Probably increase in fees, including the now reasonable Hopper system fees, perhaps an increase on ALL fees such as Protection Plan, etc., EVERY FEE. Then increase on packages, but the lower the package the lower the increase. Charlie (and Joe, now) are very comfortable really sticking it to AEP folks. Dish just can't have a high fee increase at its lower packages as those people are least loyal and will be the first to leave and take advantage of new customer promos from competitors. The higher package subs and those with higher level equipment/systems are the more loyal customers as those folks as less inclined to leave so quickly as they like the channels they get for the price and like their equipment such as the Hopper and feel a move to a competitor would be an inferior experience or one they are not in the mood to experiment with, unless the hike is just too high, then even those sub jump ship, but more likely to downgrade and stay with Dish. The cost for a tech visit with Protection Plan may go up to $20. I just think they are gonna go to fee us til we drop, make the package increases, but tell us that they haven't raised the package prices for 2 years, so we should be very happy with a substantially higher bill per month, much of higher fees.
I just have strong feeling the Hopper fees, in particular, which include the box/client, DVR or Whole Home Fee are going to go up. At $7 per box, Dish might view that as lots of room to increase. I HOPE NOT. I would be saving money on the fees, but it seems like $7 per box is too good to last.