DISH sent me a new smartcard today

Big waste of money in my opinion. For every programmer dish/nagra has there are 20 out there that will work on breaking it. All dish is doing is creating a new revenue stream for the people selling hacker products. "All your old gear wont work, buy my new product!"

Over the past year I have noticed wierd things going on at dish. Products and releases seem to be "rushed" and not much thought being put into them. Superdish/HD fiasco. I mean come on, they are a SATELLITE company. They didnt know the range of their signal? Then the supply problems of the superdish, 811, and 921. Numerous bugs in the 811 and 921. Now the apparent oversight about PPVs stored on the old blue card not being billed. They didnt think of this?? Or they just dont care about all that lose revenue? Either way, if I was a stockholder I'd be pissed. Who is working at dish??? I think there are major management issues and all the good programmers/developers left. I would leave if this was the way my company was operating. Remember the stories about the VPs resigning?

One slipup i can understand, but now its habitual. The only thing they launched without a problem was BINGO TV. If they invested this much into new SD and HD channels (real chans, not bingo tv, porn, QVC clones) I wouldnt be so upset. Ok, rant is over. Bottom line, if dish turns off the nagra-1 stream this year, it will be compromised by the end of the year.
As far as the PPV's go, its not costing DISH anything if those PPV's don't ever get billed since there will never be a record of it.

So if they never bill you for it, they never have to pay the programming provider who produced the PPV movie :)
Uhoh, so what you are saying is E* is illegally distributing the content provider's content??? :yes

I'm sure they're losing their cut of the fee ( the whole $5 or whatever isnt going to the content provider)

ps. there is lots of sarcasm in this post :)
Well, I am glad I belong to this forum. It's now April and I finally got my new smartcard for my 6000. I read the instructions and then turned to the channel with install instructions as well. On the channel it said to replace all the smartcards that need to be replaced and then call to activate so they would all be activated at the same time. I figured they wouldnt change the 811 since it is internal but I thought maybe they forgot to send me a smartcard for my 510. Calling E was no help. The first girl didnt even know they were exchanging cards and the supposed tech girl didnt know what I was talking about and gave me a number to call where "they are trained for the smartcards". Guess what the number was..... the "AUTOMATED" activation number!! Next time I will just head here to get my answer.... Thank you all
My guess is your 510 has the new yellow card, they ar changing out the blue cards for the yellow cards.
SatelliteGAL said:
I read the instructions and then turned to the channel with install instructions as well. On the channel it said...
I tried to tune in Channel 579 but it doesn't show up in my guide on my 6000 or my 811. Fortunately, I just followed the directions on the web site and all went well, so I didn't really need the video, but I wanted to see it anyway.

Oh, and I must be such a moral, upright individual:smug, it never even occured to me to enjoy a bunch of free HD PPV on the old card before swapping.
channel 579

Channel 579 confused the issue. It showed you the two smartcards having the exact same number on them. They apparently stopped doing it that way and write on the sheet the card comes on the old number, the new number and the receiver id number. Of course only people who actually try to follow directions have to worry about it :)
I have a 2700 that I just took off my account and I would like to give it to my brother to activate on his account. Would they send me a yellow card for it if I asked for one so that he wouldn't have to swap it out later?
They probably would not send out the yellow card yet until it was time for the swapout, especially since they do not have all the cards shipped in to do so (from what I have read on one of the boards) and since the CSR's do not know anything about the swapout on some of the receivers if any at all.

Is my 811 dead? It wouldn't turn on...

E* model 2800

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