward AMC side of the argument.

i don't think the judge is prejudiced. He's simply going on what Dish did before. You know getting rid of documents and all. That's a huge deal. They were caught so now they have to live with it. By the way that's two different judges that made rulings. It's not the judges fault Dish got caught. I wish they would just settle and get AMC back.
Its real simple. AMC / Voom / Cablevision needs money now and Dish wants to delay this for years like they did for the Tivo Case.

AMC lost all the money from the carrage of there channels on Dish, they lost like 12 millions subs. This cost them $470 to $520 Million a year (depending on taxes and accounting).
Now that longer this runs one it cost AMC / Voom tons of money in legal fees. They charge by the hour.
In the end AMC / Voom will see there loosing Millions the longer this runs ones, and DIsh is actually SAVING MONEY the longer it runs on as they dont have to pay for AMC or anything for VOOM.
Dish probably has money in the bank earning interest for this. KEY WORD INTEREST!! Dish has $700 million in cash earning interest making them money for each year this delays on plus they save $150 million for every year they dont carry the AMC set of channel. Dish wins the longer this goes on.

In the end Dish will go to AMC and say lets reach a deal. We will pay say $400 million (my new prediction) instead of 2.5 Billion and we go back to carrying your channels at the same rate so you can make money again.

"Voom went Boom, but Dish is Booming"
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Its real simple. AMC / Voom / Cablevision needs money now and Dish wants to delay this for years like they did for the Tivo Case.
Unlike the Tivo case (patent litigation and appeals) they cannot keep a contract dispute going on for years after a judgment is entered. Sure, they can appeal the case but they also have to set-aside money for the judgment, penalties (if any) and interest (probably held in escrow by the court) before they can proceed. Assuming they lose this case, they odds of winning on appeal are not good.

AMC lost all the money from the carrage of there channels on Dish, they lost like 12 millions subs. This cost them $470 to $520 Million a year (depending on taxes and accounting).
Now that longer this runs one it cost AMC / Voom tons of money in legal fees. They charge by the hour.
In the end AMC / Voom will see there loosing Millions the longer this runs ones, and DIsh is actually SAVING MONEY the longer it runs on as they dont have to pay for AMC or anything for VOOM.
Dish probably has money in the bank earning interest for this. KEY WORD INTEREST!! Dish has $700 million in cash earning interest making them money for each year this delays on plus they save $150 million for every year they dont carry the AMC set of channel. Dish wins the longer this goes on.

In the end Dish will go to AMC and say lets reach a deal. We will pay say $400 million (my new prediction) instead of 2.5 Billion and we go back to carrying your channels at the same rate so you can make money again.

AMC Networks was spun-off by Cablevision, but you can rest assured CV will finance them if needed. Initially I saw this case being settled for 500-700M a few years ago. However, I now feel this figure is going to be much more since Voom is holding all the cards. But who knows...perhaps Dish is holding an ace up their sleeves...that they just happened to forget to submit to the court during discovery. We shall see.
Its real simple. AMC / Voom / Cablevision needs money now and Dish wants to delay this for years like they did for the Tivo Case.

AMC lost all the money from the carrage of there channels on Dish, they lost like 12 millions subs. This cost them $470 to $520 Million a year (depending on taxes and accounting).
Now that longer this runs one it cost AMC / Voom tons of money in legal fees. They charge by the hour.
In the end AMC / Voom will see there loosing Millions the longer this runs ones, and DIsh is actually SAVING MONEY the longer it runs on as they dont have to pay for AMC or anything for VOOM.
Dish probably has money in the bank earning interest for this. KEY WORD INTEREST!! Dish has $700 million in cash earning interest making them money for each year this delays on plus they save $150 million for every year they dont carry the AMC set of channel. Dish wins the longer this goes on.

In the end Dish will go to AMC and say lets reach a deal. We will pay say $400 million (my new prediction) instead of 2.5 Billion and we go back to carrying your channels at the same rate so you can make money again.

"Voom went Boom, but Dish is Booming"
Sound's like you are inventing/speculating again!!! Give us links to validate your numbers.
They're getting a fair trial. Just because the judge has no patience for their bullship doesn't mean he isn't being fair.
I don't see it that way. So far every ruling by the judge seems to be prejudiced toward VOOM (aka AMC). What you see as no patience for the BS, I see as being partial toward VOOM.
Sound's like you are inventing/speculating again!!! Give us links to validate your numbers.

That's what I would like to know. If Charlie ever writes his memoirs I would be interested in finding out what and the heck his strategy was in this case. I could be wrong, but it seems like each legal maneuver is bungled and every tactical decision comes with a price tag attached. We shall see.
whatchel1 said:
I don't see it that way. So far every ruling by the judge seems to be prejudiced toward VOOM (aka AMC). What you see as no patience for the BS, I see as being partial toward VOOM.

This is impossible to tell without reading the entire record or sitting in on the entire trial. Snippets here and there simply don't paint enough of a picture to allow for an accurate judgment.
I don't see it that way. So far every ruling by the judge seems to be prejudiced toward VOOM (aka AMC). What you see as no patience for the BS, I see as being partial toward VOOM.

Dish violated the court's trust when they were found to be negligent in destroying evidence (2010). As I recall, they were admonished for not being forthcoming during discovery, and some other monkeyshines, by the court and Judge Lowe ordered major sanctions against Dish - the kind rarely imposed. Dish appealed the order and the appellate court reaffirmed the decision about a year later (2011). Flashforward to late this summer (August) and Voom is in the court claiming that Dish is hiding evidence again by falsely asserting privilege on something like 15-20 documents. Based on past events, Judge Lowe orders Dish to submit these documents to the court for review. A short while later Judge Lowe orders all but three of the documents in question to be shared with Voom as part of discovery. Meanwhile Dish appealed the order to share mislabled privileged documents with Voom. Which brings us current....
Maybe they intentionally try to piss off the judge so they can ask for a change of venue.:)

During the TiVo case, the same was said over and over TiVo won every step of the way, and Dish had to pay or put up bonds along the way too. In the end, who won? After the settlement, Dish stock went up, TiVo stock went down.

Dish is now up by 50%, TiVo is still down or the same.
I just see AMC going for the throat on this one. Could be they would settle to restore the networks, but to me I think AMC wants to get vengence for bad blood.
Ultimately, they are both businesses that need to do what is best for their business. And, that would be for Dish to save money on the probable damages they will be required to pay, and for AMC to get 14 million potential viewers back.

Hopper and USB Hub???

Upgrade to 2nd Hopper questions
