I remember The Weather Cast and how short lived it was. Wasn't that a record to how short lived a channel was on the air? The Weather Channel made a very quick return.
Please stop asking. The same question over and over again won't bring it here closer if it even is coming.do you expect to get weathernation hd tommorow?
Are you new here?Please stop asking. The same question over and over again won't bring it here closer if it even is coming.
Are you saying WN is still a maybe on DISH after all this time? Granted it's not confirmed because it's not on air yet.Please stop asking. The same question over and over again won't bring it here closer if it even is coming.
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Amen! That was what I was hoping DISH would do but, that seems unlikely since we're in this thread.right now there is two hd channels for weathernation and a app.that should be coming i would like to see the weather channel stay and have a alternative weather channel the more the better so that way you have a variety to watch your weather everyday lets say like weathernation broadcasts local affilates severe weather you can actually go any watch that channel and the weather channel you can still watch the weather you want to watch along with specials on that channel.
And now my head hurts...whateverhappenedtopunctuationandcapitalizationthewaysomeofthesepostsarewrittenitmakesreadingthemnearlyimpossibleandtheposterlookslikeanuneducatedmoronwhenimsuretheyrenotofcoursesomeofthesepeoplewouldhavewrittentheirnotinsteadbutidigressireadastudyawhileagothatdetailedhowapersonsuseofspellingandgrammarwasonlyanindicatorofhowwellthatpersonunderstandsspellingandgrammarandnothingelsespellingandgrammarhasabsolutelynocorrelationtothewritersintelligencehowevertheperceptionthatthewriterisablitheringidiotpersistsandanyopinionsexpressedwithpoorspellingandgrammararediscardedbytheaveragereader
Actually, in that case, a question mark at the end and a comma after "what".what you guys want for me to use periods from now you guys.